소스 검색

Added support for the Pimoroni scrollPhat
Added support for the ADS1115 16-bit ADC
Updated the gpio readall command to correctly with with the Compute Module
and fixed a resulting bug in wiringPi...

Gordon Henderson 8 년 전
13개의 변경된 파일1847개의 추가작업 그리고 8개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 4 1
  2. 430 0
  3. 39 0
  4. 544 0
  5. 79 0
  6. 230 0
  7. 115 0
  8. 5 4
  9. 2 2
  10. 293 0
  11. 55 0
  12. 23 1
  13. 28 0

+ 4 - 1

@@ -48,11 +48,13 @@ LIBS    =
 SRC	=	ds1302.c maxdetect.c  piNes.c		\
 		gertboard.c piFace.c			\
 		lcd128x64.c lcd.c			\
+		scrollPhat.c				\
 OBJ	=	$(SRC:.c=.o)
-HEADERS	=	ds1302.h gertboard.h  lcd128x64.h  lcd.h  maxdetect.h piFace.h  piGlow.h  piNes.h
+HEADERS	=	ds1302.h gertboard.h  lcd128x64.h  lcd.h  maxdetect.h piFace.h  piGlow.h  piNes.h\
+		scrollPhat.h
 all:		$(DYNAMIC)
@@ -134,4 +136,5 @@ gertboard.o: gertboard.h
 piFace.o: piFace.h
 lcd128x64.o: font.h lcd128x64.h
 lcd.o: lcd.h
+scrollPhat.o: scrollPhatFont.h scrollPhat.h
 piGlow.o: piGlow.h

