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debug menu unified, more debug tools

git-svn-id: file:///home/notaz/opt/svn/PicoDrive@545 be3aeb3a-fb24-0410-a615-afba39da0efa
notaz 16 years ago

+ 303 - 221

@@ -1,221 +1,303 @@
-#include "PicoInt.h"
-typedef unsigned char  u8;
-static unsigned int pppc, ops=0;
-extern unsigned int lastread_a, lastread_d[16], lastwrite_cyc_d[16], lastwrite_mus_d[16];
-extern int lrp_cyc, lrp_mus, lwp_cyc, lwp_mus;
-unsigned int old_regs[16], old_sr, ppop, have_illegal = 0;
-int dbg_irq_level = 0, dbg_irq_level_sub = 0;
-#undef dprintf
-#define dprintf(f,...) printf("%05i:%03i: " f "\n",Pico.m.frame_count,Pico.m.scanline,##__VA_ARGS__)
-#if defined(EMU_C68K)
-static struct Cyclone *currentC68k = NULL;
-#define other_set_sub(s)   currentC68k=(s)?&PicoCpuCS68k:&PicoCpuCM68k;
-#define other_get_sr()     CycloneGetSr(currentC68k)
-#define other_dar(i)       currentC68k->d[i]
-#define other_osp          currentC68k->osp
-#define other_get_irq()    currentC68k->irq
-#define other_set_irq(i)   currentC68k->irq=i
-#define other_is_stopped()  (currentC68k->state_flags&1)
-#define other_is_tracing() ((currentC68k->state_flags&2)?1:0)
-#elif defined(EMU_F68K)
-#define other_set_sub(s)   g_m68kcontext=(s)?&PicoCpuFS68k:&PicoCpuFM68k;
-#define other_get_sr()     g_m68kcontext->sr
-#define other_dar(i)       ((unsigned int*)g_m68kcontext->dreg)[i]
-#define other_osp          g_m68kcontext->asp
-#define other_get_irq()    g_m68kcontext->interrupts[0]
-#define other_set_irq(irq) g_m68kcontext->interrupts[0]=irq
-#define other_is_stopped() ((g_m68kcontext->execinfo&FM68K_HALTED)?1:0)
-#define other_is_tracing() ((g_m68kcontext->execinfo&FM68K_EMULATE_TRACE)?1:0)
-#error other core missing, don't compile this file
-static int otherRun(void)
-#if defined(EMU_C68K)
-  currentC68k->cycles=1;
-  CycloneRun(currentC68k);
-  return 1-currentC68k->cycles;
-#elif defined(EMU_F68K)
-  return fm68k_emulate(1, 0);
-void dumpPCandExit(int is_sub)
-  char buff[128];
-  int i;
-  m68k_disassemble(buff, pppc, M68K_CPU_TYPE_68000);
-  dprintf("PC: %06x: %04x: %s", pppc, ppop, buff);
-  dprintf("                    this | prev");
-  for(i=0; i < 8; i++)
-    dprintf("d%i=%08x, a%i=%08x | d%i=%08x, a%i=%08x", i, other_dar(i), i, other_dar(i+8), i, old_regs[i], i, old_regs[i+8]);
-  dprintf("SR:                 %04x | %04x (??s? 0iii 000x nzvc)", other_get_sr(), old_sr);
-  dprintf("last_read: %08x @ %06x", lastread_d[--lrp_cyc&15], lastread_a);
-  dprintf("ops done: %i, is_sub: %i", ops, is_sub);
-  exit(1);
-int CM_compareRun(int cyc, int is_sub)
-  char *str;
-  int cyc_done=0, cyc_other, cyc_musashi, *irq_level, err=0;
-  unsigned int i, pc, mu_sr;
-  m68ki_cpu_p=is_sub?&PicoCpuMS68k:&PicoCpuMM68k;
-  other_set_sub(is_sub);
-  lrp_cyc = lrp_mus = 0;
-  while (cyc_done < cyc)
-  {
-    if (have_illegal && m68k_read_disassembler_16(m68ki_cpu.pc) != 0x4e73) // not rte
-    {
-      have_illegal = 0;
-      m68ki_cpu.pc += 2;
-#ifdef EMU_C68K
-      currentC68k->pc=currentC68k->checkpc(currentC68k->pc + 2);
-    }
-    // hacks for test_misc2
-    if (m68ki_cpu.pc == 0x0002e0 && m68k_read_disassembler_16(m68ki_cpu.pc) == 0x4e73)
-    {
-      // get out of "priviledge violation" loop
-      have_illegal = 1;
-      //m68ki_cpu.s_flag = SFLAG_SET;
-      //currentC68k->srh|=0x20;
-    }
-    pppc = is_sub ? SekPcS68k : SekPc;
-    ppop = m68k_read_disassembler_16(pppc);
-    memcpy(old_regs, &other_dar(0), 4*16);
-    old_sr = other_get_sr();
-#if 0
-    {
-      char buff[128];
-      dprintf("---");
-      m68k_disassemble(buff, pppc, M68K_CPU_TYPE_68000);
-      dprintf("PC: %06x: %04x: %s", pppc, ppop, buff);
-      //dprintf("A7: %08x", currentC68k->a[7]);
-    }
-    irq_level = is_sub ? &dbg_irq_level_sub : &dbg_irq_level;
-    if (*irq_level)
-    {
-      other_set_irq(*irq_level);
-      m68k_set_irq(*irq_level);
-      *irq_level=0;
-    }
-    cyc_other=otherRun();
-    // Musashi takes irq even if it hasn't got cycles left, let othercpu do it too
-    if (other_get_irq() && other_get_irq() > ((other_get_sr()>>8)&7))
-      cyc_other+=otherRun();
-    cyc_musashi=m68k_execute(1);
-    if (cyc_other != cyc_musashi) {
-      dprintf("cycles: %i vs %i", cyc_other, cyc_musashi);
-      err=1;
-    }
-    if (lrp_cyc != lrp_mus) {
-      dprintf("lrp: %i vs %i", lrp_cyc&15, lrp_mus&15);
-      err=1;
-    }
-    if (lwp_cyc != lwp_mus) {
-      dprintf("lwp: %i vs %i", lwp_cyc&15, lwp_mus&15);
-      err=1;
-    }
-    for (i=0; i < 16; i++) {
-      if (lastwrite_cyc_d[i] != lastwrite_mus_d[i]) {
-        dprintf("lastwrite: [%i]= %08x vs %08x", i, lastwrite_cyc_d[i], lastwrite_mus_d[i]);
-        err=1;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    // compare PC
-    pc = is_sub ? SekPcS68k : SekPc;
-    m68ki_cpu.pc&=~1;
-    if (pc != m68ki_cpu.pc) {
-      dprintf("PC: %06x vs %06x", pc, m68ki_cpu.pc);
-      err=1;
-    }
-#if 0
-    if( SekPc > Pico.romsize || SekPc < 0x200 ) {
-      dprintf("PC out of bounds: %06x", SekPc);
-      err=1;
-    }
-    // compare regs
-    for (i=0; i < 16; i++) {
-      if (other_dar(i) != m68ki_cpu.dar[i]) {
-        str = (i < 8) ? "d" : "a";
-        dprintf("reg: %s%i: %08x vs %08x", str, i&7, other_dar(i), m68ki_cpu.dar[i]);
-        err=1;
-      }
-    }
-    // SR
-    if (other_get_sr() != (mu_sr = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_SR))) {
