#include #include #define CHEAT_INVINCIBLE 0 // means Willy unaffected by nasties #define START_LEVEL 0 // level to start on, 0-18 #define CHEAT_OPEN_PORTAL 0 // Portal always open // Game has three controls: LEFT, RIGHT, JUMP. You can map them // to any pins by changing the definitions of PIN_L, PIN_R, PIN_J // below. static int ss; // JCB #if 1 // SPARKFUN_JOYSTICK #define PIN_L 6 #define PIN_R 3 #define PIN_J 4 #else #define PIN_L A2 #define PIN_R A3 #define PIN_J A5 #endif #define CONTROL_LEFT 1 #define CONTROL_RIGHT 2 #define CONTROL_JUMP 4 static byte setup_control() { pinMode(PIN_L, INPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_L, HIGH); pinMode(PIN_R, INPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_R, HIGH); pinMode(PIN_J, INPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_J, HIGH); } static byte control() { byte r = 0; if (!digitalRead(PIN_J)) r |= CONTROL_JUMP; if (!digitalRead(PIN_L)) r |= CONTROL_LEFT; if (!digitalRead(PIN_R)) r |= CONTROL_RIGHT; return r; } #define BLACK RGB(0,0,0) #define RED RGB(255,0,0) #define YELLOW RGB(255,255,0) #define CYAN RGB(0,255,255) #define GREEN RGB(0,255,0) #define MAGENTA RGB(255,0,255) #define WHITE RGB(255,255,255) #define CHR_BORDER 31 // hw char used for all of the border #define CHR_AIR 128 // AIR line // assigned sprite images and sprite numbers #define IMG_ITEM 0 // items 0-4 #define IMG_PORTAL 5 // room exit #define IMG_SWITCH1 6 // the switches for the Kong Beast levels #define IMG_SWITCH2 7 #define IMG_GUARD 8 // All guardians, 8 max #define IMG_NASTY1 16 // Nasty blocks #define IMG_NASTY2 17 #define IMG_WILLYC 56 #define IMG_WILLY 63 #define ELEM_AIR 0 #define ELEM_FLOOR 1 #define ELEM_CRUMBLE 2 #define ELEM_WALL 3 #define ELEM_CONVEYOR 4 #define ELEM_NASTY1 5 #define ELEM_NASTY2 6 #include "manicminer.h" #include "spectrum.h" #include "spectrum_data.h" // title screen #define COLOR(i) (pgm_read_word_near(specpal + (2 * (i)))) #define BRIGHT(x) (((x) & 64) >> 3) #define PAPER(a) ((((a) >> 3) & 7) | BRIGHT(a)) #define INK(a) (((a) & 7) | BRIGHT(a)) // screen coordinate - Spectrum 256x192 screen is centered in Gameduino screen static uint16_t atxy(byte x, byte y) { return RAM_PIC + 64 * (y + 6) + (x + 9); } // unpack 8 monochrome pixels into Gameduino character RAM void unpack8(byte b) { static byte stretch[16] = { 0x00, 0x03, 0x0c, 0x0f, 0x30, 0x33, 0x3c, 0x3f, 0xc0, 0xc3, 0xcc, 0xcf, 0xf0, 0xf3, 0xfc, 0xff }; SPI.transfer(stretch[b >> 4]); SPI.transfer(stretch[b & 15]); } // unpack monochrome bitmap from flash to Gameduino character RAM at dst void unpack8xn(uint16_t dst, PROGMEM prog_uchar *src, uint16_t size) { GD.__wstart(dst); while (size--) unpack8(pgm_read_byte_near(src++)); GD.__end(); } // Load 8x8 1-bit sprite from src into slot (0-63) // zero and one are the two colors void send8(byte b, byte zero, byte one) { for (byte j = 8; j; j--) { SPI.transfer((b & 0x80) ? one : zero); b <<= 1; } } // load an 8x8 into a hw 256-color sprite, padding with transparent (color 255) void loadspr8(byte slot, PROGMEM prog_uchar *src, byte zero, byte one) { GD.