+ 430 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+ * scrollPhat.c:
+ *	Simple driver for the Pimoroni Scroll Phat device
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Gordon Henderson.
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * This file is part of wiringPi:
+ *	https://projects.drogon.net/raspberry-pi/wiringpi/
+ *
+ *    wiringPi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ *    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *    (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *    wiringPi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ *    along with wiringPi.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <wiringPiI2C.h>
+#include "scrollPhatFont.h"
+#include "scrollPhat.h"
+// Size
+#define	SP_WIDTH	11
+#define	SP_HEIGHT	 5
+// I2C
+#define	PHAT_I2C_ADDR	0x60
+// Software copy of the framebuffer
+//	it's 8-bit deep although the display itself is only 1-bit deep.
+static unsigned char frameBuffer [SP_WIDTH * SP_HEIGHT] ;
+static int lastX,   lastY ;
+static int printDelayFactor  ;
+static int scrollPhatFd ;
+static int putcharX ;
+#undef	DEBUG
+ * delay:
+ *	Wait for some number of milliseconds.
+ *	This taken from wiringPi as there is no-need to include the whole of
+ *	wiringPi just for the delay function.
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+static void delay (unsigned int howLong)
+  struct timespec sleeper, dummy ;
+  sleeper.tv_sec  = (time_t)(howLong / 1000) ;
+  sleeper.tv_nsec = (long)(howLong % 1000) * 1000000 ;
+  nanosleep (&sleeper, &dummy) ;
+ * scrollPhatUpdate:
+ *	Copy our software version to the real display
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+void scrollPhatUpdate (void)
+  register int x, y ;
+  register unsigned char data, pixel ;
+  unsigned char pixels [SP_WIDTH] ;
+#ifdef	DEBUG
+  printf ("+-----------+\n") ;
+  for (y = 0 ; y < SP_HEIGHT ; ++y)
+  {
+    putchar ('|') ;
+    for (x = 0 ; x < SP_WIDTH ; ++x)
+    {
+      pixel = frameBuffer [x + y * SP_WIDTH] ;
+      putchar (pixel == 0 ? ' ' : '*') ;
+    }
+    printf ("|\n") ;
+  }
+  printf ("+-----------+\n") ;
+  for (x = 0 ; x < SP_WIDTH ; ++x)
+  {
+    data = 0 ;
+    for (y = 0 ; y < SP_HEIGHT ; ++y)
+    {
+      pixel = frameBuffer [x + y * SP_WIDTH] ;
+      data = (data << 1) | ((pixel == 0) ? 0 : 1) ;
+    }
+    pixels [x] = data ;
+  }
+  for (x = 0 ; x < SP_WIDTH ; ++x)
+    wiringPiI2CWriteReg8 (scrollPhatFd, 1 + x, pixels [x]) ;
+  wiringPiI2CWriteReg8 (scrollPhatFd, 0x0C, 0) ;
+ *********************************************************************************
+ * Standard Graphical Functions
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+ * scrollPhatPoint:
+ *	Plot a pixel. Crude clipping - speed is not the essence here.
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+void scrollPhatPoint (int x, int y, int colour)
+  lastX = x ;
+  lastY = y ;
+  if ((x < 0) || (x >= SP_WIDTH) || (y < 0) || (y >= SP_HEIGHT))
+    return ;
+  frameBuffer [x + y * SP_WIDTH] = colour ;
+ * scrollPhatLine: scrollPhatLineTo:
+ *	Classic Bressenham Line code - rely on the point function to do the
+ *	clipping for us here.
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+void scrollPhatLine (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int colour)
+  int dx, dy ;
+  int sx, sy ;
+  int err, e2 ;
+  lastX = x1 ;
+  lastY = y1 ;
+  dx = abs (x1 - x0) ;
+  dy = abs (y1 - y0) ;
+  sx = (x0 < x1) ? 1 : -1 ;
+  sy = (y0 < y1) ? 1 : -1 ;
+  err = dx - dy ;
+  for (;;)
+  {
+    scrollPhatPoint (x0, y0, colour) ;
+    if ((x0 == x1) && (y0 == y1))
+      break ;
+    e2 = 2 * err ;
+    if (e2 > -dy)
+    {
+      err -= dy ;
+      x0  += sx ;
+    }
+    if (e2 < dx)
+    {
+      err += dx ;
+      y0  += sy ;
+    }
+  }
+void scrollPhatLineTo (int x, int y, int colour)
+  scrollPhatLine (lastX, lastY, x, y, colour) ;
+ * scrollPhatRectangle:
+ *	A rectangle is a spoilt days fishing
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+void scrollPhatRectangle (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int colour, int filled)
+  register int x ;
+  if (filled)
+  {
+    /**/ if (x1 == x2)
+      scrollPhatLine (x1, y1, x2, y2, colour) ;
+    else if (x1 < x2)
+      for (x = x1 ; x <= x2 ; ++x)
