1. How to install wiringPi
  2. =======================
  3. The easiest way is to use the supplied 'build' script:
  4. ./build
  5. that should do a complete install or upgrade of wiringPi for you.
  6. That will install a dynamic library.
  7. Some distributions do not have /usr/local/lib in the default LD_LIBRARY_PATH. To
  8. fix this, you need to edit /etc/ and add in a single line:
  9. /usr/local/lib
  10. then run the ldconfig command.
  11. sudo ldconfig
  12. If you want to install a static library, you may need to do this manually:
  13. cd wiringPi
  14. make static
  15. sudo make install-static
  16. To un-install wiringPi:
  17. ./build uninstall
  18. I2C:
  19. If your system has the correct i2c-dev libraries and headers installed,
  20. then the I2C helpers will be compiled into wiringPi. If you want to
  21. use the I2C helpers and don't have them installed, then under Raspbian,
  22. issue the command:
  23. sudo apt-get install libi2c-dev
  24. Consult the documentation for your system if you are not running Raspbian.
  25. Gordon Henderson