__wstart(RAM_SPRIMG + (slot << 8)); for (byte i = 8; i; i--) { send8(pgm_read_byte_near(src++), zero, one); send8(0, 255, 255); } for (byte i = 128; i; i--) SPI.transfer(255); GD.__end(); } // load an 16x16 into a hw 256-color sprite void loadspr16(byte slot, PROGMEM prog_uchar *src, byte zero, byte one) { GD.__wstart(RAM_SPRIMG + (slot << 8)); for (byte i = 32; i; i--) send8(pgm_read_byte_near(src++), zero, one); GD.__end(); } static void sprite(byte spr, byte x, byte y, byte img, byte rot = 0) { GD.sprite(spr, x + 9*8, y + 6*8, img, 0, rot); } static void hide(byte spr) { GD.sprite(spr, 400, 400, 0, 0, 0); } struct guardian { byte a; byte x, y; signed char d; byte x0, x1; byte f; } guards[8]; #define MAXRAY 40 struct state_t { byte level; byte lives; uint32_t score; uint32_t hiscore; byte bidir; byte air; byte conveyordir; byte portalattr; byte nitems; byte wx, wy; // Willy x,y byte wd, wf; // Willy dir and frame byte lastdx; // Willy last x movement byte convey; // Willy caught on conveyor byte jumping; signed char wyv; byte conveyor[2]; PROGMEM prog_uchar *guardian; uint16_t prevray[MAXRAY]; byte switch1, switch2; } state; // All this is taken from // http://jswremakes.emuunlim.com/Mmt/Manic%20Miner%20Room%20Format.htm static void plot_air() { // Starting at CHR_AIR+4, draw a line of n/8 solid, n%8, then 27-(n/8) uint16_t addr = RAM_CHR + (16 * (CHR_AIR + 4)); // line 2 of (CHR_AIR+4) for (byte i = 0; i < 28; i++) { byte v; if (i < (state.air >> 3)) v = 8; else if (i == (state.air >> 3)) v = state.air & 7; else v = 0; unpack8xn(addr + i * 16, airs + (v << 3), 8); } } static void plot_score() { uint32_t n = state.score; GD.__wstart(atxy(26, 19)); SPI.transfer('0' + (n / 100000) % 10); SPI.transfer('0' + (n / 10000) % 10); SPI.transfer('0' + (n / 1000) % 10); SPI.transfer('0' + (n / 100) % 10); SPI.transfer('0' + (n / 10) % 10); SPI.transfer('0' + n % 10); GD.__end(); } static void bump_score(byte n) { if ((state.score < 10000) && (10000 <= (state.score + n ))) state.lives++; state.score += n; plot_score(); } static void pause(byte n) { while (n--) GD.waitvblank(); } static void clear_screen(byte yclear = 16) { // blank out top 16 lines GD.fill(RAM_CHR, 0, 16); GD.wr16(RAM_PAL, BLACK); for (byte y = 0; y < yclear; y++) GD.fill(atxy(0, y), 0, 32); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) hide(i); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) GD.voice(i, 0, 0, 0, 0); pause(6); } static void loadlevel(PROGMEM struct level *l) { clear_screen(); // border GD.wr16(RAM_PAL + 8 * CHR_BORDER, COLOR(pgm_read_byte_near(&l->border))); // background picture: uncompress into scratch then copy to screen prog_uchar *background = (prog_uchar*)pgm_read_word_near(&l->background); uint16_t scratch = 4096 - 512; // offscreen scratch GD.uncompress(scratch, background); for (byte y = 0; y < 16; y++) for (byte x = 0; x < 32; x++) GD.wr(atxy(x, y), GD.rd(scratch + (y << 5) + x)); for (byte y = 16; y < 24; y++) GD.fill(atxy(0, y), ' ', 32); // bg characters