#include #include #include #include "cue.h" #include "../PicoInt.h" // #define elprintf(w,f,...) printf(f "\n",##__VA_ARGS__); #ifdef _MSC_VER #define snprintf _snprintf #endif #ifdef UIQ3 #define snprintf(b,s,...) sprintf(b,##__VA_ARGS__) #endif static char *mystrip(char *str) { int i, len; len = strlen(str); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if (str[i] != ' ') break; if (i > 0) memmove(str, str + i, len - i + 1); len = strlen(str); for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (str[i] != ' ' && str[i] != '\r' && str[i] != '\n') break; str[i+1] = 0; return str; } static int get_token(const char *buff, char *dest, int len) { const char *p = buff; char sep = ' '; int d = 0, skip = 0; while (*p && *p == ' ') { skip++; p++; } if (*p == '\"') { sep = '\"'; p++; } while (*p && *p != sep && d < len-1) dest[d++] = *p++; dest[d] = 0; if (sep == '\"' && *p != sep) elprintf(EL_STATUS, "cue: bad token: \"%s\"", buff); return d + skip; } static char *get_ext(char *fname) { int len = strlen(fname); return (len >= 3) ? (fname + len - 3) : fname; } #define BEGINS(buff,str) (strncmp(buff,str,sizeof(str)-1) == 0) /* note: tracks[0] is not used */ cue_data_t *cue_parse(const char *fname) { char buff[256], current_file[256], buff2[32], *current_filep; FILE *f, *tmpf; int ret, count = 0, count_alloc = 2, pending_pregap = 0; cue_data_t *data; void *tmp; f = fopen(fname, "r"); if (f == NULL) return NULL; snprintf(current_file, sizeof(current_file), "%s", fname); for (current_filep = current_file + strlen(current_file); current_filep > current_file; current_filep--) if (current_filep[-1] == '/' || current_filep[-1] == '\\') break; data = calloc(1, sizeof(*data) + count_alloc * sizeof(cue_track)); if (data == NULL) { fclose(f); return NULL; } while (!feof(f)) { tmp = fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), f); if (tmp == NULL) break; mystrip(buff); if (buff[0] == 0) continue; if (BEGINS(buff, "TITLE ") || BEGINS(buff, "PERFORMER ") || BEGINS(buff, "SONGWRITER ")) continue; /* who would put those here? Ignore! */ else if (BEGINS(buff, "FILE ")) { get_token(buff+5, current_filep, sizeof(current_file) - (current_filep - current_file)); } else if (BEGINS(buff, "TRACK ")) { count++; if (count >= count_alloc) { count_alloc *= 2; tmp = realloc(data, sizeof(*data) + count_alloc * sizeof(cue_track)); if (tmp == NULL) { count--; break; } data = tmp; } memset(&data->tracks[count], 0, sizeof(data->tracks[0])); if (count == 1 || strcmp(data->tracks[1].fname, current_file) != 0) { data->tracks[count].fname = strdup(current_file); if (data->tracks[count].fname == NULL) break; tmpf = fopen(current_file, "rb"); if (tmpf == NULL) { elprintf(EL_STATUS, "cue: bad/missing file: \"%s\"", current_file); count--; break; } fclose(tmpf); } data->tracks[count].pregap = pending_pregap; pending_pregap = 0; // track number ret = get_token(buff+6, buff2, sizeof(buff2)); if (count != atoi(buff2)) elprintf(EL_STATUS, "cue: track index mismatch: track %i is track %i in cue", count, atoi(buff2)); // check type get_token(buff+6+ret, buff2, sizeof(buff2)); if (strcmp(buff2, "MODE1/2352") == 0) data->tracks[count].type = CT_BIN; else if (strcmp(buff2, "MODE1/2048") == 0) data->tracks[count].type = CT_ISO; else if (strcmp(buff2, "AUDIO") == 0) { if (data->tracks[count].fname != NULL) { // rely on extension, not type in cue.. char *ext = get_ext(data->tracks[count].fname); if (strcasecmp(ext, "mp3") == 0) data->tracks[count].type = CT_MP3; else if (strcasecmp(ext, "wav") == 0) data->tracks[count].type = CT_WAV; else { elprintf(EL_STATUS, "unhandled audio format: \"%s\"", data->tracks[count].fname); } } else { // propagate previous data->tracks[count].type = data->tracks[count-1].type; } } else { elprintf(EL_STATUS, "unhandled track type: \"%s\"", buff2); } } else if (BEGINS(buff, "INDEX ")) { int m, s, f; // type ret = get_token(buff+6, buff2, sizeof(buff2)); if (atoi(buff2) == 0) continue; if (atoi(buff2) != 1) { elprintf(EL_STATUS, "cue: don't know how to handle: \"%s\"", buff); count--; break; } // offset in file get_token(buff+6+ret, buff2, sizeof(buff2)); ret = sscanf(buff2, "%d:%d:%d", &m, &s, &f); if (ret != 3) { elprintf(EL_STATUS, "cue: failed to parse: \"%s\"", buff); count--; break; } data->tracks[count].sector_offset = m*60*75 + s*75 + f; // some strange .cues may need this if (data->tracks[count].fname != NULL && strcmp(data->tracks[count].fname, current_file) != 0) { free(data->tracks[count].fname); data->tracks[count].fname = strdup(current_file); } if (data->tracks[count].fname == NULL && strcmp(data->tracks[1].fname, current_file) != 0) { data->tracks[count].fname = strdup(current_file); } } else if (BEGINS(buff, "PREGAP ") || BEGINS(buff, "POSTGAP ")) { int m, s, f; get_token(buff+7, buff2, sizeof(buff2)); ret = sscanf(buff2, "%d:%d:%d", &m, &s, &f); if (ret != 3) { elprintf(EL_STATUS, "cue: failed to parse: \"%s\"", buff); continue; } // pregap overrides previous postgap? // by looking at some .cues produced by some programs I've decided that.. if (BEGINS(buff, "PREGAP ")) data->tracks[count].pregap = m*60*75 + s*75 + f; else pending_pregap = m*60*75 + s*75 + f; } else if (BEGINS(buff, "REM LENGTH ")) // custom "extension" { int m, s, f; get_token(buff+11, buff2, sizeof(buff2)); ret = sscanf(buff2, "%d:%d:%d", &m, &s, &f); if (ret != 3) continue; data->tracks[count].sector_xlength = m*60*75 + s*75 + f; } else if (BEGINS(buff, "REM")) continue; else { elprintf(EL_STATUS, "cue: unhandled line: \"%s\"", buff); } } if (count < 1 || data->tracks[1].fname == NULL) { // failed.. for (; count > 0; count--) if (data->tracks[count].fname != NULL) free(data->tracks[count].fname); free(data); return NULL; } data->track_count = count; return data; } void cue_destroy(cue_data_t *data) { int c; if (data == NULL) return; for (c = data->track_count; c > 0; c--) if (data->tracks[c].fname != NULL) free(data->tracks[c].fname); free(data); } #if 0 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { cue_data_t *data = cue_parse(argv[1]); int c; if (data == NULL) return 1; for (c = 1; c <= data->track_count; c++) printf("%2i: %i %9i %02i:%02i:%02i %9i %s\n", c, data->tracks[c].type, data->tracks[c].sector_offset, data->tracks[c].sector_offset / (75*60), data->tracks[c].sector_offset / 75 % 60, data->tracks[c].sector_offset % 75, data->tracks[c].pregap, data->tracks[c].fname); cue_destroy(data); return 0; } #endif