# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pygame from libs import easing ## local UI import from UI.constants import Width,Height,ICON_TYPES from UI.page import Page,PageSelector from UI.label import Label from UI.fonts import fonts from UI.util_funcs import midRect from UI.keys_def import CurKeys from UI.icon_item import IconItem from UI.icon_pool import MyIconPool from UI.skin_manager import SkinManager from libs.roundrects import aa_round_rect from textarea import Textarea from text_item import TextItem import myvars class KeyboardIcon(IconItem): _PosX = 0 _PosY = 0 _Width = 0 _Height = 0 _Color = SkinManager().GiveColor('Text') _MyType = ICON_TYPES["NAV"] _Parent = None _Str = "" def Draw(self): self._Parent._CanvasHWND.blit(self._ImgSurf, \ midRect(self._PosX,self._PosY,self._Width,self._Height,Width,Height)) class KeyboardSelector(PageSelector): def Draw(self): sec_idx = self._Parent._SectionIndex row_idx = self._Parent._RowIndex idx = self._Parent._PsIndex x = self._Parent._SecsKeys[sec_idx][row_idx][idx]._PosX y = self._Parent._SecsKeys[sec_idx][row_idx][idx]._PosY w = self._Parent._SecsKeys[sec_idx][row_idx][idx]._Width+6 h = self._Parent._SecsKeys[sec_idx][row_idx][idx]._Height+1 rect = midRect(x,y,w,h,self._Parent._Width,self._Parent._Height) if rect.width <=0 or rect.height <= 0 : return aa_round_rect(self._Parent._CanvasHWND,rect, (126,206,244),3,0,(126,206,244)) # pygame.draw.rect(self._Parent._CanvasHWND,(0,0,0),rect,1) class Keyboard(Page): _PosX = 0 _PosY = 0 _Width = 0 _Height = 0 _SectionNumbers = 3 _SectionIndex = 1 _Icons = {} _Secs = {} _SecsKeys = {} _KeyboardLayoutFile = "UI/keyboard_keys.layout" _Textarea = None _Selector = None _LeftOrRight = 1 _FootMsg = ["Nav.","ABC","Done","Backspace","Enter"] _RowIndex = 0 def __init__(self): self._Secs = {} self._SecsKeys = {} self._Icons = {} def ReadLayoutFile(self,fname): LayoutIndex = 0 with open(fname) as f: content = f.readlines() content = [ x.strip() for x in content] content = [ x.split(" ") for x in content] for i in content: i = [ x.strip() for x in i] if len(i) > 2: if LayoutIndex in self._Secs: self._Secs[LayoutIndex].append(i) else: self._Secs[LayoutIndex] = [] self._Secs[LayoutIndex].append(i) else: LayoutIndex+=1 def SetPassword(self,pwd): pwd_list = list(pwd) self._Textarea.ResetMyWords() for i in pwd_list: self._Textarea.AppendText(i) #self._Textarea.BlitText() def Init(self): self._CanvasHWND = self._Screen._CanvasHWND self.ReadLayoutFile(self._KeyboardLayoutFile) ## assign to _Secs self._SectionNumbers = len(self._Secs) self._PosX = self._Index*self._Screen._Width self._Width = self._Screen._Width self._Height = self._Screen._Height fontobj = fonts["veramono24"] word_margin = 15 start_x = (self._Width - fontobj.size( "".join(self._Secs[0][0]))[0]-len(self._Secs[0][0])*word_margin)/2+word_margin/2 start_y = 0 cnt = 0 for i in range(0,self._SectionNumbers): self._SecsKeys[i] = [] for j in range(0,len(self._Secs[i])): self._SecsKeys[i].append( [] ) start_x = (self._Width - fontobj.size( "".join(self._Secs[i][j]))[0]-len(self._Secs[i][j])*word_margin)/2+word_margin/2 start_x = start_x + i*Width start_y = 84+j*(word_margin+14) for idx,val in enumerate(self._Secs[i][j]): ti = TextItem() ti._FontObj = fontobj ti._Parent = self if val == "_L" or val == "_R": it = KeyboardIcon() it._ImgSurf = MyIconPool._Icons[val] it._Parent = self it._Str = val it.Init(start_x+it._ImgSurf.get_width()/2 ,start_y,it._ImgSurf.get_width(),it._ImgSurf.get_height(),0) #self._Icons[val] = it self._SecsKeys[i][j].append(it) self._IconNumbers+=1 start_x = start_x + it._ImgSurf.get_width()+word_margin else: if val == "_S": val = "Space" ti._FontObj = fonts["veramono15"] ti._Bold = True cur_alpha_size = ti._FontObj.size( val) ti.Init(start_x + cur_alpha_size[0]/2,start_y,cur_alpha_size[0],cur_alpha_size[1],0) ti._Str = val start_x = start_x + cur_alpha_size[0]+word_margin # prepare for next alpha self._SecsKeys[i][j].append(ti) self._SectionIndex = 0 self._Textarea = Textarea() self._Textarea._PosX = 4 self._Textarea._PosY = 4 self._Textarea._Width= self._Width - 4*2 self._Textarea._Height = 60 self._Textarea._CanvasHWND = self._CanvasHWND