unpack8xn(RAM_CHR, l->bgchars, sizeof(l->bgchars)); state.conveyor[0] = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->bgchars[8 * 4 + 0]); state.conveyor[1] = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->bgchars[8 * 4 + 3]); // bg character palettes for (byte c = 0; c < 8; c++) { byte attr = pgm_read_byte_near(l->bgattr + c); GD.wr16(RAM_PAL + 8 * c, COLOR(PAPER(attr))); GD.wr16(RAM_PAL + 8 * c + 6, COLOR(INK(attr))); } // block 2 is the crumbling floor // put the 7 anims of crumbling floor in chars 8-14 GD.fill(RAM_CHR + 16 * 8, 0, 16 * 7); prog_uchar *src = l->bgchars + 2 * 8; for (byte i = 0; i < 7; i++) { byte ch = 8 + i; unpack8xn(RAM_CHR + 16 * ch + 2 * (i + 1), src, 7 - i); byte attr = pgm_read_byte_near(l->bgattr + 2); GD.wr16(RAM_PAL + 8 * ch, COLOR(PAPER(attr))); GD.wr16(RAM_PAL + 8 * ch + 6, COLOR(INK(attr))); } // level name and score line for (byte x = 0; x < 32; x++) { char scoreline[] = "High Score 000000 Score 000000"; GD.wr(atxy(x, 16), 0x80 + pgm_read_byte_near(l->name + x)); GD.wr(atxy(x, 19), scoreline[x]); } plot_score(); // AIR line characters for (byte i = 0; i < 32; i++) GD.wr(atxy(i, 17), CHR_AIR + i); // the items are 5 sprites, using colors 16 up state.nitems = 0; for (byte i = 0; i < 5; i++) { byte x = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->items[i].x); byte y = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->items[i].y); if (x || y) { loadspr8(IMG_ITEM + i, l->item, 255, 16 + i); // items have color 16 up sprite(IMG_ITEM + i, x, y, IMG_ITEM + i); state.nitems++; } else hide(IMG_ITEM + i); } // the portal is a sprite, using colors 32,33 state.portalattr = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->portalattr); loadspr16(IMG_PORTAL, l->portal, 32, 33); byte portalx = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->portalx); byte portaly = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->portaly); sprite(IMG_PORTAL, portalx, portaly, IMG_PORTAL); // use sprites for blocks NASTY1 and NASTY2 byte nc1 = pgm_read_byte_near(l->bgattr + ELEM_NASTY1); byte nc2 = pgm_read_byte_near(l->bgattr + ELEM_NASTY2); loadspr8(IMG_NASTY1, l->bgchars + ELEM_NASTY1 * 8, 255, INK(nc1)); loadspr8(IMG_NASTY2, l->bgchars + ELEM_NASTY2 * 8, 255, INK(nc2)); // now paint sprites over all the NASTY blocks { byte spr = IMG_NASTY1; for (byte y = 0; y < 16; y++) for (byte x = 0; x < 32; x++) { byte blk = GD.rd(atxy(x, y)); if (blk == ELEM_NASTY1) sprite(spr++, x << 3, y << 3, IMG_NASTY1); if (blk == ELEM_NASTY2) sprite(spr++, x << 3, y << 3, IMG_NASTY2); } } // air state.air = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->air); plot_air(); // Conveyor direction state.conveyordir = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->conveyordir); // the hguardians state.bidir = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->bidir); state.guardian = l->guardian; guardian *pg; for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++) { byte a = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->hguard[i].a); guards[i].a = a; if (a) { byte x = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->hguard[i].x); byte y = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->hguard[i].y); guards[i].x = x; guards[i].y = y; guards[i].d = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->hguard[i].d); guards[i].x0 = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->hguard[i].x0); guards[i].x1 = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->hguard[i].x1); guards[i].f = 0; } else { hide(6 + i); } } pg = &guards[4]; // Use slot 4 for special guardians switch (state.level) { // Special level handling case 4: // Eugene's lair pg->a = 0; // prevent normal guardian logic pg->x = 120; pg->y = 0; pg->d = -1; pg->x0 = 0; pg->x1 = 88; loadspr16(IMG_GUARD + 4, eugene, 255, 15); break; case 7: // Miner Willy meets the Kong Beast case 11: // Return of the Alien Kong Beast pg->a = 0; pg->x = 120; pg->y = 0; state.switch1 = 0; loadspr8(IMG_SWITCH1, lightswitch, 0, 6); sprite(IMG_SWITCH1, 48, 0, IMG_SWITCH1); state.switch2 = 0; loadspr8(IMG_SWITCH2, lightswitch, 0, 6); sprite(IMG_SWITCH2, 144, 0, IMG_SWITCH2); break; } for (byte i = 0; i < MAXRAY; i++) state.prevray[i] = 4095; // Willy state.wx = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->wx); state.wy = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->wy); state.wf = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->wf); state.wd = pgm_read_byte_near(&l->wd); state.jumping = 0; state.convey = 0; state.wyv = 0; } static byte rol8(byte b, byte d) // 8-bit byte rotate left { d &= 7; return ((b << d) | (b >> (8 - d))) & 0xff; } void setup() { GD.begin(); setup_control(); Serial.begin(1000000); // JCB } void game_graphics() { // Load the Spectrum font: regular in 32-127 reverse in 160-255 unpack8xn(RAM_CHR + 16 * ' ', specfont, sizeof(specfont)); unpack8xn(RAM_CHR + 16 * (128 + ' '), specfont, sizeof(specfont)); for (byte i = 32; i < 128; i++) { GD.setpal(4 * i, BLACK); GD.setpal(4 * i + 3, YELLOW); GD.setpal(4 * (128 + i), COLOR(6)); // dark yellow GD.setpal(4 * (128 + i) + 3, BLACK); } // AIR display in 32 chars starting at CHR_AIR unpack8xn(RAM_CHR + 16 * CHR_AIR, specfont + 8 * ('A' - ' '), 8); unpack8xn(RAM_CHR + 16 * (CHR_AIR+1), specfont + 8 * ('I' - ' '), 8); unpack8xn(RAM_CHR + 16 * (CHR_AIR+2), specfont + 8 * ('R' - ' '), 8); for (byte i = 0; i < 32; i++) { uint16_t color = (i < 10) ? RED : GREEN; GD.setpal(4 * (CHR_AIR + i), color); GD.setpal(4 * (CHR_AIR + i) + 3, WHITE); } // Load the Spectrum's palette into PALETTE256A GD.copy(RAM_SPRPAL, specpal, sizeof(specpal)); GD.wr16(RAM_SPRPAL + 2 * 255, TRANSPARENT); // color 255 is transparent // fill screen with char CHR_BORDER GD.fill(RAM_CHR + 16 * CHR_BORDER, 0, 16); GD.fill(RAM_PIC, CHR_BORDER, 64 * 64); // Load Willy in bright cyan and white for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++) { loadspr16(IMG_WILLYC + i, willy + (i << 5), 255, 8 + 5); } } // midi frequency table static PROGMEM prog_uint16_t midifreq[128] = { 