-      dprintf("SR: %04x vs %04x (??s? 0iii 000x nzvc)", other_get_sr(), mu_sr);
-      err=1;
-    }
-    // IRQl
-    if (other_get_irq() != (m68ki_cpu.int_level>>8)) {
-      dprintf("IRQ: %i vs %i", other_get_irq(), (m68ki_cpu.int_level>>8));
-      err=1;
-    }
-    // OSP/USP
-    if (other_osp != m68ki_cpu.sp[((mu_sr>>11)&4)^4]) {
-      dprintf("OSP: %06x vs %06x", other_osp, m68ki_cpu.sp[((mu_sr>>11)&4)^4]);
-      err=1;
-    }
-    // stopped
-    if ((other_is_stopped() && !m68ki_cpu.stopped) || (!other_is_stopped() && m68ki_cpu.stopped)) {
-      dprintf("stopped: %i vs %i", other_is_stopped(), m68ki_cpu.stopped);
-      err=1;
-    }
-    // tracing
-    if((other_is_tracing() && !m68ki_tracing) || (!other_is_tracing() && m68ki_tracing)) {
-      dprintf("tracing: %i vs %i", other_is_tracing(), m68ki_tracing);
-      err=1;
-    }
-    if(err) dumpPCandExit(is_sub);
-#if 0
-    if (m68ki_cpu.dar[15] < 0x00ff0000 || m68ki_cpu.dar[15] >= 0x01000000)
-    {
-      other_dar(15) = m68ki_cpu.dar[15] = 0xff8000;
-    }
-#if 0
-    m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_SR, ((mu_sr-1)&~0x2000)|(mu_sr&0x2000)); // broken
-    CycloneSetSr(currentC68k, ((mu_sr-1)&~0x2000)|(mu_sr&0x2000));
-    currentC68k->stopped = m68ki_cpu.stopped = 0;
-    if(SekPc > 0x400 && (currentC68k->a[7] < 0xff0000 || currentC68k->a[7] > 0xffffff))
-    currentC68k->a[7] = m68ki_cpu.dar[15] = 0xff8000;
-    cyc_done += cyc_other;
-    ops++;
-  }
-  return cyc_done;
+// some debug code, just for fun of it
+// (c) Copyright 2008 notaz, All rights reserved.
+#include "PicoInt.h"
+#include "Debug.h"
+#define bit(r, x) ((r>>x)&1)
+#define MVP dstrp+=strlen(dstrp)
+void z80_debug(char *dstr);
+static char dstr[1024*8];
+char *PDebugMain(void)
+  struct PicoVideo *pv=&;
+  unsigned char *reg=pv->reg, r;
+  extern int HighPreSpr[];
+  int i, sprites_lo, sprites_hi;
+  char *dstrp;
+  sprites_lo = sprites_hi = 0;
+  for (i = 0; HighPreSpr[i] != 0; i+=2)
+    if (HighPreSpr[i+1] & 0x8000)
+         sprites_hi++;
+    else sprites_lo++;
+  dstrp = dstr;
+  sprintf(dstrp, "mode set 1: %02x       spr lo: %2i, spr hi: %2i\n", (r=reg[0]), sprites_lo, sprites_hi); MVP;
+  sprintf(dstrp, "display_disable: %i, M3: %i, palette: %i, ?, hints: %i\n", bit(r,0), bit(r,1), bit(r,2), bit(r,4)); MVP;
+  sprintf(dstrp, "mode set 2: %02x                            hcnt: %i\n", (r=reg[1]), pv->reg[10]); MVP;
+  sprintf(dstrp, "SMS/gen: %i, pal: %i, dma: %i, vints: %i, disp: %i, TMS: %i\n",bit(r,2),bit(r,3),bit(r,4),bit(r,5),bit(r,6),bit(r,7)); MVP;
+  sprintf(dstrp, "mode set 3: %02x\n", (r=reg[0xB])); MVP;
+  sprintf(dstrp, "LSCR: %i, HSCR: %i, 2cell vscroll: %i, IE2: %i\n", bit(r,0), bit(r,1), bit(r,2), bit(r,3)); MVP;
+  sprintf(dstrp, "mode set 4: %02x\n", (r=reg[0xC])); MVP;
+  sprintf(dstrp, "interlace: %i%i, cells: %i, shadow: %i\n", bit(r,2), bit(r,1), (r&0x80) ? 40 : 32, bit(r,3)); MVP;
+  sprintf(dstrp, "scroll size: w: %i, h: %i  SRAM: %i; eeprom: %i (%i)\n", reg[0x10]&3, (reg[0x10]&0x30)>>4,
+  	bit(Pico.m.sram_reg, 4), bit(Pico.m.sram_reg, 2), SRam.eeprom_type); MVP;
+  sprintf(dstrp, "sram range: %06x-%06x, reg: %02x\n", SRam.start, SRam.end, Pico.m.sram_reg); MVP;
+  sprintf(dstrp, "pend int: v:%i, h:%i, vdp status: %04x\n", bit(pv->pending_ints,5), bit(pv->pending_ints,4), pv->status); MVP;
+  sprintf(dstrp, "pal: %i, hw: %02x, frame#: %i\n", Pico.m.pal, Pico.m.hardware, Pico.m.frame_count); MVP;
+#if defined(EMU_C68K)
+  sprintf(dstrp, "M68k: PC: %06x, st_flg: %x, cycles: %u\n", SekPc, PicoCpuCM68k.state_flags, SekCyclesDoneT()); MVP;
+  sprintf(dstrp, "d0=%08x, a0=%08x, osp=%08x, irql=%i\n", PicoCpuCM68k.d[0], PicoCpuCM68k.a[0], PicoCpuCM68k.osp, PicoCpuCM68k.irq); MVP;
+  sprintf(dstrp, "d1=%08x, a1=%08x,  sr=%04x\n", PicoCpuCM68k.d[1], PicoCpuCM68k.a[1], CycloneGetSr(&PicoCpuCM68k)); dstrp+=strlen(dstrp); MVP;
+  for(r=2; r < 8; r++) {
+    sprintf(dstrp, "d%i=%08x, a%i=%08x\n", r, PicoCpuCM68k.d[r], r, PicoCpuCM68k.a[r]); MVP;
+  }
+#elif defined(EMU_M68K)
+  sprintf(dstrp, "M68k: PC: %06x, cycles: %u, irql: %i\n", SekPc, SekCyclesDoneT(), PicoCpuMM68k.int_level>>8); MVP;
+#elif defined(EMU_F68K)
+  sprintf(dstrp, "M68k: PC: %06x, cycles: %u, irql: %i\n", SekPc, SekCyclesDoneT(), PicoCpuFM68k.interrupts[0]); MVP;
+  sprintf(dstrp, "z80Run: %i, z80_reset: %i, z80_bnk: %06x\n", Pico.m.z80Run, Pico.m.z80_reset, Pico.m.z80_bank68k<<15); MVP;
+  z80_debug(dstrp); MVP;
+  if (strlen(dstr) > sizeof(dstr))
+    printf("warning: debug buffer overflow (%i/%i)\n", strlen(dstr), sizeof(dstr));
+  return dstr;
+char *PDebugSpriteList(void)
+  struct PicoVideo *pvid=&;
+  int table=0,u,link=0;
+  int max_sprites = 80;
+  char *dstrp;
+  if (!(pvid->reg[12]&1))
+    max_sprites = 64;
+  dstr[0] = 0;
+  dstrp = dstr;
+  table=pvid->reg[5]&0x7f;
+  if (pvid->reg[12]&1) table&=0x7e; // Lowest bit 0 in 40-cell mode
+  table<<=8; // Get sprite table address/2
+  for (u=0; u < max_sprites; u++)
+  {
+    unsigned int *sprite;
+    int code, code2, sx, sy, height;
+    sprite=(unsigned int *)(Pico.vram+((table+(link<<2))&0x7ffc)); // Find sprite
+    // get sprite info
+    code = sprite[0];
+    // check if it is on this line
+    sy = (code&0x1ff)-0x80;
+    height = ((code>>24)&3)+1;
+    // masking sprite?
+    code2 = sprite[1];
+    sx = ((code2>>16)&0x1ff)-0x80;
