#include #include #include // mkdir #include #include "kgsdk/Framework.h" #include "kgsdk/Framework2D.h" #include "kgsdk/FrameworkAudio.h" #include "../common/emu.h" #include "../common/arm_utils.h" #include "../common/config.h" #include "../libpicofe/lprintf.h" #include "emu.h" #include "menu.h" #include "giz.h" #include "asm_utils.h" #include #ifdef BENCHMARK #define OSD_FPS_X 220 #else #define OSD_FPS_X 260 #endif // main 300K gfx-related buffer. Used by menu and renderers. unsigned char gfx_buffer[321*240*2*2]; static short *snd_cbuff = NULL; static int snd_cbuf_samples = 0, snd_all_samples = 0; static void blit(const char *fps, const char *notice); static void clearArea(int full); int plat_get_root_dir(char *dst, int len) { if (len > 0) *dst = 0; return 0; } static void emu_msg_cb(const char *msg) { if (giz_screen != NULL) fb_unlock(); giz_screen = fb_lock(1); memset32((int *)((char *)giz_screen + 321*232*2), 0, 321*8*2/4); emu_text_out16(4, 232, msg); noticeMsgTime = GetTickCount() - 2000; /* assumption: emu_msg_cb gets called only when something slow is about to happen */ reset_timing = 1; fb_unlock(); giz_screen = fb_lock((currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x8000) ? 0 : 1); } void emu_stateCb(const char *str) { if (giz_screen != NULL) fb_unlock(); giz_screen = fb_lock(1); clearArea(0); blit("", str); fb_unlock(); giz_screen = NULL; Sleep(0); /* yield the CPU, the system may need it */ } void pemu_prep_defconfig(void) { defaultConfig.s_PsndRate = 22050; defaultConfig.s_PicoCDBuffers = 0; defaultConfig.KeyBinds[ 2] = 1<<0; // SACB RLDU defaultConfig.KeyBinds[ 3] = 1<<1; defaultConfig.KeyBinds[ 0] = 1<<2; defaultConfig.KeyBinds[ 1] = 1<<3; defaultConfig.KeyBinds[ 5] = 1<<4; defaultConfig.KeyBinds[ 6] = 1<<5; defaultConfig.KeyBinds[ 7] = 1<<6; defaultConfig.KeyBinds[ 4] = 1<<7; defaultConfig.KeyBinds[13] = 1<<26; // switch rend defaultConfig.KeyBinds[ 8] = 1<<27; // save state defaultConfig.KeyBinds[ 9] = 1<<28; // load state defaultConfig.KeyBinds[12] = 1<<29; // vol up defaultConfig.KeyBinds[11] = 1<<30; // vol down defaultConfig.scaling = 0; } static int EmuScanBegin16(unsigned int num) { Pico.est.DrawLineDest = (unsigned short *) giz_screen + 321 * num; if ((currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x4000) && (num&1) == 0) // (Pico.m.frame_count&1)) return 1; // skip next line return 0; } static int EmuScanBegin8(unsigned int num) { // draw like the fast renderer Pico.est.HighCol = gfx_buffer + 328 * num; return 0; } static void osd_text(int x, int y, const char *text) { int len = strlen(text) * 8 / 2; int *p, h; for (h = 0; h < 8; h++) { p = (int *) ((unsigned short *) giz_screen+x+321*(y+h)); p = (int *) ((int)p & ~3); // align memset32(p, 0, len); } emu_text_out16(x, y, text); } static void cd_leds(void) { static int old_reg = 0; unsigned int col_g, col_r, *p; if (!((Pico_mcd->s68k_regs[0] ^ old_reg) & 3)) return; // no change old_reg = Pico_mcd->s68k_regs[0]; p = (unsigned int *)((short *)giz_screen + 321*2+4+2); col_g = (old_reg & 2) ? 0x06000600 : 0; col_r = (old_reg & 1) ? 