+	scrollPhatLine (x, y1, x, y2, colour) ;
+    else
+      for (x = x2 ; x <= x1 ; ++x)
+	scrollPhatLine (x, y1, x, y2, colour) ;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    scrollPhatLine   (x1, y1, x2, y1, colour) ;
+    scrollPhatLineTo (x2, y2, colour) ;
+    scrollPhatLineTo (x1, y2, colour) ;
+    scrollPhatLineTo (x1, y1, colour) ;
+  }
+ * scrollPhatPutchar:
+ *      Print a single character to the screen then advance the pointer by an
+ *	appropriate ammount (variable width font).
+ *      We rely on the clipping done by the pixel plot function to keep us
+ *      out of trouble.
+ *	Return the width + space
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+int scrollPhatPutchar (int c)
+  register int x, y ;
+  unsigned char line ;
+  unsigned char *fontPtr ;
+  unsigned char *p2 ;
+  int lineWidth, width, mask ;
+// The font is printable characters, uppercase only...
+//	and somewhat varaible width...
+  c &= 0x7F ;
+  if (c > 0x60)
+    c -= 64 ;
+  else
+    c -= 32 ;
+  fontPtr = scrollPhatFont + c * fontHeight ;
+// Work out width of this character
+//	There probably is a more efficient way to do this, but...
+  p2    = fontPtr ;
+  width = 0 ;
+  for (y = 0 ; y < fontHeight ; ++y)
+  {
+    mask = 0x80 ;
+    for (lineWidth = 8 ; lineWidth > 0 ; --lineWidth)
+    {
+      if ((*p2 & mask) != 0)
+	break ;
+      mask >>= 1 ;
+    }
+    if (lineWidth > width)
+      width = lineWidth ;
+    ++p2 ;
+  }
+  if (width == 0)	// Likely to be a blank or space character
+    width = 3 ;
+  for (y = fontHeight - 1 ; y >= 0 ; --y)
+  {
+    x    = 0 ;
+    line = *fontPtr++ ;
+    for (mask = 1 << (width - 1) ; mask != 0 ; mask >>= 1)
+    {
+      scrollPhatPoint (putcharX + x, y, (line & mask)) ;
+      ++x ;
+    }
+  }
+// make a line of space
+  for (y = fontHeight - 1 ; y >= 0 ; --y)
+    scrollPhatPoint (putcharX + width, y, 0) ;
+  putcharX = putcharX + width + 1 ;
+  return width + 1 ;
+ * scrollPhatPuts:
+ *	Send a string to the display - and scroll it across.
+ *	This is somewhat of a hack in that we print the entire string to the
+ *	display and let the point clipping take care of what's off-screen...
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+void scrollPhatPuts (const char *str)
+  int i ;
+  int movingX = 0 ;
+  const char *s ;
+  int pixelLen ;
+// Print it once, then we know the width in pixels...
+  putcharX = 0 ;
+  s = str ;
+  while (*s)
+    scrollPhatPutchar (*s++) ;
+  pixelLen = putcharX ;
+// Now scroll it by printing it and moving left one pixel
+  movingX = 0 ;
+  for (i = 0 ; i < pixelLen ; ++i)
+  {
+    putcharX = movingX ;
+    s = str ;
+    while (*s)
+      scrollPhatPutchar (*s++) ;
+    --movingX ;
+    scrollPhatUpdate () ;
+    delay (printDelayFactor) ;
+  }
+ * scrollPhatPrintf:
+ *	Does what it says
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+void scrollPhatPrintf (const char *message, ...)
+  va_list argp ;
+  char buffer [1024] ;
+  va_start (argp, message) ;
+    vsnprintf (buffer, 1023, message, argp) ;
+  va_end (argp) ;
+  scrollPhatPuts (buffer) ;
+ * scrollPhatPrintSpeed:
+ *	Change the print speed - mS per shift by 1 pixel
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+void scrollPhatPrintSpeed (const int pps)
+  if (pps < 0)
+    printDelayFactor = 0 ;
+  else
+    printDelayFactor = pps ;
+ * scrollPhatClear:
+ *	Clear the display
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+void scrollPhatClear (void)
+  register int i ;
+  register unsigned char *ptr = frameBuffer ;
+  for (i = 0 ; i < (SP_WIDTH * SP_HEIGHT) ; ++i)
+    *ptr++ = 0 ;
+  scrollPhatUpdate () ;
+ * scrollPhatIntensity:
+ *	Set the display brightness - percentage
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+void scrollPhatIntensity (const int percent)
+  wiringPiI2CWriteReg8 (scrollPhatFd, 0x19, (127 * percent) / 100) ;
+ * scrollPhatSetup:
+ *	Initialise the Scroll Phat display
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+int scrollPhatSetup (void)
+  if ((scrollPhatFd = wiringPiI2CSetup (PHAT_I2C_ADDR)) < 0)
+    return scrollPhatFd ;
+  wiringPiI2CWriteReg8 (scrollPhatFd, 0x00, 0x03) ;	// Enable display, set to 5x11 mode
+  scrollPhatIntensity (10) ;
+  scrollPhatClear () ;
+  scrollPhatPrintSpeed (100) ;
+  return 0 ;