32,34,36,38,41,43,46,48,51,55,58,61,65,69,73,77,82,87,92,97,103,110,116,123,130,138,146,155,164,174,184,195,207,220,233,246,261,277,293,311,329,349,369,391,415,440,466,493,523,554,587,622,659,698,739,783,830,880,932,987,1046,1108,1174,1244,1318,1396,1479,1567,1661,1760,1864,1975,2093,2217,2349,2489,2637,2793,2959,3135,3322,3520,3729,3951,4186,4434,4698,4978,5274,5587,5919,6271,6644,7040,7458,7902,8372,8869,9397,9956,10548,11175,11839,12543,13289,14080,14917,15804,16744,17739,18794,19912,21096,22350,23679,25087,26579,28160,29834,31608,33488,35479,37589,39824,42192,44701,47359,50175 }; #define MIDI(n) pgm_read_word(midifreq + (n)) static void squarewave(byte voice, uint16_t f0, byte amp) { GD.voice(8*voice + 0, 0, f0, amp, amp); GD.voice(8*voice + 1, 0, 3 * f0, amp/3, amp/3); GD.voice(8*voice + 2, 0, 5 * f0, amp/5, amp/5); GD.voice(8*voice + 3, 0, 7 * f0, amp/7, amp/7); GD.voice(8*voice + 4, 0, 9 * f0, amp/9, amp/9); GD.voice(8*voice + 5, 0, 11 * f0, amp/11, amp/11); } static void drive_level(byte t); static int title_screen() // returns 1 if player pressed something { for (;;) { display: clear_screen(); GD.fill(0x4000, 0, 6144); // clear emulated Spectrum video RAM GD.uncompress(0x7000, spectrum_tables); // fill screen with char 0x80 for border GD.setpal(4 * 0x80, COLOR(2)); GD.fill(RAM_CHR, 0, 4096); GD.fill(RAM_PIC, 0x80, 4096); // paint the 256x192 window as alternating lines of // chars 0-31 and 32-63 for (byte y = 0; y < 24; y += 2) { for (byte x = 0; x < 32; x++) { GD.wr(atxy(x, y), x); GD.wr(atxy(x, y + 1), 32 + x); } } GD.microcode(spectrum_code, sizeof(spectrum_code)); GD.uncompress(0x4000, screen_mm1); for (prog_uint32_t *tune = blue_danube; (size_t)tune < ((size_t)blue_danube + sizeof(blue_danube)); tune++) { uint32_t cmd = pgm_read_dword_near(tune); for (int t = 60 * (cmd >> 28); t; t--) { delay(1); if (control()) goto escape; } byte n0 = 127 & (cmd >> 21); byte a0 = 127 & (cmd >> 14); byte n1 = 127 & (cmd >> 7); byte a1 = 127 & cmd; squarewave(0, MIDI(n0), a0 >> 1); squarewave(1, MIDI(n1), a1 >> 1); GD.setpal(4 * 0x80, COLOR((n1 ^ n0) & 7)); } GD.setpal(4 * 0x80, COLOR(7)); // GD.screenshot(ss++); // JCB for (byte i = 0; i < ((sizeof(message) - 1) - 32); i++) { prog_uchar *src = message + i; for (byte j = 0; j < 32; j++) { byte ch = pgm_read_byte_near(src + j); prog_uchar *glyph = specfont + ((ch - ' ') << 3); for (byte k = 0; k < 8; k++) GD.wr(0x5060 + j + (k << 8), pgm_read_byte_near(glyph++)); } for (byte t = 80; t; t--) { delay(1); if (control()) goto escape; } } GD.wr(J1_RESET, 1); // stop coprocessor clear_screen(24); game_graphics(); for (state.level = 0; state.level < 19; state.level++) { loadlevel(&levels[state.level]); for (byte t = 0; t < 128; t++) { drive_level(t); GD.waitvblank(); if (control()) goto display; } } } escape: GD.wr(J1_RESET, 1); // stop coprocessor clear_screen(24); game_graphics(); } static void game_over() { clear_screen(); // Willy loadspr16(0, willy, 255, 8 + 7); sprite(0, 124, 128 - 32, 0); // plinth loadspr16(2, plinth, 255, 8 + 7); sprite(2, 120, 128 - 16, 2); // Boot loadspr16(1, boot, 255, 8 + 7); loadspr16(3, boot, 255, 8 + 