+    sprintf(dstrp, "#%02i x:%4i y:%4i %ix%i %s\n", u, sx, sy, ((code>>26)&3)+1, height,
+      (code2&0x8000)?"hi":"lo");
+    MVP;
+    link=(code>>16)&0x7f;
+    if(!link) break; // End of sprites
+  }
+  return dstr;
+#define GREEN1  0x0700
+#ifdef USE_BGR555
+ #define YELLOW1 0x071c
+ #define BLUE1   0xf000
+ #define RED1    0x001e
+ #define YELLOW1 0xe700
+ #define BLUE1   0x001e
+ #define RED1    0xf000
+static void set16(unsigned short *p, unsigned short d, int cnt)
+  while (cnt-- > 0)
+    *p++ = d;
+void PDebugShowSpriteStats(unsigned short *screen, int stride)
+  int lines, i, u, step;
+  unsigned short *dest;
+  unsigned char *p;
+  step = (320-4*4-1) / MAX_LINE_SPRITES;
+  lines = 240;
+  if (!Pico.m.pal || !([1]&8))
+    lines = 224, screen += stride*8;
+  for (i = 0; i < lines; i++)
+  {
+    dest = screen + stride*i;
+    p = &HighLnSpr[i][0];
+    // sprite graphs
+    for (u = 0; u < (p[0] & 0x7f); u++) {
+      set16(dest, (p[3+u] & 0x80) ? YELLOW1 : GREEN1, step);
+      dest += step;
+    }
+    // flags
+    dest = screen + stride*i + 320-4*4;
+    if (p[1] & 0x40) set16(dest+4*0, GREEN1,  4);
+    if (p[1] & 0x80) set16(dest+4*1, YELLOW1, 4);
+    if (p[1] & 0x20) set16(dest+4*2, BLUE1,   4);
+    if (p[1] & 0x10) set16(dest+4*3, RED1,    4);
+  }
+  // draw grid
+  for (i = step*5; i <= 320-4*4-1; i += step*5) {
+    for (u = 0; u < lines; u++)
+      screen[i + u*stride] = 0x182;
+  }
+void PDebugShowPalette(unsigned short *screen, int stride)
+  unsigned int *spal=(void *)Pico.cram;
+  unsigned int *dpal=(void *)HighPal;
+  int x, y, i;
+  for (i = 0x3f/2; i >= 0; i--)
+#ifdef USE_BGR555
+    dpal[i] = ((spal[i]&0x000f000f)<< 1)|((spal[i]&0x00f000f0)<<3)|((spal[i]&0x0f000f00)<<4);
+    dpal[i] = ((spal[i]&0x000f000f)<<12)|((spal[i]&0x00f000f0)<<3)|((spal[i]&0x0f000f00)>>7);
+  for (i = 0x3f; i >= 0; i--)
+    HighPal[0x40|i] = (unsigned short)((HighPal[i]>>1)&0x738e);
+  for (i = 0x3f; i >= 0; i--) {
+    int t=HighPal[i]&0xe71c;t+=0x4208;if(t&0x20)t|=0x1c;if(t&0x800)t|=0x700;if(t&0x10000)t|=0xe000;t&=0xe71c;
+    HighPal[0x80|i] = (unsigned short)t;
+  }
+  screen += 16*stride+8;
+  for (y = 0; y < 8*4; y++)
+    for (x = 0; x < 8*16; x++)
+      screen[x + y*stride] = HighPal[x/8 + (y/8)*16];
+  screen += 160;
+  for (y = 0; y < 8*4; y++)
+    for (x = 0; x < 8*16; x++)
+      screen[x + y*stride] = HighPal[(x/8 + (y/8)*16) | 0x40];
+  screen += stride*48;
+  for (y = 0; y < 8*4; y++)
+    for (x = 0; x < 8*16; x++)
+      screen[x + y*stride] = HighPal[(x/8 + (y/8)*16) | 0x80];
+  Pico.m.dirtyPal = 1;
+#define DRAW2_LINE_WIDTH 328
+void PDebugShowSprite(unsigned short *screen, int stride, int which)
+  struct PicoVideo *pvid=&;
+  int table=0,u,link=0,*sprite=0,*fsprite,oldsprite[2];
+  int x,y,max_sprites = 80, oldcol, oldreg;
+  if (!(pvid->reg[12]&1))
+    max_sprites = 64;
+  table=pvid->reg[5]&0x7f;
+  if (pvid->reg[12]&1) table&=0x7e; // Lowest bit 0 in 40-cell mode
+  table<<=8; // Get sprite table address/2
+  for (u=0; u < max_sprites && u <= which; u++)
+  {
+    sprite=(int *)(Pico.vram+((table+(link<<2))&0x7ffc)); // Find sprite
+    link=(sprite[0]>>16)&0x7f;
+    if(!link) return; // End of sprites
+  }
+  if (u == max_sprites) return;
+  fsprite = (int *)(Pico.vram+(table&0x7ffc));
+  oldsprite[0] = fsprite[0];
+  oldsprite[1] = fsprite[1];
+  fsprite[0] = (sprite[0] & ~0x007f01ff) | 0x000080;
+  fsprite[1] = (sprite[1] & ~0x01ff8000) | 0x800000;
+  oldreg = pvid->reg[7];
+  oldcol = Pico.cram[0];
+  pvid->reg[7] = 0;
+  Pico.cram[0] = 0;
+  PicoFrameFull();
+  for (y = 0; y < 8*4; y++)
+  {
+    unsigned char *ps = PicoDraw2FB + DRAW2_LINE_WIDTH*y + 8;
+    for (x = 0; x < 8*4; x++)
+      if (ps[x]) screen[x] = HighPal[ps[x]];
+    screen += stride;
+  }
+  fsprite[0] = oldsprite[0];
+  fsprite[1] = oldsprite[1];
+  pvid->reg[7] = oldreg;
+  Pico.cram[0] = oldcol;
+  PicoDrawMask = -1;
+#define dump_ram(ram,fname) \
+{ \
+  unsigned short *sram = (unsigned short *) ram; \
+  FILE *f; \
+  int i; \
+  for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ram)/2; i++) \
+    sram[i] = (sram[i]<<8) | (sram[i]>>8); \
+  f = fopen(fname, "wb"); \
+  if (f) { \
+    fwrite(ram, 1, sizeof(ram), f); \
+    fclose(f); \
+  } \
+  for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ram)/2; i++) \
+    sram[i] = (sram[i]<<8) | (sram[i]>>8); \
+#define dump_ram_noswab(ram,fname) \
+{ \
+  FILE *f; \
+  f = fopen(fname, "wb"); \
+  if (f) { \
+    fwrite(ram, 1, sizeof(ram), f); \
+    fclose(f); \
+  } \
+void PDebugDumpMem(void)
+  dump_ram(Pico.ram,  "dumps/ram.bin");
+  dump_ram_noswab(Pico.zram, "dumps/zram.bin");
+  dump_ram(Pico.vram, "dumps/vram.bin");
+  dump_ram(Pico.cram, "dumps/cram.bin");
+  dump_ram(Pico.vsram,"dumps/vsram.bin");
+  if (PicoAHW & PAHW_MCD)
+  {
+    dump_ram(Pico_mcd->prg_ram, "dumps/prg_ram.bin");
+    if (Pico_mcd->s68k_regs[3]&4) // 1M mode?
+      wram_1M_to_2M(Pico_mcd->word_ram2M);
+    dump_ram(Pico_mcd->word_ram2M, "dumps/word_ram_2M.bin");
+    wram_2M_to_1M(Pico_mcd->word_ram2M);
+    dump_ram(Pico_mcd->word_ram1M[0], "dumps/word_ram_1M_0.bin");
+    dump_ram(Pico_mcd->word_ram1M[1], "dumps/word_ram_1M_1.bin");
+    if (!(Pico_mcd->s68k_regs[3]&4)) // 2M mode?
+      wram_2M_to_1M(Pico_mcd->word_ram2M);
+    dump_ram_noswab(Pico_mcd->pcm_ram,"dumps/pcm_ram.bin");
+    dump_ram_noswab(Pico_mcd->bram,   "dumps/bram.bin");
+  }