0xc000c000 : 0; *p++ = col_g; *p++ = col_g; p+=2; *p++ = col_r; *p++ = col_r; p += 321/2 - 12/2 + 1; *p++ = col_g; p+=3; *p++ = col_r; p += 321/2 - 10/2; *p++ = col_g; *p++ = col_g; p+=2; *p++ = col_r; *p++ = col_r; } static short localPal[0x100]; static void blit(const char *fps, const char *notice) { int emu_opt = currentConfig.EmuOpt; if (PicoIn.opt&0x10) { int lines_flags = 224; // 8bit fast renderer if (Pico.m.dirtyPal) { Pico.m.dirtyPal = 0; vidConvCpyRGB565(localPal, Pico.cram, 0x40); } // a hack for VR if (PicoIn.AHW & PAHW_SVP) memset((int *)(Pico.est.Draw2FB+328*8+328*223), 0xe0e0e0e0, 328*4); if (!(Pico.video.reg[12]&1)) lines_flags|=0x10000; if (currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x4000) lines_flags|=0x40000; // (Pico.m.frame_count&1)?0x20000:0x40000; vidCpy8to16((unsigned short *)giz_screen+321*8, Pico.est.Draw2FB+328*8, localPal, lines_flags); } else if (!(emu_opt&0x80)) { int lines_flags; // 8bit accurate renderer if (Pico.m.dirtyPal) { if (Pico.m.dirtyPal == 2) Pico.m.dirtyPal = 0; /* no support switch (Pico.est.SonicPalCount) { case 3: vidConvCpyRGB565(localPal+0xc0, Pico.est.SonicPal+0xc0, 0x40); case 2: vidConvCpyRGB565(localPal+0x80, Pico.est.SonicPal+0x80, 0x40); case 1: vidConvCpyRGB565(localPal+0x40, Pico.est.SonicPal+0x40, 0x40); default://vidConvCpyRGB565(localPal, Pico.est.SonicPal, 0x40); } */ vidConvCpyRGB565(localPal, Pico.est.SonicPal, 0x40); if (Pico.video.reg[0xC]&8) { // shadow/hilight mode //vidConvCpyRGB32sh(localPal+0x40, Pico.est.SonicPal, 0x40); //vidConvCpyRGB32hi(localPal+0x80, Pico.est.SonicPal, 0x40); // TODO? memcpy((void *)(localPal+0xc0), (void *)(localPal+0x40), 0x40*2); localPal[0xc0] = 0x0600; localPal[0xd0] = 0xc000; localPal[0xe0] = 0x0000; // reserved pixels for OSD localPal[0xf0] = 0xffff; } } lines_flags = (Pico.video.reg[1]&8) ? 240 : 224; if (!(Pico.video.reg[12]&1)) lines_flags|=0x10000; if (currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x4000) lines_flags|=0x40000; // (Pico.m.frame_count&1)?0x20000:0x40000; vidCpy8to16((unsigned short *)giz_screen+321*8, Pico.est.Draw2FB+328*8, localPal, lines_flags); } if (notice || (emu_opt & 2)) { int h = 232; if (notice) osd_text(4, h, notice); if (emu_opt & 2) osd_text(OSD_FPS_X, h, fps); } if ((emu_opt & 0x400) && (PicoIn.AHW & PAHW_MCD)) cd_leds(); } // clears whole screen or just the notice area (in all buffers) static void clearArea(int full) { if (giz_screen == NULL) giz_screen = fb_lock(1); if (full) memset32(giz_screen, 0, 320*240*2/4); else memset32((int *)((char *)giz_screen + 321*232*2), 0, 321*8*2/4); if (currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x8000) { fb_unlock(); giz_screen = fb_lock(0); if (full) memset32(giz_screen, 0, 320*240*2/4); else memset32((int *)((char *)giz_screen + 321*232*2), 0, 321*8*2/4); } } static void vidResetMode(void) { giz_screen = fb_lock(1); if (PicoIn.opt&0x10) { } else if (currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x80) { PicoDrawSetOutFormat(PDF_RGB555, 0); PicoDrawSetCallbacks(EmuScanBegin16, NULL); } else { PicoDrawSetOutFormat(PDF_NONE, 0); PicoDrawSetCallbacks(EmuScanBegin8, NULL); } if ((PicoIn.opt&0x10) || !(currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x80)) { // setup pal for 8-bit modes localPal[0xc0] = 0x0600; localPal[0xd0] = 0xc000; localPal[0xe0] = 0x0000; // reserved pixels for OSD localPal[0xf0] = 0xffff; } Pico.m.dirtyPal = 1; memset32(giz_screen, 0, 321*240*2/4); if (currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x8000) { fb_unlock(); giz_screen = fb_lock(0); memset32(giz_screen, 0, 321*240*2/4); } fb_unlock(); giz_screen = NULL; } /* #include static void stdbg(const char *fmt, ...) { static int cnt = 0; va_list vl; sprintf(noticeMsg, "%x ", cnt++); va_start(vl, fmt); vsnprintf(noticeMsg+strlen(noticeMsg), sizeof(noticeMsg)-strlen(noticeMsg), fmt, vl); va_end(vl); noticeMsgTime = GetTickCount(); } */ static void updateSound(int len) { snd_all_samples += len / 2; PicoIn.sndOut += len / 2; if (PicoIn.sndOut - snd_cbuff >= snd_cbuf_samples) { //if (PicoIn.sndOut - snd_cbuff != snd_cbuf_samples) // stdbg("snd diff is %i, not %i", PicoIn.sndOut - snd_cbuff, snd_cbuf_samples); PicoIn.sndOut = snd_cbuff; } } static void SkipFrame(void) { PicoIn.skipFrame=1; PicoFrame(); PicoIn.skipFrame=0; } /* forced frame to front buffer */ void pemu_forced_frame(int no_scale, int do_emu) { int po_old = PicoIn.opt; int eo_old = currentConfig.EmuOpt; PicoIn.opt &= ~0x10; PicoIn.opt |= POPT_ACC_SPRITES; if (!no_scale && currentConfig.scaling) PicoIn.opt |= POPT_EN_SOFTSCALE; currentConfig.EmuOpt |= 0x80; if (giz_screen == NULL) giz_screen = fb_lock(1); PicoDrawSetOutFormat(PDF_RGB555, 0); PicoDrawSetCallbacks(EmuScanBegin16, NULL); Pico.m.dirtyPal = 1; PicoFrameDrawOnly(); fb_unlock(); giz_screen = NULL; PicoIn.opt = po_old; currentConfig.EmuOpt = eo_old; } static void RunEvents(unsigned int which) { if (which & 0x1800) // save or load (but not both) { int do_it = 1; if (PicoIn.sndOut != NULL) FrameworkAudio_SetPause(1); if (giz_screen == NULL) giz_screen = fb_lock(1); if ( emu_check_save_file(state_slot) && (( (which & 0x1000) && (currentConfig.EmuOpt & 0x800)) || // load (!(which & 0x1000) && (currentConfig.EmuOpt & 0x200))) ) // save { int keys; blit("", (which & 0x1000) ? "LOAD STATE? (PLAY=yes, STOP=no)" : "OVERWRITE SAVE? (PLAY=yes, STOP=no)"); while( !((keys = Framework_PollGetButtons()) & (PBTN_PLAY|PBTN_STOP)) ) Sleep(50); if (keys & PBTN_STOP) do_it = 0; while( ((keys = Framework_PollGetButtons()) & (PBTN_PLAY|PBTN_STOP)) ) // wait for release Sleep(50); clearArea(0); } if (do_it) { osd_text(4, 232, (which & 0x1000) ? "LOADING GAME" : "SAVING GAME"); PicoStateProgressCB = emu_stateCb; emu_save_load_game((which & 0x1000) >> 12, 0); PicoStateProgressCB = NULL; Sleep(0); } if (PicoIn.sndOut != NULL) FrameworkAudio_SetPause(0); reset_timing = 1; } if (which & 0x0400) // switch renderer { if (PicoIn.opt&0x10) { PicoIn.opt&=~0x10; currentConfig.EmuOpt |= 0x80; } else { PicoIn.opt|= 0x10; currentConfig.EmuOpt &= ~0x80; } vidResetMode(); if (PicoIn.opt&0x10) { strcpy(noticeMsg, " 8bit fast renderer"); } else if (currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x80) { strcpy(noticeMsg, "16bit accurate renderer"); } else { strcpy(noticeMsg, " 8bit accurate renderer"); } noticeMsgTime = GetTickCount(); } if (which & 0x0300) { if(which&0x0200) { state_slot -= 1; if(state_slot < 0) state_slot = 9; } else { state_slot += 1; if(state_slot > 9) state_slot = 0; } sprintf(noticeMsg, "SAVE SLOT %i [%s]", state_slot, emu_check_save_file(state_slot) ? "USED" : "FREE"); noticeMsgTime = GetTickCount(); } } static void updateKeys(void) { unsigned int keys, allActions[2] = { 0, 0 }, events; static unsigned int prevEvents = 0; int i; /* FIXME: port to input fw, merge with emu.c:emu_update_input() */ keys = Framework_PollGetButtons(); if (keys & PBTN_HOME) engineState = PGS_Menu; keys &= CONFIGURABLE_KEYS; PicoIn.pad[0] = allActions[0] & 0xfff; PicoIn.pad[1] = allActions[1] & 0xfff; if (allActions[0] & 0x7000) emu_DoTurbo(&PicoIn.pad[0], allActions[0]); if (allActions[1] & 0x7000) emu_DoTurbo(&PicoIn.pad[1], allActions[1]); events = (allActions[0] | allActions[1]) >> 16; // volume is treated in special way and triggered every frame if ((events & 0x6000) && PicoIn.sndOut != NULL) { int vol = currentConfig.volume; if (events & 0x2000) { if (vol < 100) vol++; } else { if (vol > 0) vol--; } FrameworkAudio_SetVolume(vol, vol); sprintf(noticeMsg, "VOL: %02i ", vol); noticeMsgTime = GetTickCount(); currentConfig.volume = vol; } events &= ~prevEvents; if (events) RunEvents(events); if (movie_data) emu_updateMovie(); prevEvents = (allActions[0] | allActions[1]) >> 16; } void plat_debug_cat(char *str) { } static void simpleWait(DWORD until) { DWORD tval; int diff; tval = GetTickCount(); diff = (int)until - (int)tval; if (diff >= 2) Sleep(diff - 1); while ((tval = GetTickCount()) < until && until - tval < 512) // some simple overflow detection spend_cycles(1024*2); } void pemu_loop(void) { static int PsndRate_old = 0, PicoOpt_old = 0, pal_old = 0; char fpsbuff[24]; // fps count c string DWORD tval, tval_prev = 0, tval_thissec = 0; // timing int frames_done = 0, frames_shown = 0, oldmodes = 0, sec_ms = 1000; int target_fps, target_frametime, lim_time, tval_diff, i; char *notice = NULL; lprintf("entered emu_Loop()\n"); fpsbuff[0] = 0; // make sure we are in correct mode vidResetMode(); if (currentConfig.scaling) PicoIn.opt|=0x4000; else PicoIn.opt&=~0x4000; Pico.m.dirtyPal = 1; oldmodes = ((Pico.video.reg[12]&1)<<2) ^ 0xc; // pal/ntsc might have changed, reset related stuff target_fps = Pico.m.pal ? 50 : 60; target_frametime = Pico.m.pal ? (1000<<8)/50 : (1000<<8)/60+1; reset_timing = 1; // prepare CD buffer if (PicoIn.AHW & PAHW_MCD) PicoCDBufferInit(); // prepare sound stuff PicoIn.sndOut = NULL; if (currentConfig.EmuOpt & 4) { int ret, snd_excess_add, stereo; if (PicoIn.sndRate != PsndRate_old || (PicoIn.opt&0x0b) != (PicoOpt_old&0x0b) || Pico.m.pal != pal_old) { PsndRerate(Pico.m.frame_count ? 1 : 0); } stereo=(PicoIn.opt&8)>>3; snd_excess_add = ((PicoIn.sndRate - Pico.snd.len*target_fps)<<16) / target_fps; snd_cbuf_samples = (PicoIn.sndRate< 2000) { // > 2.0 sec noticeMsgTime = 0; clearArea(0); notice = 0; } else { int sum = noticeMsg[0]+noticeMsg[1]+noticeMsg[2]; if (sum != noticeMsgSum) { clearArea(0); noticeMsgSum = sum; } notice = noticeMsg; } } // check for mode changes modes = ((Pico.video.reg[12]&1)<<2)|(Pico.video.reg[1]&8); if (modes != oldmodes) { oldmodes = modes; clearArea(1); } // second passed? if (tval - tval_thissec >= sec_ms) { #ifdef BENCHMARK static int bench = 0, bench_fps = 0, bench_fps_s = 0, bfp = 0, bf[4]; if(++bench == 10) { bench = 0; bench_fps_s = bench_fps; bf[bfp++ & 3] = bench_fps; bench_fps = 0; } bench_fps += frames_shown; sprintf(fpsbuff, "%02i/%02i/%02i", frames_shown, bench_fps_s, (bf[0]+bf[1]+bf[2]+bf[3])>>2); #else if(currentConfig.EmuOpt & 2) sprintf(fpsbuff, "%02i/%02i", frames_shown, frames_done); #endif //tval_thissec += 1000; tval_thissec += sec_ms; if (PicoIn.sndOut != NULL) { /* some code which tries to sync things to audio clock, the dirty way */ static