7); // sprite 3 is top 2 lines of boot // erase the bottom 14 lines of boot GD.fill(RAM_SPRIMG + 3 * 256 + 2 * 16, 255, 14 * 16); for (byte i = 0; i <= 48; i++) { sprite(1, 120, 2 * i, 1); // boot in sprite 1 sprite(3 + i, 120, 2 * i, 3); // leg in sprites 3,4, etc if (41 <= i) // erase Willy as boot covers him GD.fill(RAM_SPRIMG + 32 * (i - 41), 255, 32); if ((i & 1) == 0) GD.wr16(RAM_PAL, COLOR(random(7))); squarewave(0, 400 + 4 * i, 150); pause(2); } GD.wr16(RAM_PAL, BLACK); squarewave(0, 0, 0); // "Game Over" text in sprite images 16-23, color 16-23 char msg[] = "GameOver"; for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++) loadspr8(16 + i, specfont + (msg[i] - 32) * 8, 255, 16 + i); for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sprite(100 + i, 80 + i * 8, 48, 16 + i); sprite(104 + i, 140 + i * 8, 48, 20 + i); } for (byte t = 120; t; t--) { for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++) GD.wr16(RAM_SPRPAL + (16 + i) * 2, COLOR(9 + random(7))); pause(2); } clear_screen(); } // crumble block at s, which is the sequence // 2->8->9->10->11->12->13->14->0 static void crumble(uint16_t s) { byte r = GD.rd(s); signed char nexts[] = { -1, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 0 }; if (r < sizeof(nexts) && nexts[r] != -1) GD.wr(s, nexts[r]); } // is it legal for willy to be at (x,y) static int canbe(byte x, byte y) { uint16_t addr = atxy(x / 8, y / 8); return (GD.rd(addr) != ELEM_WALL) && (GD.rd(addr+1) != ELEM_WALL) && (GD.rd(addr+64) != ELEM_WALL) && (GD.rd(addr+65) != ELEM_WALL); } // is Willy standing in a solar ray? static int inray(byte x, byte y) { uint16_t addr = atxy(x / 8, y / 8); return (GD.rd(addr) > 0x80 ) || (GD.rd(addr+1) > 0x80) || (GD.rd(addr+64) > 0x80) || (GD.rd(addr+65) > 0x80); } static void drive_level(byte t) { uint16_t freq = 133955L / pgm_read_byte_near(music1 + ((t >> 1) & 63)); GD.waitvblank(); squarewave(0, freq, 128); GD.waitvblank(); squarewave(0, freq, 0); GD.waitvblank(); GD.waitvblank(); guardian *pg; for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pg = &guards[i]; if (pg->a) { byte vertical = (i >= 4); byte frame; switch (state.level) { case 13: // Skylabs if (pg->y != pg->x1) { pg->f = 0; pg->y += pg->d; } else { pg->f++; } if (pg->f == 8) { pg->f = 0; pg->x += 64; pg->y = pg->x0; } loadspr16(IMG_GUARD + i, state.guardian + (pg->f << 5), 255, INK(pg->a)); sprite(IMG_GUARD + i, pg->x, pg->y, IMG_GUARD + i); break; default: if (state.bidir) frame = (t & 3) ^ (pg->d ? 7 : 0); else if (vertical) frame = t & 3; else frame = 4 + (t & 3) ^ (pg->d ? 3 : 0); loadspr16(IMG_GUARD + i, state.guardian + (frame << 5), 255, INK(pg->a)); sprite(IMG_GUARD + i, pg->x, pg->y, IMG_GUARD + i); if (!vertical) { if ((t & 3) == 3) { if (pg->x == pg->x0 && pg->d) pg->d = 0; else if (pg->x == pg->x1 && !pg->d) pg->d = 1; else pg->x += pg->d ? -8 : 8; } } else { if (pg->y <= pg->x0 && pg->d < 0) pg->d = -pg->d; else if (pg->y >= pg->x1 && pg->d > 0) pg->d = -pg->d; else pg->y += pg->d; } } } } pg = &guards[4]; switch (state.level) { // Special