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * scrollPhat.h:
+ *	Simple driver for the Pimoroni Scroll Phat device
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Gordon Henderson.
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * This file is part of wiringPi:
+ *	https://projects.drogon.net/raspberry-pi/wiringpi/
+ *
+ *    wiringPi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ *    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *    (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *    wiringPi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ *    along with wiringPi.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+extern void scrollPhatPoint      (int x, int y, int colour) ;
+extern void scrollPhatLine       (int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int colour) ;
+extern void scrollPhatLineTo     (int x, int y, int colour) ;
+extern void scrollPhatRectangle  (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int colour, int filled) ;
+extern void scrollPhatUpdate     (void) ;
+extern void scrollPhatClear      (void) ;
+extern int  scrollPhatPutchar    (int c) ;
+//extern void scrollPhatPutchar    (int c) ;
+extern void scrollPhatPuts       (const char *str) ;
+extern void scrollPhatPrintf     (const char *message, ...) ;
+extern void scrollPhatPrintSpeed (const int cps10) ;
+extern void scrollPhatIntensity  (const int percent) ;
+extern int  scrollPhatSetup      (void) ;

+ 544 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+ * scrollPhatFont.h:
+ *	Simple font for the Pimoroni Scroll Phat.
+ *	Note: this is a very much reduced font - 5 pixels high and
+ *	mostly 4 pixels wide - sometimes 5. Also only
+ *	printable characters from space to _ uppercase only.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Gordon Henderson.
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * This file is part of wiringPi:
+ *	https://projects.drogon.net/raspberry-pi/wiringpi/
+ *
+ *    wiringPi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ *    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *    (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *    wiringPi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ *    along with wiringPi.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+static const int fontHeight = 5 ;
+static unsigned char scrollPhatFont [] =
+// 0x20, Space. Handeled as a special case in the code.
+   0x0, // ....
+   0x0, // ....
+   0x0, // ....
+   0x0, // ....
+   0x0, // ....
+// 0x21, !
+   0x1, // *
+   0x1, // *
+   0x1, // *
+   0x0, // .
+   0x1, // *
+// 0x22, "
+   0x5, // *..*
+   0x5, // *..*
+   0x0, // ....
+   0x0, // ....
+   0x0, // ....
+// 0x23, #
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0xF, // ****
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0xF, // ****
+   0x9, // *..*
+// 0x24, $
+   0x1, // ...*
+   0x7, // .***
+   0x2, // ..*.
+   0xE, // ***.
+   0x8, // *...
+// 0x25, %
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x1, // ...*
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x8, // *...
+   0x9, // *..*
+// 0x26, &
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x8, // *...
+   0x4, // .*..
+   0xA, // *.*.
+   0x5, // .*.*
+// 0x27, '
+   0x1, // .*
+   0x2, // *.
+   0x0, // ..
+   0x0, // ..
+   0x0, // ..
+// 0x28, (
+   0x3, // ..**
+   0x4, // .*..
+   0x8, // *...
+   0x4, // .*..
+   0x3, // ..**
+// 0x29, )
+   0xC, // **..
+   0x2, // ..*.
+   0x1, // ...*
+   0x2, // ..*.
+   0xC, // **..
+// 0x2A, *
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0xF, // ****
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x9, // *..*
+// 0x2B, +
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0xF, // ****
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x6, // .**.
+// 0x2C, ,
+   0x0, // ..
+   0x0, // ..
+   0x0, // ..
+   0x1, // .*
+   0x2, // *.
+// 0x2D, -
+   0x0, // ....
+   0x0, // ....
+   0xF, // ****
+   0x0, // ....
+   0x0, // ....
+// 0x2E, .
+   0x0, // .
+   0x0, // .
+   0x0, // .
+   0x0, // .
+   0x1, // *
+// 0x2F, /
+   0x1, // ...*
+   0x3, // ..**
+   0x4, // ..*.
+   0xC, // **..
+   0x8, // *...
+// 0x30, 0
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x6, // .**.
+// 0x31, 1
+   0x2, // ..*.
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x2, // ..*.
+   0x2, // ..*.
+   0x7, // .***
+// 0x32, 2
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x1, // ...*
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x8, // *...
+   0xF, // ****
+// 0x33, 3
+   0xE, // ***.
+   0x1, // ...*
+   0xE, // ***.
+   0x1, // ...*
+   0xE, // ***.
+// 0x34, 4
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0xA, // *.*.
+   0xF, // ****
+   0x2, // ..*.
+   0x2, // ..*.
+// 0x35, 5
+   0xF, // ****
+   0x8, // *...
+   0xF, // ****
+   0x1, // ...*
+   0xE, // ***.
+// 0x36, 6
+   0x2, // ..*.
+   0x4, // .*..
+   0xA, // *.*.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x6, // .**.
+// 0x37, 7
+   0xF, // ****
+   0x1, // ...*
+   0x2, // ..*.
+   0x4, // .*..
+   0x8, // *...
+// 0x38, 8
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x6, // .**.
+// 0x39, 9
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x7, // .*.*
+   0x1, // ..*.
+   0x2, // .*..
+// 0x3A, :
+   0x0, // .
+   0x1, // *
+   0x0, // .
+   0x1, // *
+   0x0, // .
+// 0x3B, ;
+   0x0, // ..
+   0x1, // .*
+   0x0, // ..
+   0x1, // .*
+   0x2, // *.
+// 0x3C, <
+   0x2, // ..*.
+   0x4, // .*..
+   0x8, // *...
+   0x4, // .*..
+   0x2, // ..*.
+// 0x3D, =
+   0x0, // ....
+   0xF, // ****
+   0x0, // ....
+   0xF, // ****
+   0x0, // ....
+// 0x3E, >
+   0x0, // .*..
+   0x0, // ..*.
+   0x0, // ...*
+   0x0, // ..*.
+   0x0, // .*..
+// 0x3F, ?
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x1, // ...*
+   0x2, // ..*.
+   0x0, // ....
+   0x2, // ..*.
+// 0x40, @
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0xD, // **.*
+   0x8, // *...
+   0x4, // .*..
+   0x3, // ..**
+// 0x41, A
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0xF, // ****
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x9, // *..*
+// 0x42, B
+   0xE, // ***.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0xE, // ***.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0xE, // ***.
+// 0x43, C
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x8, // *...
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x6, // .**.
+// 0x44, D
+   0xE, // ***.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0xE, // ***.
+// 0x45, E
+   0xF, // ****
+   0x8, // *...
+   0xE, // ***.
+   0x8, // *...
+   0xF, // ****
+// 0x46, F
+   0xF, // ****
+   0x8, // *...
+   0xE, // ***.
+   0x8, // *...
+   0x8, // *...
+// 0x47, G
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x8, // *...
+   0xB, // *.**
+   0x6, // .**.
+// 0x48, H
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0xF, // ****
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x9, // *..*
+// 0x49, I
+   0x7, // ***
+   0x2, // .*.
+   0x2, // .*.
+   0x2, // .*.
+   0x7, // ***
+// 0x4A, J
+   0x7, // .***
+   0x2, // ..*.
+   0x2, // ..*.
+   0xA, // *.*.
+   0x4, // .*..
+// 0x4B, K
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0xA, // *.*.
+   0xC, // **..
+   0xA, // *.*.
+   0x9, // *..*
+// 0x4C, L
+   0x4, // *..
+   0x4, // *..
+   0x4, // *..
+   0x4, // *..
+   0x7, // ***
+// 0x4D, M
+   0x11, // *...*
+   0x1B, // **.**
+   0x15, // *.*.*
+   0x11, // *...*
+   0x11, // *...*
+// 0x4E, N
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0xD, // **.*
+   0xB, // *.**
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x9, // *..*
+// 0x4F, O
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x6, // .**.
+// 0x50, P
+   0xE, // ***.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0xE, // ***.
+   0x8, // *...
+   0x8, // *...
+// 0x51, Q
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0xA, // *.*.
+   0x5, // .*.*
+// 0x52, R
+   0xE, // ***.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0xF, // ***.
+   0xA, // *.*.
+   0x9, // *..*
+// 0x53, S
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x8, // *...
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x1, // ...*
+   0x6, // .**.
+// 0x54, T
+   0x7, // .***
+   0x2, // ..*.
+   0x2, // ..*.
+   0x2, // ..*.
+   0x2, // ..*.
+// 0x55, U
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x6, // .**.
+// 0x56, V
+   0x11, // *...*
+   0x11, // *...*
+   0x11, // *...*
+   0x0A, // .*.*.
+   0x04, // ..*..
+// 0x57, W
+   0x11, // *...*
+   0x11, // *...*
+   0x11, // *...*
+   0x15, // *.*.*
+   0x1B, // **.**
+// 0x58, X
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x9, // *..*
+// 0x59, Y
+   0x11, // *...*
+   0x0A, // .*.*.
+   0x04, // ..*..
+   0x04, // ..*..
+   0x04, // ..*..
+// 0x5A, Z
+   0xF, // ****
+   0x1, // ...*
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x8, // *...
+   0xF, // ****
+// 0x5B, [
+   0xE, // ***.
+   0x8, // *...
+   0x8, // *...
+   0x8, // *...
+   0xE, // ***.
+// 0x5C, Backslash
+   0x8, // *...
+   0xC, // **..
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x3, // ..**
+   0x1, // ...*
+// 0x5D, ]
+   0x7, // .***
+   0x1, // ...*
+   0x1, // ...*
+   0x1, // ...*
+   0x7, // .***
+// 0x5E, ^
+   0x6, // .**.
+   0x9, // *..*
+   0x0, // ....
+   0x0, // ....
+   0x0, // ....
+// 0x5F, _
+   0x0, // ....
+   0x0, // ....
+   0x0, // ....
+   0x0, // ....
+   0xF, // ****
+} ;