+ 221 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+#include "PicoInt.h"
+typedef unsigned char  u8;
+static unsigned int pppc, ops=0;
+extern unsigned int lastread_a, lastread_d[16], lastwrite_cyc_d[16], lastwrite_mus_d[16];
+extern int lrp_cyc, lrp_mus, lwp_cyc, lwp_mus;
+unsigned int old_regs[16], old_sr, ppop, have_illegal = 0;
+int dbg_irq_level = 0, dbg_irq_level_sub = 0;
+#undef dprintf
+#define dprintf(f,...) printf("%05i:%03i: " f "\n",Pico.m.frame_count,Pico.m.scanline,##__VA_ARGS__)
+#if defined(EMU_C68K)
+static struct Cyclone *currentC68k = NULL;
+#define other_set_sub(s)   currentC68k=(s)?&PicoCpuCS68k:&PicoCpuCM68k;
+#define other_get_sr()     CycloneGetSr(currentC68k)
+#define other_dar(i)       currentC68k->d[i]
+#define other_osp          currentC68k->osp
+#define other_get_irq()    currentC68k->irq
+#define other_set_irq(i)   currentC68k->irq=i
+#define other_is_stopped()  (currentC68k->state_flags&1)
+#define other_is_tracing() ((currentC68k->state_flags&2)?1:0)
+#elif defined(EMU_F68K)
+#define other_set_sub(s)   g_m68kcontext=(s)?&PicoCpuFS68k:&PicoCpuFM68k;
+#define other_get_sr()     g_m68kcontext->sr
+#define other_dar(i)       ((unsigned int*)g_m68kcontext->dreg)[i]
+#define other_osp          g_m68kcontext->asp
+#define other_get_irq()    g_m68kcontext->interrupts[0]
+#define other_set_irq(irq) g_m68kcontext->interrupts[0]=irq
+#define other_is_stopped() ((g_m68kcontext->execinfo&FM68K_HALTED)?1:0)
+#define other_is_tracing() ((g_m68kcontext->execinfo&FM68K_EMULATE_TRACE)?1:0)
+#error other core missing, don't compile this file
+static int otherRun(void)
+#if defined(EMU_C68K)
+  currentC68k->cycles=1;
+  CycloneRun(currentC68k);
+  return 1-currentC68k->cycles;
+#elif defined(EMU_F68K)
+  return fm68k_emulate(1, 0);
+void dumpPCandExit(int is_sub)
+  char buff[128];
+  int i;
+  m68k_disassemble(buff, pppc, M68K_CPU_TYPE_68000);
+  dprintf("PC: %06x: %04x: %s", pppc, ppop, buff);
+  dprintf("                    this | prev");
+  for(i=0; i < 8; i++)
+    dprintf("d%i=%08x, a%i=%08x | d%i=%08x, a%i=%08x", i, other_dar(i), i, other_dar(i+8), i, old_regs[i], i, old_regs[i+8]);
+  dprintf("SR:                 %04x | %04x (??s? 0iii 000x nzvc)", other_get_sr(), old_sr);
+  dprintf("last_read: %08x @ %06x", lastread_d[--lrp_cyc&15], lastread_a);
+  dprintf("ops done: %i, is_sub: %i", ops, is_sub);
+  exit(1);
+int CM_compareRun(int cyc, int is_sub)
+  char *str;
+  int cyc_done=0, cyc_other, cyc_musashi, *irq_level, err=0;
+  unsigned int i, pc, mu_sr;
+  m68ki_cpu_p=is_sub?&PicoCpuMS68k:&PicoCpuMM68k;
+  other_set_sub(is_sub);
+  lrp_cyc = lrp_mus = 0;
+  while (cyc_done < cyc)
+  {
+    if (have_illegal && m68k_read_disassembler_16(m68ki_cpu.pc) != 0x4e73) // not rte
+    {
+      have_illegal = 0;
+      m68ki_cpu.pc += 2;
+#ifdef EMU_C68K
+      currentC68k->pc=currentC68k->checkpc(currentC68k->pc + 2);
+    }
+    // hacks for test_misc2
+    if (m68ki_cpu.pc == 0x0002e0 && m68k_read_disassembler_16(m68ki_cpu.pc) == 0x4e73)
+    {
+      // get out of "priviledge violation" loop
+      have_illegal = 1;
+      //m68ki_cpu.s_flag = SFLAG_SET;
+      //currentC68k->srh|=0x20;
+    }
+    pppc = is_sub ? SekPcS68k : SekPc;
+    ppop = m68k_read_disassembler_16(pppc);
+    memcpy(old_regs, &other_dar(0), 4*16);
+    old_sr = other_get_sr();
+#if 0
+    {
+      char buff[128];
+      dprintf("---");
+      m68k_disassemble(buff, pppc, M68K_CPU_TYPE_68000);
+      dprintf("PC: %06x: %04x: %s", pppc, ppop, buff);
+      //dprintf("A7: %08x", currentC68k->a[7]);
+    }
+    irq_level = is_sub ? &dbg_irq_level_sub : &dbg_irq_level;
+    if (*irq_level)
+    {
+      other_set_irq(*irq_level);
+      m68k_set_irq(*irq_level);
+      *irq_level=0;
+    }
+    cyc_other=otherRun();
+    // Musashi takes irq even if it hasn't got cycles left, let othercpu do it too
+    if (other_get_irq() && other_get_irq() > ((other_get_sr()>>8)&7))
+      cyc_other+=otherRun();
+    cyc_musashi=m68k_execute(1);
+    if (cyc_other != cyc_musashi) {
+      dprintf("cycles: %i vs %i", cyc_other, cyc_musashi);
+      err=1;
+    }
+    if (lrp_cyc != lrp_mus) {
+      dprintf("lrp: %i vs %i", lrp_cyc&15, lrp_mus&15);
+      err=1;
+    }
+    if (lwp_cyc != lwp_mus) {
+      dprintf("lwp: %i vs %i", lwp_cyc&15, lwp_mus&15);
+      err=1;
+    }
+    for (i=0; i < 16; i++) {
+      if (lastwrite_cyc_d[i] != lastwrite_mus_d[i]) {
+        dprintf("lastwrite: [%i]= %08x vs %08x", i, lastwrite_cyc_d[i], lastwrite_mus_d[i]);
+        err=1;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    // compare PC
+    pc = is_sub ? SekPcS68k : SekPc;
+    m68ki_cpu.pc&=~1;
+    if (pc != m68ki_cpu.pc) {
+      dprintf("PC: %06x vs %06x", pc, m68ki_cpu.pc);
+      err=1;
+    }
+#if 0
+    if( SekPc > Pico.romsize || SekPc < 0x200 ) {
+      dprintf("PC out of bounds: %06x", SekPc);
+      err=1;
+    }
+    // compare regs
+    for (i=0; i < 16; i++) {
+      if (other_dar(i) != m68ki_cpu.dar[i]) {
+        str = (i < 8) ? "d" : "a";
+        dprintf("reg: %s%i: %08x vs %08x", str, i&7, other_dar(i), m68ki_cpu.dar[i]);
+        err=1;
+      }
+    }
+    // SR
+    if (other_get_sr() != (mu_sr = m68k_get_reg(NULL, M68K_REG_SR))) {
+      dprintf("SR: %04x vs %04x (??s? 0iii 000x nzvc)", other_get_sr(), mu_sr);
+      err=1;
+    }
+    // IRQl
+    if (other_get_irq() != (m68ki_cpu.int_level>>8)) {
+      dprintf("IRQ: %i vs %i", other_get_irq(), (m68ki_cpu.int_level>>8));
+      err=1;
+    }
+    // OSP/USP
+    if (other_osp != m68ki_cpu.sp[((mu_sr>>11)&4)^4]) {
+      dprintf("OSP: %06x vs %06x", other_osp, m68ki_cpu.sp[((mu_sr>>11)&4)^4]);
+      err=1;
+    }
+    // stopped
+    if ((other_is_stopped() && !m68ki_cpu.stopped) || (!other_is_stopped() && m68ki_cpu.stopped)) {
+      dprintf("stopped: %i vs %i", other_is_stopped(), m68ki_cpu.stopped);
+      err=1;
+    }
+    // tracing
+    if((other_is_tracing() && !m68ki_tracing) || (!other_is_tracing() && m68ki_tracing)) {
+      dprintf("tracing: %i vs %i", other_is_tracing(), m68ki_tracing);
+      err=1;
+    }
+    if(err) dumpPCandExit(is_sub);
+#if 0
+    if (m68ki_cpu.dar[15] < 0x00ff0000 || m68ki_cpu.dar[15] >= 0x01000000)
+    {
+      other_dar(15) = m68ki_cpu.dar[15] = 0xff8000;
+    }
+#if 0
+    m68k_set_reg(M68K_REG_SR, ((mu_sr-1)&~0x2000)|(mu_sr&0x2000)); // broken
+    CycloneSetSr(currentC68k, ((mu_sr-1)&~0x2000)|(mu_sr&0x2000));
+    currentC68k->stopped = m68ki_cpu.stopped = 0;
+    if(SekPc > 0x400 && (currentC68k->a[7] < 0xff0000 || currentC68k->a[7] > 0xffffff))
+    currentC68k->a[7] = m68ki_cpu.dar[15] = 0xff8000;
+    cyc_done += cyc_other;
+    ops++;
+  }
+  return cyc_done;