int audio_skew_prev = 0; int audio_skew, adj, co = 9, shift = 7; audio_skew = snd_all_samples*2 - FrameworkAudio_BufferPos(); if (PicoIn.sndRate == 22050) co = 10; if (PicoIn.sndRate > 22050) co = 11; if (PicoIn.opt&8) shift++; if (audio_skew < 0) { adj = -((-audio_skew) >> shift); if (audio_skew > -(6<>=1; if (audio_skew > -(4<>=1; if (audio_skew > -(2<>=1; if (audio_skew > audio_skew_prev) adj>>=2; // going up already } else { adj = audio_skew >> shift; if (audio_skew < (6<>=1; if (audio_skew < (4<>=1; if (audio_skew < (2<>=1; if (audio_skew < audio_skew_prev) adj>>=2; } audio_skew_prev = audio_skew; target_frametime += adj; sec_ms = (target_frametime * target_fps) >> 8; //stdbg("%i %i %i", audio_skew, adj, sec_ms); frames_done = frames_shown = 0; } else if (currentConfig.Frameskip < 0) { frames_done -= target_fps; if (frames_done < 0) frames_done = 0; frames_shown -= target_fps; if (frames_shown < 0) frames_shown = 0; if (frames_shown > frames_done) frames_shown = frames_done; } else { frames_done = frames_shown = 0; } } #ifdef PFRAMES sprintf(fpsbuff, "%i", Pico.m.frame_count); #endif tval_prev = tval; lim_time = (frames_done+1) * target_frametime; if (currentConfig.Frameskip >= 0) // frameskip enabled { for (i = 0; i < currentConfig.Frameskip; i++) { updateKeys(); SkipFrame(); frames_done++; if (PicoIn.sndOut) { // do framelimitting if sound is enabled int tval_diff; tval = GetTickCount(); tval_diff = (int)(tval - tval_thissec) << 8; if (tval_diff < lim_time) // we are too fast simpleWait(tval + ((lim_time - tval_diff)>>8)); } lim_time += target_frametime; } } else // auto frameskip { int tval_diff; tval = GetTickCount(); tval_diff = (int)(tval - tval_thissec) << 8; if (tval_diff > lim_time) { // no time left for this frame - skip if (tval_diff - lim_time >= (300<<8)) { /* something caused a slowdown for us (disk access? cache flush?) * try to recover by resetting timing... */ reset_timing = 1; continue; } updateKeys(); SkipFrame(); frames_done++; continue; } } updateKeys(); if (currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x80) /* be sure correct framebuffer is locked */ giz_screen = fb_lock((currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x8000) ? 0 : 1); PicoFrame(); if (giz_screen == NULL) giz_screen = fb_lock((currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x8000) ? 0 : 1); blit(fpsbuff, notice); if (giz_screen != NULL) { fb_unlock(); giz_screen = NULL; } if (currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x2000) Framework2D_WaitVSync(); if (currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x8000) fb_flip(); // check time tval = GetTickCount(); tval_diff = (int)(tval - tval_thissec) << 8; if (currentConfig.Frameskip < 0 && tval_diff - lim_time >= (300<<8)) // slowdown detection reset_timing = 1; else if (PicoIn.sndOut != NULL || currentConfig.Frameskip < 0) { // sleep if we are still too fast if (tval_diff < lim_time) { // we are too fast simpleWait(tval + ((lim_time - tval_diff) >> 8)); } } frames_done++; frames_shown++; } if (PicoIn.AHW & PAHW_MCD) PicoCDBufferFree(); if (PicoIn.sndOut != NULL) { PicoIn.sndOut = snd_cbuff = NULL; FrameworkAudio_Close(); } // save SRAM if ((currentConfig.EmuOpt & 1) && SRam.changed) { emu_stateCb("Writing SRAM/BRAM.."); emu_save_load_game(0, 1); SRam.changed = 0; } }