level handling case 4: // Eugene's lair sprite(IMG_GUARD + 4, pg->x, pg->y, IMG_GUARD + 4); if (pg->y == pg->x0 && pg->d < 0) pg->d = 1; if (pg->y == pg->x1 && pg->d > 0) pg->d = -1; if (state.nitems == 0) { // all collected -> descend and camp if (pg->d == -1) pg->d = 1; if (pg->y == pg->x1) pg->d = 0; } pg->y += pg->d; break; case 7: // Miner Willy meets the Kong Beast case 11: // Return of the Alien Kong Beast byte frame, color; if (!state.switch2) { frame = (t >> 3) & 1; color = 8 + 4; } else { frame = 2 + ((t >> 1) & 1); color = 8 + 6; if (pg->y < 104) { pg->y += 4; bump_score(100); } } if (pg->y != 104) { loadspr16(IMG_GUARD + 4, state.guardian + (frame << 5), 255, color); sprite(IMG_GUARD + 4, pg->x, pg->y, IMG_GUARD + 4); } else { hide(IMG_GUARD + 4); } } // Animate conveyors: signed char convt = state.conveyordir ? t : -t; GD.__wstart(RAM_CHR + 4 * 16 + 2 * 0); // character 4 line 0 unpack8(rol8(state.conveyor[0], convt)); GD.__end(); GD.__wstart(RAM_CHR + 4 * 16 + 2 * 3); // character 4 line 3 unpack8(rol8(state.conveyor[0], -convt)); GD.__end(); // Solar rays if (state.level == 18) { // Draw new ray, turning 0x00 to 0x80 byte sx = 23; byte sy = 0; byte sd = 0; // down byte ri; // ray index for (ri = 0; ri < MAXRAY; ri++) { uint16_t a = atxy(sx, sy); if (state.prevray[ri] != a) { GD.wr(state.prevray[ri], 0); if (GD.rd(a) != 0) break; // absorbed GD.wr(a, 0x80 + ' '); state.prevray[ri] = a; } for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++) if (guards[i].a && (guards[i].x >> 3) == sx && (guards[i].y >> 3) == sy) sd ^= 1; if (sd == 0) sy++; else sx--; } while (ri < MAXRAY) { GD.wr(state.prevray[ri], 0); state.prevray[ri++] = 4095; } } // animate item colors starting at 16 uint16_t colors[4] = { MAGENTA, YELLOW, CYAN, GREEN }; for (byte i = 0; i < 5; i++) GD.wr16(RAM_SPRPAL + 2 * (i + 16), colors[(i + t) & 3]); // when all items collected, // flash portal in colors 32,33 - the thing the Spectrum *can* do in hardware byte flip = (t >> 3) & (CHEAT_OPEN_PORTAL || state.nitems == 0); GD.wr16(RAM_SPRPAL + 2 * (32 ^ flip), COLOR(PAPER(state.portalattr))); GD.wr16(RAM_SPRPAL + 2 * (33 ^ flip), COLOR(INK(state.portalattr))); // animated lives count, draw up to seven for (byte i = 0; i < 7; i++) if (i < (state.lives - 1)) sprite(IMG_WILLYC + i, i << 4, 168, IMG_WILLYC + ((t >> 2) & 3)); else hide(IMG_WILLYC + i); GD.waitvblank(); } // play a complete game void loop() { title_screen(); game_graphics(); state.level = START_LEVEL; state.score = 0; for (state.lives = 3; state.lives; state.lives--) { loadlevel(&levels[state.level]); // state.wy = 16; byte alive = 1; byte t = 0; while (alive) { drive_level(t); // Willy draw byte frame = state.wf ^ (state.wd ? 