+ 0 - 93

@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ static int  HighCacheA[41+1];   // caches for high layers
 static int  HighCacheB[41+1];
 int  HighPreSpr[80*2+1]; // slightly preprocessed sprites
-#define MAX_LINE_SPRITES 29
 #define SPRL_HAVE_HI     0x80 // have hi priority sprites
 #define SPRL_HAVE_LO     0x40 // *lo*
 #define SPRL_MAY_HAVE_OP 0x20 // may have operator sprites on the line
@@ -1465,95 +1464,3 @@ void PicoDrawSetColorFormat(int which)
-/* debug and fun */
-#define GREEN1  0x0700
-#ifdef USE_BGR555
- #define YELLOW1 0x071c
- #define BLUE1   0xf000
- #define RED1    0x001e
- #define YELLOW1 0xe700
- #define BLUE1   0x001e
- #define RED1    0xf000
-static void set16(unsigned short *p, unsigned short d, int cnt)
-  while (cnt-- > 0)
-    *p++ = d;
-void PicoDrawShowSpriteStats(unsigned short *screen, int stride)
-  int lines, i, u, step;
-  unsigned short *dest;
-  unsigned char *p;
-  step = (320-4*4-1) / MAX_LINE_SPRITES;
-  lines = 240;
-  if (!Pico.m.pal || !([1]&8))
-    lines = 224, screen += stride*8;
-  for (i = 0; i < lines; i++)
-  {
-    dest = screen + stride*i;
-    p = &HighLnSpr[i][0];
-    // sprite graphs
-    for (u = 0; u < (p[0] & 0x7f); u++) {
-      set16(dest, (p[3+u] & 0x80) ? YELLOW1 : GREEN1, step);
-      dest += step;
-    }
-    // flags
-    dest = screen + stride*i + 320-4*4;
-    if (p[1] & SPRL_HAVE_LO)     set16(dest+4*0, GREEN1,  4);
-    if (p[1] & SPRL_HAVE_HI)     set16(dest+4*1, YELLOW1, 4);
-    if (p[1] & SPRL_MAY_HAVE_OP) set16(dest+4*2, BLUE1,   4);
-    if (p[1] & SPRL_LO_ABOVE_HI) set16(dest+4*3, RED1,    4);
-  }
-  // draw grid
-  for (i = step*5; i <= 320-4*4-1; i += step*5) {
-    for (u = 0; u < lines; u++)
-      screen[i + u*stride] = 0x182;
-  }
-void PicoDrawShowPalette(unsigned short *screen, int stride)
-  unsigned int *spal=(void *)Pico.cram;
-  unsigned int *dpal=(void *)HighPal;
-  int x, y, i;
-  for (i = 0x3f/2; i >= 0; i--)
-#ifdef USE_BGR555
-    dpal[i] = ((spal[i]&0x000f000f)<< 1)|((spal[i]&0x00f000f0)<<3)|((spal[i]&0x0f000f00)<<4);
-    dpal[i] = ((spal[i]&0x000f000f)<<12)|((spal[i]&0x00f000f0)<<3)|((spal[i]&0x0f000f00)>>7);
-  for (i = 0x3f; i >= 0; i--)
-    HighPal[0x40|i] = (unsigned short)((HighPal[i]>>1)&0x738e);
-  for (i = 0x3f; i >= 0; i--) {
-    int t=HighPal[i]&0xe71c;t+=0x4208;if(t&0x20)t|=0x1c;if(t&0x800)t|=0x700;if(t&0x10000)t|=0xe000;t&=0xe71c;
-    HighPal[0x80|i] = (unsigned short)t;
-  }
-  screen += 16*stride+8;
-  for (y = 0; y < 8*4; y++)
-    for (x = 0; x < 8*16; x++)
-      screen[x + y*stride] = HighPal[x/8 + (y/8)*16];
-  screen += 160;
-  for (y = 0; y < 8*4; y++)
-    for (x = 0; x < 8*16; x++)
-      screen[x + y*stride] = HighPal[(x/8 + (y/8)*16) | 0x40];
-  screen += stride*48;
-  for (y = 0; y < 8*4; y++)
-    for (x = 0; x < 8*16; x++)
-      screen[x + y*stride] = HighPal[(x/8 + (y/8)*16) | 0x80];
-  Pico.m.dirtyPal = 1;

+ 20 - 25

@@ -27,8 +27,6 @@
 #define LINE_WIDTH 328
-int currpri = 0;
 static int HighCache2A[41*(TILE_ROWS+1)+1+1]; // caches for high layers
 static int HighCache2B[41*(TILE_ROWS+1)+1+1];
@@ -284,12 +282,8 @@ static void DrawLayerFull(int plane, int *hcache, int planestart, int planeend)
 			if (code==blank) continue;
-#ifdef USE_CACHE
 			if (code>>15) { // high priority tile
 				*hcache++ = code|(dx<<16)|(trow<<27); // cache it
-			if ((code>>15) != currpri) {
@@ -497,7 +491,7 @@ static void BackFillFull(int reg7)
-static void DrawDisplayFull()
+static void DrawDisplayFull(void)
 	struct PicoVideo *pvid=&;
 	int win, edge=0, hvwin=0; // LSb->MSb: hwin&plane, vwin&plane, full
@@ -512,7 +506,8 @@ static void DrawDisplayFull()
 	// horizontal window?
-	if((win=pvid->reg[0x12])) {
+	if ((win=pvid->reg[0x12]))
+	{
 		hvwin=1; // hwindow shares display with plane A
 		if(win == 0x80) {
@@ -531,7 +526,8 @@ static void DrawDisplayFull()
 	// check for vertical window, but only if win is not fullscreen
-	if(hvwin != 4) {
+	if (hvwin != 4)
+	{
 		if (win&0x80) {
@@ -555,15 +551,16 @@ static void DrawDisplayFull()
-	if(hvwin==1) { winend|=maxcolc<<16; planeend|=maxcolc<<16; }
+	if (hvwin==1) { winend|=maxcolc<<16; planeend|=maxcolc<<16; }
-	currpri = 0;
-	DrawLayerFull(1, HighCache2B, START_ROW, (maxcolc<<16)|END_ROW);
-	switch(hvwin) {
+	HighCache2A[1] = HighCache2B[1] = 0;
+	if (PicoDrawMask & PDRAW_LAYERB_ON)
+		DrawLayerFull(1, HighCache2B, START_ROW, (maxcolc<<16)|END_ROW);
+	if (PicoDrawMask & PDRAW_LAYERA_ON) switch (hvwin)
+	{
 		case 4:
 		// fullscreen window
 		DrawWindowFull(START_ROW, (maxcolc<<16)|END_ROW, 0);
-		HighCache2A[1] = 0;
 		case 3:
@@ -585,12 +582,13 @@ static void DrawDisplayFull()
 		DrawLayerFull(0, HighCache2A, START_ROW, (maxcolc<<16)|END_ROW);
-	DrawAllSpritesFull(0, maxw);
+	if (PicoDrawMask & PDRAW_SPRITES_LOW_ON)
+		DrawAllSpritesFull(0, maxw);
-#ifdef USE_CACHE
-	if(HighCache2B[1]) DrawTilesFromCacheF(HighCache2B);
-	if(HighCache2A[1]) DrawTilesFromCacheF(HighCache2A);
-	switch(hvwin) {
+	if (HighCache2B[1]) DrawTilesFromCacheF(HighCache2B);
+	if (HighCache2A[1]) DrawTilesFromCacheF(HighCache2A);
+	switch (hvwin)
+	{
 		case 4:
 		// fullscreen window
 		DrawWindowFull(START_ROW, (maxcolc<<16)|END_ROW, 1);
@@ -608,18 +606,15 @@ static void DrawDisplayFull()
 		DrawWindowFull(winstart, winend, 1);
-	currpri = 1;
-	// TODO
-	DrawAllSpritesFull(1, maxw);
+	if (PicoDrawMask & PDRAW_SPRITES_HI_ON)
+		DrawAllSpritesFull(1, maxw);
 PICO_INTERNAL void PicoFrameFull()
 	// prepare cram?
-	if(PicoPrepareCram) PicoPrepareCram();
+	if (PicoPrepareCram) PicoPrepareCram();
 	// Draw screen:

+ 0 - 90

@@ -348,93 +348,3 @@ void PicoGetInternal(pint_t which, pint_ret_t *r)
 // callback to output message from emu
 void (*PicoMessage)(const char *msg)=NULL;
-#if 1 // defined(__DEBUG_PRINT)
-#define bit(r, x) ((r>>x)&1)
-#define MVP dstrp+=strlen(dstrp)
-void z80_debug(char *dstr);
-char *debugString(void)
-#if 1
-  static char dstr[1024];
-  struct PicoVideo *pv=&;
-  unsigned char *reg=pv->reg, r;
-  extern int HighPreSpr[];
-  int i, sprites_lo, sprites_hi;
-  char *dstrp;
-  sprites_lo = sprites_hi = 0;
-  for (i = 0; HighPreSpr[i] != 0; i+=2)
-    if (HighPreSpr[i+1] & 0x8000)
-         sprites_hi++;
-    else sprites_lo++;
-  dstrp = dstr;
-  sprintf(dstrp, "mode set 1: %02x       spr lo: %2i, spr hi: %2i\n", (r=reg[0]), sprites_lo, sprites_hi); MVP;
-  sprintf(dstrp, "display_disable: %i, M3: %i, palette: %i, ?, hints: %i\n", bit(r,0), bit(r,1), bit(r,2), bit(r,4)); MVP;
-  sprintf(dstrp, "mode set 2: %02x                            hcnt: %i\n", (r=reg[1]), pv->reg[10]); MVP;
-  sprintf(dstrp, "SMS/gen: %i, pal: %i, dma: %i, vints: %i, disp: %i, TMS: %i\n",bit(r,2),bit(r,3),bit(r,4),bit(r,5),bit(r,6),bit(r,7)); MVP;
-  sprintf(dstrp, "mode set 3: %02x\n", (r=reg[0xB])); MVP;
-  sprintf(dstrp, "LSCR: %i, HSCR: %i, 2cell vscroll: %i, IE2: %i\n", bit(r,0), bit(r,1), bit(r,2), bit(r,3)); MVP;
-  sprintf(dstrp, "mode set 4: %02x\n", (r=reg[0xC])); MVP;
-  sprintf(dstrp, "interlace: %i%i, cells: %i, shadow: %i\n", bit(r,2), bit(r,1), (r&0x80) ? 40 : 32, bit(r,3)); MVP;
-  sprintf(dstrp, "scroll size: w: %i, h: %i  SRAM: %i; eeprom: %i (%i)\n", reg[0x10]&3, (reg[0x10]&0x30)>>4,
-  	bit(Pico.m.sram_reg, 4), bit(Pico.m.sram_reg, 2), SRam.eeprom_type); MVP;
-  sprintf(dstrp, "sram range: %06x-%06x, reg: %02x\n", SRam.start, SRam.end, Pico.m.sram_reg); MVP;
-  sprintf(dstrp, "pend int: v:%i, h:%i, vdp status: %04x\n", bit(pv->pending_ints,5), bit(pv->pending_ints,4), pv->status); MVP;
-  sprintf(dstrp, "pal: %i, hw: %02x, frame#: %i\n", Pico.m.pal, Pico.m.hardware, Pico.m.frame_count); MVP;
-#if defined(EMU_C68K)
-  sprintf(dstrp, "M68k: PC: %06x, st_flg: %x, cycles: %u\n", SekPc, PicoCpuCM68k.state_flags, SekCyclesDoneT()); MVP;
-  sprintf(dstrp, "d0=%08x, a0=%08x, osp=%08x, irql=%i\n", PicoCpuCM68k.d[0], PicoCpuCM68k.a[0], PicoCpuCM68k.osp, PicoCpuCM68k.irq); MVP;
-  sprintf(dstrp, "d1=%08x, a1=%08x,  sr=%04x\n", PicoCpuCM68k.d[1], PicoCpuCM68k.a[1], CycloneGetSr(&PicoCpuCM68k)); dstrp+=strlen(dstrp); MVP;
-  for(r=2; r < 8; r++) {
-    sprintf(dstrp, "d%i=%08x, a%i=%08x\n", r, PicoCpuCM68k.d[r], r, PicoCpuCM68k.a[r]); MVP;
-  }
-#elif defined(EMU_M68K)
-  sprintf(dstrp, "M68k: PC: %06x, cycles: %u, irql: %i\n", SekPc, SekCyclesDoneT(), PicoCpuMM68k.int_level>>8); MVP;
-#elif defined(EMU_F68K)
-  sprintf(dstrp, "M68k: PC: %06x, cycles: %u, irql: %i\n", SekPc, SekCyclesDoneT(), PicoCpuFM68k.interrupts[0]); MVP;
-  sprintf(dstrp, "z80Run: %i, z80_reset: %i, z80_bnk: %06x\n", Pico.m.z80Run, Pico.m.z80_reset, Pico.m.z80_bank68k<<15); MVP;
-  z80_debug(dstrp); MVP;
-  if (strlen(dstr) > sizeof(dstr))
-    printf("warning: debug buffer overflow (%i/%i)\n", strlen(dstr), sizeof(dstr));
-  struct PicoVideo *pvid=&;
-  int table=0;
-  int i,u,n,link=0;
-  static char dstr[1024*8];
-  dstr[0] = 0;
-  table=pvid->reg[5]&0x7f;
-  if (pvid->reg[12]&1) table&=0x7e; // Lowest bit 0 in 40-cell mode
-  table<<=8; // Get sprite table address/2
-  for (i=u=n=0; u < 80 && n < 20; u++)
-  {
-    unsigned int *sprite;
-    int code, code2, sx, sy, height;
-    sprite=(unsigned int *)(Pico.vram+((table+(link<<2))&0x7ffc)); // Find sprite
-    // get sprite info
-    code = sprite[0];
-    // check if it is on this line
-    sy = (code&0x1ff);//-0x80;
-    height = ((code>>24)&3)+1;
-    // masking sprite?
-    code2 = sprite[1];
-    sx = (code2>>16)&0x1ff;
-    printf("#%02i x: %03i y: %03i %ix%i\n", u, sx, sy, ((code>>26)&3)+1, height);
-    link=(code>>16)&0x7f;
-    if(!link) break; // End of sprites
-  }
-  return dstr;

+ 2 - 0

@@ -398,6 +398,8 @@ int CM_compareRun(int cyc, int is_sub);
 PICO_INTERNAL void PicoFrameStart(void);
 void PicoDrawSync(int to, int blank_last_line);
 extern int DrawScanline;
+#define MAX_LINE_SPRITES 29
+extern unsigned char HighLnSpr[240][3 + MAX_LINE_SPRITES];
 // Draw2.c
 PICO_INTERNAL void PicoFrameFull();

+ 1 - 1

@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ void SekStepM68k(void)
 #elif defined(EMU_M68K)
 #elif defined(EMU_F68K)
-  SekCycleCnt+=fm68k_emulate(1, 0);
+  SekCycleCnt+=fm68k_emulate(1, 0, 0);

+ 0 - 24

@@ -10,26 +10,6 @@ extern unsigned int s68k_poll_adclk;
 void (*PicoMCDopenTray)(void) = NULL;
 int  (*PicoMCDcloseTray)(void) = NULL;
-#define dump_ram(ram,fname) \
-{ \
-  int i, d; \
-  FILE *f; \
-  for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ram); i+=2) { \
-    d = (ram[i]<<8) | ram[i+1]; \
-    *(unsigned short *)(ram+i) = d; \
-  } \
-  f = fopen(fname, "wb"); \
-  if (f) { \
-    fwrite(ram, 1, sizeof(ram), f); \
-    fclose(f); \
-  } \
-  for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ram); i+=2) { \
-    d = (ram[i]<<8) | ram[i+1]; \
-    *(unsigned short *)(ram+i) = d; \
-  } \
 PICO_INTERNAL void PicoInitMCD(void)
@@ -37,13 +17,9 @@ PICO_INTERNAL void PicoInitMCD(void)
 PICO_INTERNAL void PicoExitMCD(void)
-  //dump_ram(Pico_mcd->prg_ram, "prg.bin");
-  //dump_ram(Pico.ram, "ram.bin");
 PICO_INTERNAL void PicoPowerMCD(void)

+ 75 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// platform specific things for common menu code
+#ifdef __GP2X__
+#include "../gp2x/gp2x.h"
+#define BTN_UP    GP2X_UP
+#define BTN_DOWN  GP2X_DOWN
+#define BTN_LEFT  GP2X_LEFT
+#define BTN_NORTH GP2X_Y
+#define BTN_SOUTH GP2X_X
+#define BTN_WEST  GP2X_A
+#define BTN_EAST  GP2X_B
+#define BTN_L     GP2X_L
+#define BTN_R     GP2X_R
+unsigned long wait_for_input(unsigned long interesting);
+void gp2x_pd_clone_buffer2(void);
+void menu_darken_bg(void *dst, int pixels, int darker);
+void menu_flip(void);
+#define SCREEN_WIDTH  320
+#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 240
+#define SCREEN_BUFFER gp2x_screen
+#define read_buttons(which) \
+	wait_for_input(which)
+#define menu_draw_begin() \
+	gp2x_pd_clone_buffer2()
+#define clear_screen() \
+	memset(gp2x_screen, 0, 320*240*2)
+#define darken_screen() \
+	menu_darken_bg(gp2x_screen, 320*240, 0)
+#define menu_draw_end() \
+	menu_flip()
+// ------------------------------------
+#elif defined(__GIZ__)
+// TODO
+//#include "../gizmondo/giz.h"
+#define SCREEN_WIDTH 321
+#define SCREEN_BUFFER menu_screen
+extern unsigned char *menu_screen;
+// ------------------------------------
+#elif defined(PSP)
+#include "../psp/psp.h"
+#define BTN_SOUTH BTN_X
+unsigned long wait_for_input(unsigned int interesting, int is_key_config);
+void menu_draw_begin(void);
+void menu_darken_bg(void *dst, const void *src, int pixels, int darker);
+void menu_draw_end(void);
+#define SCREEN_WIDTH  512
+#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 272
+#define SCREEN_BUFFER psp_screen
+#define read_buttons(which) \
+	wait_for_input(which, 0)
+#define clear_screen() \
+#define darken_screen() \
+	menu_darken_bg(psp_screen, psp_screen, SCREEN_WIDTH*SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0)

