/* * Copyright (c) 2011 by James Bowman * Gameduino library for arduino. * */ #ifdef BOARD_maple #include "wirish.h" HardwareSPI SPI(1); #include "GD.h" #else #include "Arduino.h" #include #include #include #endif GDClass GD; void GDClass::begin() { delay(250); // give Gameduino time to boot pinMode(SS_PIN, OUTPUT); #ifdef BOARD_maple SPI.begin(SPI_4_5MHZ, MSBFIRST, 0); #else SPI.begin(); SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV2); SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST); SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0); SPSR = (1 << SPI2X); #endif digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH); GD.wr(J1_RESET, 1); // HALT coprocessor __wstart(RAM_SPR); // Hide all sprites for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) GD.xhide(); __end(); fill(RAM_PIC, 0, 1024 * 10); // Zero all character RAM fill(RAM_SPRPAL, 0, 2048); // Sprite palletes black fill(RAM_SPRIMG, 0, 64 * 256); // Clear all sprite data fill(VOICES, 0, 256); // Silence fill(PALETTE16A, 0, 128); // Black 16-, 4-palletes and COMM GD.wr16(SCROLL_X, 0); GD.wr16(SCROLL_Y, 0); GD.wr(JK_MODE, 0); GD.wr(SPR_DISABLE, 0); GD.wr(SPR_PAGE, 0); GD.wr(IOMODE, 0); GD.wr16(BG_COLOR, 0); GD.wr16(SAMPLE_L, 0); GD.wr16(SAMPLE_R, 0); GD.wr16(SCREENSHOT_Y, 0); GD.wr(MODULATOR, 64); } void GDClass::end() { } void GDClass::__start(unsigned int addr) // start an SPI transaction to addr { digitalWrite(SS_PIN, LOW); SPI.transfer(highByte(addr)); SPI.transfer(lowByte(addr)); } void GDClass::__wstart(unsigned int addr) // start an SPI write transaction to addr { __start(0x8000|addr); } void GDClass::__wstartspr(unsigned int sprnum) { __start((0x8000 | RAM_SPR) + (sprnum << 2)); spr = 0; } void GDClass::__end() // end the SPI transaction { digitalWrite(SS_PIN, HIGH); } byte GDClass::rd(unsigned int addr) { __start(addr); byte r = SPI.transfer(0); __end(); return r; } void GDClass::wr(unsigned int addr, byte v) { __wstart(addr); SPI.transfer(v); __end(); } unsigned int GDClass::rd16(unsigned int addr) { unsigned int r; __start(addr); r = SPI.transfer(0); r |= (SPI.transfer(0) << 8); __end(); return r; } void GDClass::wr16(unsigned int addr, unsigned int v) { __wstart(addr); SPI.transfer(lowByte(v)); SPI.transfer(highByte(v)); __end(); } void GDClass::fill(int addr, byte v, unsigned int count) { __wstart(addr); while (count--) SPI.transfer(v); __end(); } void GDClass::copy(unsigned int addr, flash_uint8_t *src, int count) { __wstart(addr); while (count--) { SPI.transfer(pgm_read_byte_near(src)); src++; } __end(); } #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) void GDClass::copy(unsigned int addr, uint_farptr_t src, int count) { __wstart(addr); while (count--) { SPI.transfer(pgm_read_byte_far(src)); src++; } __end(); } #endif void GDClass::microcode(flash_uint8_t *src, int count) { wr(J1_RESET, 1); copy(J1_CODE, src, count); wr(J1_RESET, 0); } #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) void GDClass::microcode(uint_farptr_t src, int count) { wr(J1_RESET, 1); copy(J1_CODE, src, count); wr(J1_RESET, 0); } #endif void GDClass::setpal(int pal, unsigned int rgb) { wr16(RAM_PAL + (pal << 1), rgb); } void GDClass::sprite(int spr, int x, int y, byte image, byte palette, byte rot, byte jk) { __wstart(RAM_SPR + (spr << 2)); SPI.transfer(lowByte(x)); SPI.transfer((palette << 4) | (rot << 1) | (highByte(x) & 1)); SPI.transfer(lowByte(y)); SPI.transfer((jk << 7) | (image << 1) | (highByte(y) & 1)); __end(); } void GDClass::xsprite(int ox, int oy, char x, char y, byte image, byte palette, byte rot, byte jk) { if (rot & 2) x = -16-x; if (rot & 4) y = -16-y; if (rot & 1) { int s; s = x; x = y; y = s; } ox += x; oy += y; SPI.transfer(lowByte(ox)); SPI.transfer((palette << 4) | (rot << 1) | (highByte(ox) & 1)); SPI.transfer(lowByte(oy)); SPI.transfer((jk << 7) | (image << 1) | (highByte(oy) & 1)); spr++; } void GDClass::xhide() { SPI.transfer(lowByte(400)); SPI.transfer(highByte(400)); SPI.transfer(lowByte(400)); SPI.transfer(highByte(400)); spr++; } void GDClass::plots(int ox, int oy, const PROGMEM sprplot *psp, byte count, byte rot, byte jk) { while (count--) { struct sprplot sp; memcpy_P((void*)&sp, psp++, sizeof(sp)); GD.xsprite(ox, oy, sp.x, sp.y, sp.image, sp.palette, rot, jk); } } void GDClass::sprite2x2(int spr, int x, int y, byte image, byte palette, byte rot, byte jk) { __wstart(0x3000 + (spr << 