+ 79 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Makefile:
+#	wiringPi - Wiring Compatable library for the Raspberry Pi
+#	https://projects.drogon.net/wiring-pi
+#	Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Gordon Henderson
+# This file is part of wiringPi:
+#	Wiring Compatable library for the Raspberry Pi
+#    wiringPi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#    (at your option) any later version.
+#    wiringPi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+#    along with wiringPi.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ifneq ($V,1)
+Q ?= @
+#DEBUG	= -g -O0
+DEBUG	= -O3
+CC	= gcc
+INCLUDE	= -I/usr/local/include
+CFLAGS	= $(DEBUG) -Wall $(INCLUDE) -Winline -pipe
+LDFLAGS	= -L/usr/local/lib
+LDLIBS    = -lwiringPi -lwiringPiDev -lpthread -lm
+# Should not alter anything below this line
+SRC	=	scphat.c test.c
+OBJ	=	$(SRC:.c=.o)
+BINS	=	$(SRC:.c=)
+all:	$(BINS)
+test:	test.o
+	$Q echo [link]
+	$Q $(CC) -o $@ test.o $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
+scphat:	scphat.o
+	$Q echo [link]
+	$Q $(CC) -o $@ scphat.o $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
+	$Q echo [CC] $<
+	$Q $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
+	$Q echo "[Clean]"
+	$Q rm -f $(OBJ) *~ core tags $(BINS)
+tags:	$(SRC)
+	$Q echo [ctags]
+	$Q ctags $(SRC)
+install:	scphat
+	$Q echo Installing scphat into /usr/local/bin
+	$Q cp -a scphat /usr/local/bin/scphat
+	$Q chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/scphat
+	$Q echo Done. Remember to load the I2C drivers if needed.
+	makedepend -Y $(SRC)

+ 230 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ * scphat.c:
+ *	Little program to allow use of the Pimoroni Sctoll Phat
+ *	from the command-line.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Gordon Henderson. <projects@drogon.net>
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * This file is part of wiringPi:
+ *	https://projects.drogon.net/raspberry-pi/wiringpi/
+ *
+ *    wiringPi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ *    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *    (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *    wiringPi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ *    along with wiringPi.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <wiringPi.h>
+#include <scrollPhat.h>
+static char *progName ;
+ * checkArgs:
+ *	Count the arguments for each little function
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+static void checkArgs (char *command, int num, int arg, int argc)
+  if ((arg + num) < argc)
+    return ;
+  fprintf (stderr, "%s: Not enough data for %s command.\n", progName, command) ;
+  exit (EXIT_FAILURE) ;
+ * doClear:
+ *	Clear the display
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+static int doClear (void)
+  scrollPhatClear () ;
+  return 1 ;
+ * doBright
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+static int doBright (int arg, int argc, char *argv [])
+  checkArgs ("bright", 1, arg, argc) ;
+  scrollPhatIntensity (atoi (argv [arg+1])) ;
+  return 2 ;
+ * doPlot
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+static int doPlot (int arg, int argc, char *argv [])
+  checkArgs ("plot", 2, arg, argc) ;
+  scrollPhatPoint (atoi (argv [arg+1]), atoi (argv [arg+2]), 1) ;
+  scrollPhatUpdate () ;
+  return 3 ;
+ * doLine
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+static int doLine (int arg, int argc, char *argv [])
+  checkArgs ("line", 4, arg, argc) ;
+  scrollPhatLine (atoi (argv [arg+1]), atoi (argv [arg+2]),
+  			atoi (argv [arg+3]), atoi (argv [arg+4]), 1) ;
+  scrollPhatUpdate () ;
+  return 5 ;
+ * doLineTo
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+static int doLineTo (int arg, int argc, char *argv [])
+  checkArgs ("lineto", 2, arg, argc) ;
+  scrollPhatLineTo (atoi (argv [arg+1]), atoi (argv [arg+2]), 1) ;
+  scrollPhatUpdate () ;
+  return 3 ;
+ * doWait
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+static int doWait (int arg, int argc, char *argv [])
+  checkArgs ("wait", 1, arg, argc) ;
+  delay (atoi (argv [arg+1]) * 100) ;
+  scrollPhatUpdate () ;
+  return 2 ;
+ * doSpeed
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+static int doSpeed (int arg, int argc, char *argv [])
+  checkArgs ("speed", 1, arg, argc) ;
+  scrollPhatPrintSpeed (atoi (argv [arg+1])) ;
+  return 2 ;
+ * doScroll
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+static int doScroll (int arg, int argc, char *argv [])
+  checkArgs ("scroll", 1, arg, argc) ;
+  scrollPhatPuts (argv [arg+1]) ;
+  return 2 ;
+static void failUsage (void)
+  fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s command [paremters] ...\n", progName) ;
+  fprintf (stderr, "  commands:\n") ;
+  fprintf (stderr, "    clear/cls        - Clear the display\n") ;
+  fprintf (stderr, "    bright N         - Set display brightness; 1-100\n") ;
+  fprintf (stderr, "    plot X Y         - Set a single pixel at location X Y; 0-10, 0-4\n") ;
+  fprintf (stderr, "    line X1 Y1 X2 Y2 - Draw a line from the 2 points\n") ;
+  fprintf (stderr, "    lineto X2 Y2     - Draw a line from the last point to the new one\n") ;
+  fprintf (stderr, "    wait/delay N     - Wait for N 10ths seconds\n") ;
+  fprintf (stderr, "    speed N          - Set scrolling speed (cps)\n") ;
+  fprintf (stderr, "    scroll S         - Scroll the given string\n") ;
+  fprintf (stderr, "\n") ;
+  fprintf (stderr, "  Example: %s plot 0 0 wait 50 scroll \"  Hello  \"\n", progName) ;
+  exit (EXIT_FAILURE) ;
+ * the works
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+int main (int argc, char *argv [])
+  int arg = 1 ;
+  char *command ;
+  progName = argv [0] ;
+  wiringPiSetupSys () ;
+  if (scrollPhatSetup () != 0)
+  {
+    fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to initialise the scrollPhat: %s\n", progName, strerror (errno)) ;
+    exit (EXIT_FAILURE) ;
+  }
+  progName = argv [0] ;
+  if (argc < 2)
+  {
+    fprintf (stderr, "%s: Nothing to do...\n", argv [0]) ;
+    failUsage () ;
+  }
+  while (arg != argc)
+  {
+    command = argv [arg] ;
+    /**/ if (strcasecmp (command, "clear")  == 0) arg += doClear  () ;
+    else if (strcasecmp (command, "cls")    == 0) arg += doClear  () ;
+    else if (strcasecmp (command, "bright") == 0) arg += doBright (arg, argc, argv) ;
+    else if (strcasecmp (command, "plot")   == 0) arg += doPlot   (arg, argc, argv) ;
+    else if (strcasecmp (command, "line")   == 0) arg += doLine   (arg, argc, argv) ;
+    else if (strcasecmp (command, "lineto") == 0) arg += doLineTo (arg, argc, argv) ;
+    else if (strcasecmp (command, "wait")   == 0) arg += doWait   (arg, argc, argv) ;
+    else if (strcasecmp (command, "delay")  == 0) arg += doWait   (arg, argc, argv) ;
+    else if (strcasecmp (command, "speed")  == 0) arg += doSpeed  (arg, argc, argv) ;
+    else if (strcasecmp (command, "scroll") == 0) arg += doScroll (arg, argc, argv) ;
+    else
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unknown command: %s.\n", argv [0], argv [arg]) ;
+      failUsage () ;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0 ;