+ 110 - 14

@@ -12,21 +12,9 @@
 #include "fonts.h"
 #include "readpng.h"
 #include "lprintf.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include "emu.h"
-#if   defined(__GP2X__)
- #include "../gp2x/gp2x.h"
- #define SCREEN_WIDTH 320
- #define SCREEN_BUFFER gp2x_screen
-#elif defined(__GIZ__)
- //#include "../gizmondo/giz.h"
- #define SCREEN_WIDTH 321
- #define SCREEN_BUFFER menu_screen
- extern unsigned char *menu_screen;
-#elif defined(PSP)
- #include "../psp/psp.h"
- #define SCREEN_WIDTH 512
- #define SCREEN_BUFFER psp_screen
 char menuErrorMsg[64] = { 0, };
@@ -362,3 +350,111 @@ const char *me_region_name(unsigned int code, int auto_order)
+// ------------ debug menu ------------
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <Pico/Pico.h>
+#include <Pico/Debug.h>
+void SekStepM68k(void);
+static void draw_text_debug(const char *str, int skip, int from)
+	const char *p;
+	int len, line;
+	p = str;
+	while (skip-- > 0)
+	{
+		while (*p && *p != '\n') p++;
+		if (*p == 0 || p[1] == 0) return;
+		p++;
+	}
+	str = p;
+	for (line = from; line < SCREEN_HEIGHT/10; line++)
+	{
+		while (*p && *p != '\n') p++;
+		len = p - str;
+		if (len > 55) len = 55;
+		smalltext_out16_lim(1, line*10, str, 0xffff, len);
+		if (*p == 0) break;
+		p++; str = p;
+	}
+static void draw_frame_debug(void)
+	char layer_str[48] = "layers:             ";
+	if (PicoDrawMask & PDRAW_LAYERB_ON)      memcpy(layer_str +  8, "B", 1);
+	if (PicoDrawMask & PDRAW_LAYERA_ON)      memcpy(layer_str + 10, "A", 1);
+	if (PicoDrawMask & PDRAW_SPRITES_LOW_ON) memcpy(layer_str + 12, "spr_lo", 6);
+	if (PicoDrawMask & PDRAW_SPRITES_HI_ON)  memcpy(layer_str + 19, "spr_hi", 6);
+	clear_screen();
+	emu_forcedFrame(0);
+	smalltext_out16(4, SCREEN_HEIGHT-8, layer_str, 0xffff);
+void debug_menu_loop(void)
+	int inp, mode = 0;
+	int spr_offs = 0, dumped = 0;
+	while (1)
+	{
+		switch (mode)
+		{
+			case 0: menu_draw_begin();
+				draw_text_debug(PDebugMain(), 0, 0);
+				if (dumped) {
+					smalltext_out16(SCREEN_WIDTH-6*10, SCREEN_HEIGHT-8, "dumped", 0xffff);
+					dumped = 0;
+				}
+				break;
+			case 1: draw_frame_debug(); break;
+			case 2: clear_screen();
+				emu_forcedFrame(0);
+				darken_screen();
+				PDebugShowSpriteStats(SCREEN_BUFFER, SCREEN_WIDTH); break;
+			case 3: clear_screen();
+				PDebugShowSprite((unsigned short *)SCREEN_BUFFER + SCREEN_WIDTH*120+SCREEN_WIDTH/2+16,
+					SCREEN_WIDTH, spr_offs);
+				draw_text_debug(PDebugSpriteList(), spr_offs, 6);
+				break;
+		}
+		menu_draw_end();
+		if (inp & BTN_SOUTH) return;
+		if (inp & BTN_L) { mode--; if (mode < 0) mode = 3; }
+		if (inp & BTN_R) { mode++; if (mode > 3) mode = 0; }
+		switch (mode)
+		{
+			case 0:
+				if (inp & BTN_EAST) SekStepM68k();
+				if ((inp & (BTN_WEST|BTN_LEFT)) == (BTN_WEST|BTN_LEFT)) {
+					mkdir("dumps", 0777);
+					PDebugDumpMem();
+					dumped = 1;
+				}
+				break;
+			case 1:
+				if (inp & BTN_LEFT)  PicoDrawMask ^= PDRAW_LAYERB_ON;
+				if (inp & BTN_RIGHT) PicoDrawMask ^= PDRAW_LAYERA_ON;
+				if (inp & BTN_DOWN)  PicoDrawMask ^= PDRAW_SPRITES_LOW_ON;
+				if (inp & BTN_UP)    PicoDrawMask ^= PDRAW_SPRITES_HI_ON;
+				break;
+			case 3:
+				if (inp & BTN_DOWN)  spr_offs++;
+				if (inp & BTN_UP)    spr_offs--;
+				if (spr_offs < 0) spr_offs = 0;
+				break;
+		}
+	}

+ 1 - 0

@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ void text_out16(int x, int y, const char *texto, ...);
 void smalltext_out16(int x, int y, const char *texto, int color);
 void smalltext_out16_lim(int x, int y, const char *texto, int color, int max);
 void menu_draw_selection(int x, int y, int w);
+void debug_menu_loop(void);
 extern char menuErrorMsg[64];

+ 2 - 2

@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ ifeq "$(amalgamate)" "1"
 OBJS += ../../PicoAll.o
 OBJS += Pico/Area.o Pico/Cart.o Pico/Memory.o Pico/Misc.o Pico/Pico.o Pico/Sek.o \
-		Pico/VideoPort.o Pico/Draw2.o Pico/Draw.o Pico/Patch.o
+		Pico/VideoPort.o Pico/Draw2.o Pico/Draw.o Pico/Patch.o Pico/Debug.o
 # Pico - CD
 OBJS += Pico/cd/Pico.o Pico/cd/Memory.o Pico/cd/Sek.o Pico/cd/LC89510.o \
 		Pico/cd/cd_sys.o Pico/cd/cd_file.o Pico/cd/cue.o Pico/cd/gfx_cd.o \
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ OBJS += zlib/gzio.o zlib/inffast.o zlib/inflate.o zlib/inftrees.o zlib/trees.o \
 OBJS += unzip/unzip.o unzip/unzip_stream.o
 # debug
 ifeq "$(debug_cyclone)" "1"
-OBJS += Pico/Debug.o cpu/musashi/m68kdasm.o
+OBJS += Pico/DebugCPU.o cpu/musashi/m68kdasm.o
 # CPU cores
 ifeq "$(use_musashi)" "1"

+ 4 - 72

@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ const char * const keyNames[] = {
 	"???",   "???",    "???",  "PUSH", "???",  "???", "???",      "???"
-static void menu_darken_bg(void *dst, int pixels, int darker);
+void menu_darken_bg(void *dst, int pixels, int darker);
 static void menu_prepare_bg(int use_game_bg);
 static unsigned long inp_prev = 0;
 static int inp_prevjoy = 0;
-static unsigned long wait_for_input(unsigned long interesting)
+unsigned long wait_for_input(unsigned long interesting)
 	unsigned long ret;
 	static int repeats = 0, wait = 20;
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ static unsigned long wait_for_input_usbjoy(unsigned long interesting, int *joy)
 	return ret;
-static void menu_flip(void)
+void menu_flip(void)
@@ -429,74 +429,6 @@ rescan:
 	return ret;
-// ------------ debug menu ------------
-char *debugString(void);
-void PicoDrawShowSpriteStats(unsigned short *screen, int stride);
-void PicoDrawShowPalette(unsigned short *screen, int stride);
-static void draw_main_debug(void)
-	char *p, *str = debugString();
-	int len, line;
-	gp2x_pd_clone_buffer2();
-	p = str;
-	for (line = 0; line < 24; line++)
-	{
-		while (*p && *p != '\n') p++;
-		len = p - str;
-		if (len > 55) len = 55;
-		smalltext_out16_lim(1, line*10, str, 0xffff, len);
-		if (*p == 0) break;
-		p++; str = p;
-	}
-static void draw_frame_debug(void)
-	char layer_str[48] = "layers:             ";
-	if (PicoDrawMask & PDRAW_LAYERB_ON)      memcpy(layer_str +  8, "B", 1);
-	if (PicoDrawMask & PDRAW_LAYERA_ON)      memcpy(layer_str + 10, "A", 1);
-	if (PicoDrawMask & PDRAW_SPRITES_LOW_ON) memcpy(layer_str + 12, "spr_lo", 6);
-	if (PicoDrawMask & PDRAW_SPRITES_HI_ON)  memcpy(layer_str + 19, "spr_hi", 6);
-	memset(gp2x_screen, 0, 320*240*2);
-	emu_forcedFrame(0);
-	smalltext_out16(4, 232, layer_str, 0xffff);
-static void debug_menu_loop(void)
-	int inp, mode = 0;
-	while (1)
-	{
-		switch (mode)
-		{
-			case 0: draw_main_debug(); break;
-			case 1: draw_frame_debug(); break;
-			case 2: gp2x_pd_clone_buffer2();
-				PicoDrawShowSpriteStats(gp2x_screen, 320); break;
-			case 3: memset(gp2x_screen, 0, 320*240*2);
-				PicoDrawShowPalette(gp2x_screen, 320); break;
-		}
-		menu_flip();
-		inp = wait_for_input(GP2X_B|GP2X_X|GP2X_L|GP2X_R|GP2X_UP|GP2X_DOWN|GP2X_LEFT|GP2X_RIGHT);
-		if (inp & (GP2X_B|GP2X_X)) return;
-		if (inp & GP2X_L) { mode--; if (mode < 0) mode = 3; }
-		if (inp & GP2X_R) { mode++; if (mode > 3) mode = 0; }
-		if (mode == 1) {
-			if (inp & GP2X_LEFT)  PicoDrawMask ^= PDRAW_LAYERB_ON;
-			if (inp & GP2X_RIGHT) PicoDrawMask ^= PDRAW_LAYERA_ON;
-			if (inp & GP2X_DOWN)  PicoDrawMask ^= PDRAW_SPRITES_LOW_ON;
-			if (inp & GP2X_UP)    PicoDrawMask ^= PDRAW_SPRITES_HI_ON;
-		}
-	}
 // ------------ patch/gg menu ------------
 static void draw_patchlist(int sel)
@@ -1653,7 +1585,7 @@ static void menu_loop_root(void)
-static void menu_darken_bg(void *dst, int pixels, int darker)
+void menu_darken_bg(void *dst, int pixels, int darker)
 	unsigned int *screen = dst;
 	pixels /= 2;

