2.5 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. import os
  3. import platform
  4. from UI.util_funcs import FileExists,ArmSystem,ReadTheFileContent
  5. from pyaria2_rpc.pyaria2 import Xmlrpc
  6. CurKeySet = "GameShell" ## >>> PC or GameShell <<<
  7. DontLeave = False
  8. BackLight = "/proc/driver/backlight"
  9. Battery = "/sys/class/power_supply/axp20x-battery/uevent"
  10. FB_Modes = "/sys/class/graphics/fb0/modes"
  11. MPD_socket = "/tmp/mpd.socket"
  12. #UPDATE_URL=""
  13. # disable update
  14. UPDATE_URL=""
  15. VERSION="D.E.O.T. v2+ 200626"
  16. SKIN=None
  17. ButtonsLayout="snes"
  18. RPC = None
  19. ## three timer values in seconds: dim screen, close screen,PowerOff
  20. ## zero means no action
  21. PowerLevels = {}
  22. PowerLevels["supersaving"] = [10,30,120]
  23. PowerLevels["powersaving"] = [40,120,300]
  24. PowerLevels["server"] = [40,120,0]
  25. PowerLevels["balance_saving"] = [40,0,0]
  26. PowerLevel = "balance_saving"
  27. GlobalCanvas=None
  28. GlobalScale = 1
  29. def PreparationInAdv():
  30. global SKIN,ButtonsLayout,FB_Modes,GlobalScale
  31. global PowerLevel
  32. global RPC
  33. if SKIN != None:
  34. return
  35. SKIN= "../skin/DEOT"
  36. if FileExists("%s/.gameshell_skin" % os.path.expanduser('~')) == True:
  37. with open("%s/.gameshell_skin" % os.path.expanduser('~'),"r") as f:
  38. gameshell_skin =
  39. gameshell_skin = gameshell_skin.strip()
  40. SKIN= gameshell_skin
  41. if FileExists(".buttonslayout") == True:
  42. with open(".buttonslayout") as f:
  43. btnlayout =
  44. btnlayout = btnlayout.strip()
  45. ButtonsLayout = btnlayout
  46. if ButtonsLayout != "xbox" and ButtonsLayout != "snes":
  47. ButtonsLayout = "xbox"
  48. if FileExists(".powerlevel") == False:
  49. os.system("touch .powerlevel")
  50. with open(".powerlevel","r") as f:
  51. powerlevel =
  52. powerlevel = powerlevel.strip()
  53. if powerlevel != "":
  54. PowerLevel = powerlevel
  55. if powerlevel != "supersaving":
  56. ArmSystem("sudo iw wlan0 set power_save off >/dev/null")
  57. else:
  58. ArmSystem("sudo iw wlan0 set power_save on > /dev/null")
  59. else:
  60. ArmSystem("sudo iw wlan0 set power_save off >/dev/null")
  61. if FileExists(FB_Modes):
  62. modes = ReadTheFileContent(FB_Modes)
  63. if "320x240" in modes:
  64. GlobalScale = 1
  65. if "640x480" in modes:
  66. GlobalScale = 2
  67. if "480x640" in modes:
  68. GlobalScale = 2
  69. else:
  70. GlobalScale = 1
  71. RPC = Xmlrpc('localhost', 6800)
  72. PreparationInAdv()