+ 115 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * test.c:
+ *	Little test program forthe Pimoroni Scroll Phat.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Gordon Henderson. <projects@drogon.net>
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * This file is part of wiringPi:
+ *	https://projects.drogon.net/raspberry-pi/wiringpi/
+ *
+ *    wiringPi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ *    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *    (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *    wiringPi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ *    along with wiringPi.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <scrollPhat.h>
+ * prompt:
+ *	Simple prompt & wait
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+static void prompt (const char *p)
+  printf ("    %s. Press ENTER: ", p) ;
+  (void)getchar () ;
+ * the works
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+int main (void)
+  int x, y ;
+  printf ("\n") ;
+  printf ("Scroll Phat Test program\n") ;
+  printf ("========================\n") ;
+  if (scrollPhatSetup () != 0)
+  {
+    printf ("Unable to initialise the scrollPhat: %s\n", strerror (errno)) ;
+    exit (1) ;
+  }
+  printf ("-> Scroll Phat initialised OK\n") ;
+  printf ("... Basic display tests.\n\n") ;
+  prompt ("Display ought to be blank") ;
+// Light all pixels using one point at a time
+  for (y = 0 ; y < 5 ; ++y)
+    for (x = 0 ; x < 12 ; ++x)
+      scrollPhatPoint (x, y, 1) ;
+  scrollPhatUpdate () ;
+  prompt ("Display ought to be all lit-up") ;
+// Big rectangle
+  scrollPhatClear () ;
+  scrollPhatRectangle (0,0, 10, 4, 1, 0) ;
+  scrollPhatUpdate () ;
+  prompt ("There should now be a rectangle round the outside") ;
+  scrollPhatLine (0,0, 10,4, 1) ;
+  scrollPhatLine (0,4, 10,0, 1) ;
+  scrollPhatUpdate () ;
+  prompt ("Diagonal lines") ;
+  scrollPhatIntensity (1) ;
+  prompt ("Minimum brightness") ;
+  scrollPhatIntensity (100) ;
+  prompt ("Maximum brightness") ;
+  scrollPhatIntensity (10) ;
+  prompt ("Default brightness") ;
+  scrollPhatClear () ;
+  printf ("    Message Test...Press Ctrl-C to exit: ") ;
+  fflush (stdout) ;
+  scrollPhatPrintSpeed (20) ;
+  for (;;)
+    scrollPhatPuts ("  Welcome to the scroll phat from Pimoroni  ") ;
+  return 0 ;