+ 2 - 2

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ OBJS += platform/common/emu.o platform/common/menu.o platform/common/config.o pl
 # Pico
 OBJS += Pico/Area.o Pico/Cart.o Pico/Memory.o Pico/Misc.o Pico/Pico.o Pico/Sek.o \
-		Pico/VideoPort.o Pico/Draw2.o Pico/Draw.o Pico/Patch.o
+		Pico/VideoPort.o Pico/Draw2.o Pico/Draw.o Pico/Patch.o Pico/Debug.o
 # Pico - CD
 OBJS += Pico/cd/Pico.o Pico/cd/Memory.o Pico/cd/Sek.o Pico/cd/LC89510.o \
 		Pico/cd/cd_sys.o Pico/cd/cd_file.o Pico/cd/cue.o Pico/cd/gfx_cd.o \
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ endif
 # misc
 ifeq "$(use_fame)" "1"
 ifeq "$(use_musashi)" "1"
-OBJS += Pico/Debug.o
+OBJS += Pico/DebugCPU.o
 OBJS += cpu/musashi/m68kdasm.o

+ 8 - 0

@@ -5,6 +5,14 @@
 #define NO_SYNC
+#define CASE_SENSITIVE_FS 1 // CS filesystem
+#define REDUCE_IO_CALLS 0
+// draw.c
 // draw2.c
 #define START_ROW  0 // which row of tiles to start rendering at?
 #define END_ROW   28 // ..end

+ 5 - 4

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ PSPSDK = $(shell psp-config --pspsdk-path)
 #use_mz80 = 1
 amalgamate = 0
 for_15fw = 1
+# :!touch platform/psp/psp.c
 CFLAGS += -I../.. -I. -DNO_SYNC
@@ -33,9 +34,9 @@ OBJS += platform/common/emu.o platform/common/menu.o platform/common/fonts.o pla
 ifeq "$(amalgamate)" "1"
 OBJS += ../../PicoAll.o
-OBJS += Pico/Area.o Pico/Cart.o Pico/Memory.o Pico/Misc.o \
-		Pico/Pico.o Pico/Sek.o Pico/VideoPort.o Pico/Draw2.o Pico/Draw.o \
-		Pico/Patch.o Pico/Draw_amips.o Pico/Memory_amips.o Pico/Misc_amips.o
+OBJS += Pico/Area.o Pico/Cart.o Pico/Memory.o Pico/Misc.o Pico/Pico.o Pico/Sek.o Pico/VideoPort.o \
+		Pico/Draw2.o Pico/Draw.o Pico/Patch.o Pico/Draw_amips.o Pico/Memory_amips.o \
+		Pico/Misc_amips.o Pico/Debug.o
 # Pico - CD
 OBJS += Pico/cd/Pico.o Pico/cd/Memory.o Pico/cd/Sek.o Pico/cd/LC89510.o \
 		Pico/cd/cd_sys.o Pico/cd/cd_file.o Pico/cd/cue.o Pico/cd/gfx_cd.o \
@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ up: EBOOT.PBP
 # cleanup
-	rm -rf $(DIRS)
+	#rm -rf $(DIRS)
 	make -C ../../cpu/musashi clean

+ 5 - 74

@@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ const char * const keyNames[] = {
 static unsigned short bg_buffer[480*272] __attribute__((aligned(16)));
 #define menu_screen psp_screen
-static void menu_darken_bg(void *dst, const void *src, int pixels, int darker);
+void menu_darken_bg(void *dst, const void *src, int pixels, int darker);
 static void menu_prepare_bg(int use_game_bg, int use_fg);
 static unsigned int inp_prev = 0;
-static unsigned long wait_for_input(unsigned int interesting, int is_key_config)
+unsigned long wait_for_input(unsigned int interesting, int is_key_config)
 	unsigned int ret;
 	static int repeats = 0, wait = 20;
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ static unsigned long wait_for_input(unsigned int interesting, int is_key_config)
 	return ret;
-static void menu_draw_begin(void)
+void menu_draw_begin(void)
 	// short *src = (short *)bg_buffer, *dst = (short *)menu_screen;
 	// int i;
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ static void menu_draw_begin(void)
-static void menu_draw_end(void)
+void menu_draw_end(void)
@@ -434,74 +434,6 @@ static char *romsel_loop(char *curr_path)
 	return ret;
-// ------------ debug menu ------------
-char *debugString(void);
-void PicoDrawShowSpriteStats(unsigned short *screen, int stride);
-void PicoDrawShowPalette(unsigned short *screen, int stride);
-static void draw_main_debug(void)
-	char *p, *str = debugString();
-	int len, line;
-	menu_draw_begin();
-	p = str;
-	for (line = 0; line < 24; line++)
-	{
-		while (*p && *p != '\n') p++;
-		len = p - str;
-		if (len > 55) len = 55;
-		smalltext_out16_lim(1, line*10, str, 0xffff, len);
-		if (*p == 0) break;
-		p++; str = p;
-	}
-static void draw_frame_debug(void)
-	char layer_str[48] = "layers:             ";
-	if (PicoDrawMask & PDRAW_LAYERB_ON)      memcpy(layer_str +  8, "B", 1);
-	if (PicoDrawMask & PDRAW_LAYERA_ON)      memcpy(layer_str + 10, "A", 1);
-	if (PicoDrawMask & PDRAW_SPRITES_LOW_ON) memcpy(layer_str + 12, "spr_lo", 6);
-	if (PicoDrawMask & PDRAW_SPRITES_HI_ON)  memcpy(layer_str + 19, "spr_hi", 6);
-	memset(psp_screen, 0, 512*272*2);
-	emu_forcedFrame(0);
-	smalltext_out16(4, 264, layer_str, 0xffff);
-static void debug_menu_loop(void)
-	int inp, mode = 0;
-	while (1)
-	{
-		switch (mode)
-		{
-			case 0: draw_main_debug(); break;
-			case 1: draw_frame_debug(); break;
-			case 2: menu_draw_begin();
-				PicoDrawShowSpriteStats((unsigned short *)psp_screen+512*16+80, 512); break;
-			case 3: memset(psp_screen, 0, 512*272*2);
-				PicoDrawShowPalette(psp_screen, 512); break;
-		}
-		menu_draw_end();
-		if (inp & (BTN_X|BTN_CIRCLE)) return;
-		if (inp & BTN_L) { mode--; if (mode < 0) mode = 3; }
-		if (inp & BTN_R) { mode++; if (mode > 3) mode = 0; }
-		if (mode == 1) {
-			if (inp & BTN_LEFT)  PicoDrawMask ^= PDRAW_LAYERB_ON;
-			if (inp & BTN_RIGHT) PicoDrawMask ^= PDRAW_LAYERA_ON;
-			if (inp & BTN_DOWN)  PicoDrawMask ^= PDRAW_SPRITES_LOW_ON;
-			if (inp & BTN_UP)    PicoDrawMask ^= PDRAW_SPRITES_HI_ON;
-		}
-	}
 // ------------ patch/gg menu ------------
 static void draw_patchlist(int sel)
@@ -1735,8 +1667,7 @@ static void menu_loop_root(void)
-// warning: alignment
-static void menu_darken_bg(void *dst, const void *src, int pixels, int darker)
+void menu_darken_bg(void *dst, const void *src, int pixels, int darker)
 	unsigned int *dest = dst;
 	const unsigned int *srce = src;