2)); GD.xsprite(x, y, -16, -16, image + 0, palette, rot, jk); GD.xsprite(x, y, 0, -16, image + 1, palette, rot, jk); GD.xsprite(x, y, -16, 0, image + 2, palette, rot, jk); GD.xsprite(x, y, 0, 0, image + 3, palette, rot, jk); __end(); } void GDClass::waitvblank() { // Wait for the VLANK to go from 0 to 1: this is the start // of the vertical blanking interval. while (rd(VBLANK) == 1) ; while (rd(VBLANK) == 0) ; } /* Fixed ascii font, useful for debug */ #include "font8x8.h" static byte stretch[16] = { 0x00, 0x03, 0x0c, 0x0f, 0x30, 0x33, 0x3c, 0x3f, 0xc0, 0xc3, 0xcc, 0xcf, 0xf0, 0xf3, 0xfc, 0xff }; void GDClass::ascii() { long i; for (i = 0; i < 768; i++) { #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) byte b = pgm_read_byte_far(GET_FAR_ADDRESS(font8x8) + i); #else byte b = pgm_read_byte(font8x8 + i); #endif byte h = stretch[b >> 4]; byte l = stretch[b & 0xf]; GD.wr(0x1000 + (16 * ' ') + (2 * i), h); GD.wr(0x1000 + (16 * ' ') + (2 * i) + 1, l); } for (i = 0x20; i < 0x80; i++) { GD.setpal(4 * i + 0, TRANSPARENT); GD.setpal(4 * i + 3, RGB(255,255,255)); } GD.fill(RAM_PIC, ' ', 4096); } void GDClass::putstr(int x, int y, const char *s) { GD.__wstart((y << 6) + x); while (*s) SPI.transfer(*s++); GD.__end(); } void GDClass::voice(int v, byte wave, unsigned int freq, byte lamp, byte ramp) { __wstart(VOICES + (v << 2)); SPI.transfer(lowByte(freq)); SPI.transfer(highByte(freq) | (wave << 7)); SPI.transfer(lamp); SPI.transfer(ramp); __end(); } void GDClass::screenshot(unsigned int frame) { int yy, xx; byte undone[38]; // 300-long bitmap of lines pending // initialize to 300 ones memset(undone, 0xff, 37); undone[37] = 0xf; int nundone = 300; Serial.write(0xa5); // sync byte Serial.write(lowByte(frame)); Serial.write(highByte(frame)); while (nundone) { // find a pending line a short distance ahead of the raster int hwline = GD.rd16(SCREENSHOT_Y) & 0x1ff; for (yy = (hwline + 7) % 300; ((undone[yy>>3] >> (yy&7)) & 1) == 0; yy = (yy + 1) % 300) ; GD.wr16(SCREENSHOT_Y, 0x8000 | yy); // ask for it // housekeeping while waiting: mark line done and send yy undone[yy>>3] ^= (1 << (yy&7)); nundone--; Serial.write(lowByte(yy)); Serial.write(highByte(yy)); while ((GD.rd(SCREENSHOT_Y + 1) & 0x80) == 0) ; // Now send the line, compressing zero pixels uint16_t zeroes = 0; for (xx = 0; xx < 800; xx += 2) { uint16_t v = GD.rd16(SCREENSHOT + xx); if (v == 0) { zeroes++; } else { if (zeroes) { Serial.write(lowByte(zeroes)); Serial.write(0x80 | highByte(zeroes)); zeroes = 0; } Serial.write(lowByte(v)); Serial.write(highByte(v)); } } if (zeroes) { Serial.write(lowByte(zeroes)); Serial.write(0x80 | highByte(zeroes)); } } GD.wr16(SCREENSHOT_Y, 0); // restore screen to normal } // near ptr version class GDflashbits { public: void begin(flash_uint8_t *s) { src = s; mask = 0x01; } byte get1(void) { byte r = (pgm_read_byte_near(src) & mask) != 0; mask <<= 1; if (!mask) { mask = 1; src++; } return r; } unsigned short getn(byte n) { unsigned short r = 0; while (n--) { r <<= 1; r |= get1(); } return r; } private: flash_uint8_t *src; byte mask; }; static GDflashbits GDFB; void GDClass::uncompress(unsigned int addr, flash_uint8_t *src) { GDFB.begin(src); byte b_off = GDFB.getn(4); byte b_len = GDFB.getn(4); byte minlen = GDFB.getn(2); unsigned short items = GDFB.getn(16); while (items--) { if (GDFB.get1() == 0) { GD.wr(addr++, GDFB.getn(8)); } else { int offset = -GDFB.getn(b_off) - 1; int l = GDFB.getn(b_len) + minlen; while (l--) { GD.wr(addr, GD.rd(addr + offset)); addr++; } } } } #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) // far ptr version class GDflashbitsF { public: void begin(uint_farptr_t s) { src = s; mask = 0x01; } byte get1(void) { byte r = (pgm_read_byte_far(src) & mask) != 0; mask <<= 1; if (!mask) { mask = 1; src++; } return r; } unsigned short getn(byte n) { unsigned short r = 0; while (n--) { r <<= 1; r |= get1(); } return r; } private: uint_farptr_t src; byte mask; }; static GDflashbitsF GDFBF; void GDClass::uncompress(unsigned int addr, uint_farptr_t src) { GDFBF.begin(src); byte b_off = GDFBF.getn(4); byte b_len = GDFBF.getn(4); byte minlen = GDFBF.getn(2); unsigned short items = GDFBF.getn(16); while (items--) { if (GDFBF.get1() == 0) { GD.wr(addr++, GDFBF.getn(8)); } else { int offset = -GDFBF.getn(b_off) - 1; int l = GDFBF.getn(b_len) + minlen; while (l--) { GD.wr(addr, GD.rd(addr + offset)); addr++; } } } } #endif