#include #include #include "chopper.h" #include "splitscreen.h" class Controller { public: void begin() { pinMode(3, INPUT); digitalWrite(3, HIGH); } byte read() { return (!digitalRead(3)); } }; static Controller Control; int atxy(int x, int y) { return (y << 6) + x; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // 7-segment display // copy a (w,h) rectangle from the source image (x,y) into picture RAM static void rect(unsigned int dst, byte x, byte y, byte w, byte h) { prog_uchar *src = desert_pic + (16 * y) + x; while (h--) { GD.copy(dst, src, w); dst += 64; src += 16; } } static void digit(uint16_t dst, byte d) { byte sx = 3 * (d % 5); byte sy = (d < 5) ? 32 : 36; rect(dst, sx, sy, 3, 4); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- static void map(uint16_t dst, uint16_t src) { src &= 2047; int y = pgm_read_byte_near(roof + src); byte b; b = 0; while (y > -16) { draw_blocks(dst, y, b++, 4); y -= 16; } y = 256 - pgm_read_byte_near(foot + src); b = 0; while (y < 256) { draw_blocks(dst, y, b++, 0); y += 16; } } static void waitpress() { delay(200); while (!Control.read()) ; delay(200); } void setup() { pinMode(6, INPUT); Control.begin(); GD.begin(); Serial.begin(1000000); // JCB GD.copy(PALETTE16A, chopper_palette, sizeof(chopper_palette)); GD.copy(PALETTE16B, blocks_palette, sizeof(blocks_palette)); GD.uncompress(RAM_SPRIMG, chopper_compressed); GD.uncompress(RAM_CHR, desert_chr_compressed); GD.uncompress(RAM_PAL, desert_pal_compressed); { prog_uchar *src = desert_pic; for (byte y = 0; y < 32; y++) { for (byte x = 0; x < 64; x += 16) GD.copy(atxy(x, y), src, 16); src += 16; } } byte blank = pgm_read_byte_near(desert_pic + (16 * 32)); GD.fill(atxy(0,32), blank, 8 * 64); GD.microcode(splitscreen_code, sizeof(splitscreen_code)); GD.wr16(COMM+0, 0); // far SCROLL_X GD.wr16(COMM+2, 0); GD.wr16(COMM+4, 120); // split at line 120 GD.wr16(COMM+6, 0); // near SCROLL_X GD.wr16(COMM+8, 0); GD.wr16(COMM+10, 256); // turn sprites off at line 256 GD.wr16(COMM+12, 0); GD.wr16(COMM+14, 0x8000 | 0); } void loop() { uint16_t f = 0 << 4; int y = 100 << 4; int yv = 0; byte dying = 0; char msg[6]; while (dying < (3 * 72) || !Control.read()) { byte frame = (f & 1); if (Control.read()) yv -= 3; yv++; // gravity if (!dying) y += yv; int x; if (!dying) x = f; int yp = y >> 4; GD.__wstartspr((frame ? 256 : 0)); { int xm = (x >> 4); int xb = -(x & 15); for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { map(xb + (i << 4), xm + i); } sprintf(msg, "%04d", xm); } while (GD.spr != 248) GD.xhide(); GD.__end(); GD.__wstartspr((frame ? 256 : 0) + 248); if (!dying) { byte bf = min(max(0, yv >> 2), 3); draw_chopper(100, y >> 4, (2 * bf) + ((f >> 2) & 1), 0); // if ((yp < 16) || (268 < yp)) // dying = 1; } else { draw_dead(100, yp, (~(f >> 2) & 3), 0); byte ef = dying >> 3; if (ef < 8) draw_explode(100, yp, ef, 0); dying = min((3 * 72), dying + 1); } while (GD.spr != 8) GD.xhide(); GD.__end(); GD.waitvblank(); if (!dying && f > 0) { GD.__start(COLLISION + 248); for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++) { byte c = SPI.transfer(0); // c is the colliding sprite number if (c != 0xff) { dying = 1; } } GD.__end(); } GD.wr16(COMM+0, x >> 2); // far SCROLL_X GD.wr16(COMM+6, x >> 1); // near SCROLL_X GD.wr(SPR_PAGE, frame); if (dying) { byte v = max(0, 255 - dying * 6); GD.voice(0, 0, 220, v, v); GD.voice(1, 1, 220/8, v/2, v/2); } else { GD.voice(0, 0, 6 * 4000, 190, 0); GD.voice(0, 1, (f & 7) << 4, 0, 190); } digit(atxy(19, 32), msg[0] - '0'); digit(atxy(22, 32), msg[1] - '0'); digit(atxy(25, 32), msg[2] - '0'); digit(atxy(28, 32), msg[3] - '0'); f++; } }