// (c) Copyright 2006 notaz, All rights reserved. // Free for non-commercial use. // For commercial use, separate licencing terms must be obtained. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gp2x.h" #include "menu.h" #include "../common/menu.h" #include "../common/emu.h" #include "../common/config.h" #include "emu.h" #include "940ctl.h" #include "version.h" #include "squidgehack.h" #include "cpuctrl.h" extern char *ext_menu, *ext_state; extern int select_exits; extern char *PicoConfigFile; static int load_state_slot = -1; int mmuhack_status = 0; char **g_argv; void parse_cmd_line(int argc, char *argv[]) { int x, unrecognized = 0; for(x = 1; x < argc; x++) { if(argv[x][0] == '-') { if(strcasecmp(argv[x], "-menu") == 0) { if(x+1 < argc) { ++x; ext_menu = argv[x]; } /* External Frontend: Program Name */ } else if(strcasecmp(argv[x], "-state") == 0) { if(x+1 < argc) { ++x; ext_state = argv[x]; } /* External Frontend: Arguments */ } else if(strcasecmp(argv[x], "-config") == 0) { if(x+1 < argc) { ++x; PicoConfigFile = argv[x]; } } else if(strcasecmp(argv[x], "-selectexit") == 0) { select_exits = 1; } else if(strcasecmp(argv[x], "-loadstate") == 0) { if(x+1 < argc) { ++x; load_state_slot = atoi(argv[x]); } } else { unrecognized = 1; break; } } else { /* External Frontend: ROM Name */ FILE *f; strncpy(romFileName, argv[x], PATH_MAX); romFileName[PATH_MAX-1] = 0; f = fopen(romFileName, "rb"); if (f) fclose(f); else unrecognized = 1; engineState = PGS_ReloadRom; break; } } if (unrecognized) { printf("\n\n\nPicoDrive v" VERSION " (c) notaz, 2006-2008\n"); printf("usage: %s [options] [romfile]\n", argv[0]); printf( "options:\n" "-menu launch a custom program on exit instead of default gp2xmenu\n" "-state pass '-state param' to the menu program\n" "-config use specified config file instead of default 'picoconfig.bin'\n" " see currentConfig_t structure in emu.h for the file format\n" "-selectexit pressing SELECT will exit the emu and start 'menu_path'\n" "-loadstate if ROM is specified, try loading slot \n"); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { g_argv = argv; emu_prepareDefaultConfig(); emu_ReadConfig(0, 0); config_readlrom(PicoConfigFile); gp2x_init(); if (currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x10) { int ret = mmuhack(); printf("squidge hack code finished and returned %i\n", ret); fflush(stdout); mmuhack_status = ret; } cpuctrl_init(); // Reset940(1); // Pause940(1); if (currentConfig.EmuOpt&0x100) { printf("setting RAM timings.. "); fflush(stdout); // craigix: --trc 6 --tras 4 --twr 1 --tmrd 1 --trfc 1 --trp 2 --trcd 2 set_RAM_Timings(6, 4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2); printf("done.\n"); fflush(stdout); } sharedmem_init(); emu_Init(); menu_init(); engineState = PGS_Menu; if (argc > 1) parse_cmd_line(argc, argv); if (engineState == PGS_ReloadRom) { if (emu_ReloadRom(romFileName)) { engineState = PGS_Running; if (load_state_slot >= 0) { state_slot = load_state_slot; emu_SaveLoadGame(1, 0); } } } for (;;) { switch (engineState) { case PGS_Menu: menu_loop(); break; case PGS_ReloadRom: if (emu_ReloadRom(romFileName)) engineState = PGS_Running; else { printf("PGS_ReloadRom == 0\n"); engineState = PGS_Menu; } break; case PGS_RestartRun: engineState = PGS_Running; case PGS_Running: emu_Loop(); break; case PGS_Quit: goto endloop; default: printf("engine got into unknown state (%i), exitting\n", engineState); goto endloop; } } endloop: emu_Deinit(); sharedmem_deinit(); cpuctrl_deinit(); gp2x_deinit(); if(mmuhack_status) mmuunhack(); return 0; }