+ 5 - 4

@@ -223,19 +223,20 @@ void cmReadall (void)
   printf ("| Pin | Mode | Value |      | Pin | Mode | Value |\n") ;
   printf ("+-----+------+-------+      +-----+------+-------+\n") ;
-  for (pin = 0 ; pin < 28 ; ++pin)
+  for (pin = 0 ; pin < 27 ; ++pin)
     printf ("| %3d ", pin) ;
     printf ("| %-4s ", alts [getAlt (pin)]) ;
     printf ("| %s  ", digitalRead (pin) == HIGH ? "High" : "Low ") ;
     printf ("|      ") ;
-    printf ("| %3d ", pin + 28) ;
-    printf ("| %-4s ", alts [getAlt (pin + 28)]) ;
-    printf ("| %s  ", digitalRead (pin + 28) == HIGH ? "High" : "Low ") ;
+    printf ("| %3d ", pin + 27) ;
+    printf ("| %-4s ", alts [getAlt (pin + 27)]) ;
+    printf ("| %s  ", digitalRead (pin + 27) == HIGH ? "High" : "Low ") ;
     printf ("|\n") ;
   printf ("+-----+------+-------+      +-----+------+-------+\n") ;

+ 2 - 2

@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ SRC	=	wiringPi.c						\
 		sr595.c							\
 		pcf8574.c pcf8591.c					\
 		mcp3002.c mcp3004.c mcp4802.c mcp3422.c			\
-		max31855.c max5322.c					\
+		max31855.c max5322.c ads1115.c				\
 		sn3218.c						\
 		drcSerial.c						\
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ HEADERS =	wiringPi.h						\
 		sr595.h							\
 		pcf8574.h pcf8591.h					\
 		mcp3002.h mcp3004.h mcp4802.h mcp3422.h			\
-		max31855.h max5322.h					\
+		max31855.h max5322.h ads1115.h				\
 		sn3218.h						\
 		drcSerial.h						\