7 : 0); loadspr16(IMG_WILLY, willy + (frame << 5), 255, 8 + 7); sprite(IMG_WILLY, state.wx, state.wy, IMG_WILLY); // Willy movement // See http://www.seasip.demon.co.uk/Jsw/manic.mac // and http://jetsetwilly.jodi.org/poke.html byte con = control(); byte ychanged = 0; // if Y block changes must check for landing later if (state.jumping) { #define JUMP_APEX 9 #define JUMP_FALL 11 // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 signed char moves[] = { -4, -4, -3, -3, -2, -2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 }; byte index = min(sizeof(moves) - 1, state.jumping - 1); byte newy = state.wy + moves[index]; state.jumping++; if (canbe(state.wx, newy)) { ychanged = (state.wy >> 3) != (newy >> 3); state.wy = newy; } else { state.jumping = max(state.jumping, JUMP_FALL); // halt ascent ychanged = 1; } } uint16_t feet_addr = atxy(state.wx >> 3, (state.wy + 16) >> 3); byte elem0 = GD.rd(feet_addr); byte elem1 = GD.rd(feet_addr + 1); byte elem = ((1 <= elem0) && (elem0 <= 31)) ? elem0 : elem1; byte dx = 0xff; byte first_jump = (con & CONTROL_JUMP) && state.lastdx == 0xff; if (state.jumping) { dx = state.lastdx; } else if (!first_jump && (elem == ELEM_CONVEYOR) && (state.wd == state.conveyordir)) { dx = state.conveyordir; } else { if (con & CONTROL_RIGHT) { if (state.wd != 0) { state.wf ^= 3; state.wd = 0; } else { dx = 0; } } else if (con & CONTROL_LEFT) { if (state.wd == 0) { state.wf ^= 3; state.wd = 1; } else { dx = 1; } } } if (dx != 0xff) { if (state.wf != 3) state.wf++; else { byte newx = state.wx + (dx ? -8 : 8); if (canbe(newx, state.wy)) { state.wf = 0; state.wx = newx; } } } state.lastdx = dx; if ((elem == ELEM_CONVEYOR) && (dx == 0xff) && !state.jumping) state.wd = state.conveyordir; if (!state.jumping && (con & CONTROL_JUMP)) { if (canbe(state.wx, state.wy - 3)) { state.jumping = 1; state.wy -= 0; } } byte onground = ((1 <= elem) && (elem <= 4)) || ((7 <= elem) && (elem <= 16)); if (state.jumping) { if ((JUMP_APEX <= state.jumping) && ychanged && onground) { state.jumping = 0; state.wy &= ~7; } if (state.jumping >= 16) // stop x movement late in the jump state.lastdx = 0xff; } else { if (!onground) { // nothing to stand on, start falling state.jumping = JUMP_FALL; state.lastdx = 0xff; } } if (!state.jumping) { crumble(feet_addr); crumble(feet_addr + 1); } if (((t & 7) == 0) || ((state.level == 18) && inray(state.wx, state.wy))) { state.air--; plot_air(); if (state.air == 0) { alive = 0; } } GD.waitvblank(); // let the screen display, then check for collisions byte coll = GD.rd(COLLISION + IMG_WILLY); if (coll <= (IMG_ITEM + 4)) { bump_score(100); hide(coll - IMG_ITEM); --state.nitems; } else if (coll == IMG_PORTAL) { if (CHEAT_OPEN_PORTAL || state.nitems == 0) { while (state.air) { squarewave(0, 800 + 2 * state.air, 100); state.air--; plot_air(); bump_score(7); GD.waitvblank(); } state.level = (state.level + 1) % 18; loadlevel(&levels[state.level]); } } else if (coll == IMG_SWITCH1) { if (!state.switch1) { state.switch1 = 1; sprite(IMG_SWITCH1, 48 - 8, 0, IMG_SWITCH1, 2); GD.wr(atxy(17, 11), 0); GD.wr(atxy(17, 12), 0); } } else if (coll == IMG_SWITCH2) { if (coll == IMG_SWITCH2) { state.switch2 = 1; sprite(IMG_SWITCH2, 144 - 8, 0, IMG_SWITCH2, 2); GD.wr(atxy(15, 2), 0); GD.wr(atxy(16, 2), 0); } } else if (coll != 0xff && !CHEAT_INVINCIBLE) { alive = 0; } t++; } // player died clear_screen(); } game_over(); }