self._Textarea.Init() ps = KeyboardSelector() ps._Parent = self ps.Init(start_x,start_y,25,25,128) self._Ps = ps self._PsIndex = 0 self._Ps._OnShow = True def SelectUpChar(self): sec_idx = self._SectionIndex self._RowIndex-=1 if self._RowIndex <0: self._RowIndex = len(self._SecsKeys[sec_idx])-1 if self._PsIndex >=len(self._SecsKeys[sec_idx][self._RowIndex]): self._PsIndex = len(self._SecsKeys[sec_idx][self._RowIndex])-1 self.ClearCanvas() self.Draw() self._Screen.SwapAndShow() def SelectDownChar(self): sec_idx = self._SectionIndex self._RowIndex+=1 if self._RowIndex >= len(self._SecsKeys[sec_idx]): self._RowIndex = 0 if self._PsIndex >=len(self._SecsKeys[sec_idx][self._RowIndex]): self._PsIndex = len(self._SecsKeys[sec_idx][self._RowIndex])-1 self.ClearCanvas() self.Draw() self._Screen.SwapAndShow() def SelectNextChar(self): sec_idx = self._SectionIndex row_idx = self._RowIndex self._PsIndex+=1 if self._PsIndex >= len(self._SecsKeys[sec_idx][row_idx]): self._PsIndex = 0 self._RowIndex+=1 if self._RowIndex >= len(self._SecsKeys[sec_idx]): self._RowIndex = 0 self.ClearCanvas() self.Draw() self._Screen.SwapAndShow() def SelectPrevChar(self): sec_idx = self._SectionIndex self._PsIndex-=1 if self._PsIndex < 0: self._RowIndex-=1 if self._RowIndex <=0: self._RowIndex = len(self._SecsKeys[sec_idx])-1 self._PsIndex = len(self._SecsKeys[sec_idx][self._RowIndex]) -1 self.ClearCanvas() self.Draw() self._Screen.SwapAndShow() def ClickOnChar(self): sec_idx = self._SectionIndex alphabet = self._SecsKeys[sec_idx][self._RowIndex][self._PsIndex]._Str if alphabet == "Space": alphabet = " " if alphabet == "_L" or alphabet == "_R": if alphabet == "_L": self._Textarea.SubTextIndex() elif alphabet == "_R": self._Textarea.AddTextIndex() else: self._Textarea.AppendText(alphabet) self._Textarea.Draw() self._Screen.SwapAndShow() def KeyboardShift(self): current_time = 0.0 start_posx = 0.0 current_posx = start_posx final_posx = 320.0 posx_init = 0.0 dur = 30 last_posx = 0.0 all_last_posx = [] for i in range(0,Width*dur): current_posx = easing.SineIn(current_time,start_posx,final_posx-start_posx,float(dur)) if current_posx >= final_posx: current_posx = final_posx dx = current_posx - last_posx all_last_posx.append(int(dx)) current_time +=1 last_posx = current_posx if current_posx >= final_posx: break c = 0 for i in all_last_posx: c+=i if c < final_posx - start_posx: all_last_posx.append(final_posx - c) for i in all_last_posx: for j in range(0,self._SectionNumbers): for u in self._SecsKeys[j]: for x in u: x._PosX += self._LeftOrRight*i self.ResetPageSelector() self.ClearCanvas() self.Draw() self._Screen.SwapAndShow() def KeyDown(self,event):# event from pygame.event.get() if event.key == CurKeys["Up"]: self.SelectUpChar() if event.key == CurKeys["Down"]: self.SelectDownChar() if event.key == CurKeys["Right"]: self.SelectNextChar() if event.key == CurKeys["Left"]: self.SelectPrevChar() if event.key == CurKeys["B"] or event.key == CurKeys["Enter"]: self.ClickOnChar() if event.key == CurKeys["X"]: if self._SectionIndex <= 0: self._LeftOrRight = -1 if self._SectionIndex >= (self._SectionNumbers -1): self._LeftOrRight = 1 self.ShiftKeyboardPage() if event.key == CurKeys["Menu"]: # we assume keyboard always be child page self.ReturnToUpLevelPage() self._Screen.Draw() self._Screen.SwapAndShow() if event.key == CurKeys["Y"]: #done print("".join(self._Textarea._MyWords)) self.ReturnToUpLevelPage() self._Screen.SwapAndShow() ## config and connect now myvars.ScanPage.ConfigWireless( "".join(self._Textarea._MyWords)) if event.key == CurKeys["A"]: self._Textarea.RemoveFromLastText() self._Textarea.Draw() self._Screen.SwapAndShow() if event.key == CurKeys["LK1"]: if self._SectionIndex < self._SectionNumbers -1: self._LeftOrRight = -1 self.ShiftKeyboardPage() if event.key == CurKeys["LK5"]: if self._SectionIndex > 0: self._LeftOrRight = 1 self.ShiftKeyboardPage() def Draw(self): self.ClearCanvas() self._Ps.Draw() for i in range(0,self._SectionNumbers): for j in self._SecsKeys[i]: for u in j: u.Draw() self._Textarea.Draw() def ShiftKeyboardPage(self): self.KeyboardShift() self._SectionIndex -= self._LeftOrRight self.Draw() self._Screen.SwapAndShow()