+ 293 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+ * ads1115.c:
+ *	Extend wiringPi with the ADS1115 I2C 16-bit ADC
+ *	Copyright (c) 2016 Gordon Henderson
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * This file is part of wiringPi:
+ *	https://projects.drogon.net/raspberry-pi/wiringpi/
+ *
+ *    wiringPi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ *    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ *    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *    wiringPi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ *    License along with wiringPi.
+ *    If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+ *********************************************************************************
+ * We're going to work in a hybrid mode to fit in with the wiringPi way of
+ * doing things, so there will be 4 analog pin which read the 4 single-ended
+ * channels as usual, also some fake digitalOutputs - these are the control
+ * registers that allow the user to put it into single/diff mode, set the
+ * gain and data rates.
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+#include <byteswap.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <wiringPi.h>
+#include <wiringPiI2C.h>
+#include "ads1115.h"
+// Bits in the config register (it's a 16-bit register)
+#define	CONFIG_OS_MASK		(0x8000)	// Operational Status Register
+#define	CONFIG_OS_SINGLE	(0x8000)	// Write - Starts a single-conversion
+						// Read    1 = Conversion complete
+// The multiplexor
+#define	CONFIG_MUX_MASK		(0x7000)
+// Differential modes
+#define	CONFIG_MUX_DIFF_0_1	(0x0000)	// Pos = AIN0, Neg = AIN1 (default)
+#define	CONFIG_MUX_DIFF_0_3	(0x1000)	// Pos = AIN0, Neg = AIN3
+#define	CONFIG_MUX_DIFF_1_3	(0x2000)	// Pos = AIN1, Neg = AIN3
+#define	CONFIG_MUX_DIFF_2_3	(0x3000)	// Pos = AIN2, Neg = AIN3 (2nd differential channel)
+// Single-ended modes
+#define	CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_0	(0x4000)	// AIN0
+#define	CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_1	(0x5000)	// AIN1
+#define	CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_2	(0x6000)	// AIN2
+#define	CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_3	(0x7000)	// AIN3
+// Programmable Gain Amplifier
+#define	CONFIG_PGA_MASK		(0x0E00)
+#define	CONFIG_PGA_6_144V	(0x0000)	// +/-6.144V range = Gain 2/3
+#define	CONFIG_PGA_4_096V	(0x0200)	// +/-4.096V range = Gain 1
+#define	CONFIG_PGA_2_048V	(0x0400)	// +/-2.048V range = Gain 2 (default)
+#define	CONFIG_PGA_1_024V	(0x0600)	// +/-1.024V range = Gain 4
+#define	CONFIG_PGA_0_512V	(0x0800)	// +/-0.512V range = Gain 8
+#define	CONFIG_PGA_0_256V	(0x0A00)	// +/-0.256V range = Gain 16
+#define	CONFIG_MODE		(0x0100)	// 0 is continuous, 1 is single-shot (default)
+// Data Rate
+#define	CONFIG_DR_MASK		(0x00E0)
+#define	CONFIG_DR_8SPS		(0x0000)	//   8 samples per second
+#define	CONFIG_DR_16SPS		(0x0020)	//  16 samples per second
+#define	CONFIG_DR_32SPS		(0x0040)	//  32 samples per second
+#define	CONFIG_DR_64SPS		(0x0060)	//  64 samples per second
+#define	CONFIG_DR_128SPS	(0x0080)	// 128 samples per second (default)
+#define	CONFIG_DR_475SPS	(0x00A0)	// 475 samples per second
+#define	CONFIG_DR_860SPS	(0x00C0)	// 860 samples per second
+// Comparator mode
+#define	CONFIG_CMODE_MASK	(0x0010)
+#define	CONFIG_CMODE_TRAD	(0x0000)	// Traditional comparator with hysteresis (default)
+#define	CONFIG_CMODE_WINDOW	(0x0010)	// Window comparator
+// Comparator polarity - the polarity of the output alert/rdy pin
+#define	CONFIG_CPOL_MASK	(0x0008)
+#define	CONFIG_CPOL_ACTVLOW	(0x0000)	// Active low (default)
+#define	CONFIG_CPOL_ACTVHI	(0x0008)	// Active high
+// Latching comparator - does the alert/rdy pin latch
+#define	CONFIG_CLAT_MASK	(0x0004)
+#define	CONFIG_CLAT_NONLAT	(0x0000)	// Non-latching comparator (default)
+#define	CONFIG_CLAT_LATCH	(0x0004)	// Latching comparator
+// Comparitor queue
+#define	CONFIG_CQUE_MASK	(0x0003)
+#define	CONFIG_CQUE_1CONV	(0x0000)	// Assert after one conversions
+#define	CONFIG_CQUE_2CONV	(0x0001)	// Assert after two conversions
+#define	CONFIG_CQUE_4CONV	(0x0002)	// Assert after four conversions
+#define	CONFIG_CQUE_NONE	(0x0003)	// Disable the comparator (default)
+#define	CONFIG_DEFAULT		(0x8583)	// From the datasheet
+static const uint16_t dataRates [8] =
+} ;
+static const uint16_t gains [6] =
+} ;
+ * analogRead:
+ *	Pin is the channel to sample on the device.
+ *	Channels 0-3 are single ended inputs,
+ *	channels 4-7 are the various differential combinations.
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+static int myAnalogRead (struct wiringPiNodeStruct *node, int pin)
+  int chan = pin - node->pinBase ;
+  int16_t  result ;
+  uint16_t config = CONFIG_DEFAULT ;
+  chan &= 7 ;
+// Setup the configuration register
+//	Set PGA/voltage range
+  config &= ~CONFIG_PGA_MASK ;
+  config |= node->data0 ;
+//	Set sample speed
+  config &= ~CONFIG_DR_MASK ;
+  config |= node->data1 ;
+//	Set single-ended channel or differential mode
+  config &= ~CONFIG_MUX_MASK ;
+  switch (chan)
+  {
+    case 0: config |= CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_0 ; break ;
+    case 1: config |= CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_1 ; break ;
+    case 2: config |= CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_2 ; break ;
+    case 3: config |= CONFIG_MUX_SINGLE_3 ; break ;
+    case 4: config |= CONFIG_MUX_DIFF_0_1 ; break ;
+    case 5: config |= CONFIG_MUX_DIFF_2_3 ; break ;
+    case 6: config |= CONFIG_MUX_DIFF_0_3 ; break ;
+    case 7: config |= CONFIG_MUX_DIFF_1_3 ; break ;
+  }
+//	Start a single conversion
+  config |= CONFIG_OS_SINGLE ;
+  config = __bswap_16 (config) ;
+  wiringPiI2CWriteReg16 (node->fd, 1, config) ;
+// Wait for the conversion to complete
+  for (;;)
+  {
+    result =  wiringPiI2CReadReg16 (node->fd, 1) ;
+    result = __bswap_16 (result) ;
+    if ((result & CONFIG_OS_MASK) != 0)
+      break ;
+    delayMicroseconds (100) ;
+  }
+  result =  wiringPiI2CReadReg16 (node->fd, 0) ;
+  result = __bswap_16 (result) ;
+// Sometimes with a 0v input on a single-ended channel the internal 0v reference
+//	can be higher than the input, so you get a negative result...
+  if ( (chan < 4) && (result < 0) ) 
+    return 0 ;
+  else
+    return (int)result ;
+ * digitalWrite:
+ *	It may seem odd to have a digital write here, but it's the best way
+ *	to pass paramters into the chip in the wiringPi way of things.
+ *	We have 2 digital registers:
+ *		0 is the gain control
+ *		1 is the data rate control
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+static void myDigitalWrite (struct wiringPiNodeStruct *node, int pin, int data)
+  int chan = pin - node->pinBase ;
+  chan &= 3 ;
+  if (chan == 0)	// Gain Control
+  {
+    if ( (data < 0) || (data > 6) )	// Use default if out of range
+      data = 2 ;
+    node->data0 = gains [data] ;
+  }
+  else			// Data rate control
+  {
+    if ( (data < 0) || (data > 7) )	// Use default if out of range
+      data = 4 ;
+    node->data0 = dataRates [data] ;
+  }
+ * analogWrite:
+ *	We're using this to write to the 2 comparitor threshold registers.
+ *	We could use a digitalWrite here but as it's an analog comparison
+ *	then it feels better to do it this way.
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+static void myAnalogWrite (struct wiringPiNodeStruct *node, int pin, int data)
+  int chan = pin - node->pinBase ;
+  int reg ;
+  int16_t ndata ;
+  chan &= 3 ;
+  reg = chan + 2 ;
+  /**/ if (data < -32767)
+    ndata = -32767 ;
+  else if (data > 32767)
+    ndata = 32767 ;
+  else
+    ndata = (int16_t)data ;
+  ndata = __bswap_16 (ndata) ;
+  wiringPiI2CWriteReg16 (node->fd, reg, data) ;
+ * ads1115Setup:
+ *	Create a new wiringPi device node for an ads1115 on the Pi's
+ *	I2C interface.
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+int ads1115Setup (const int pinBase, int i2cAddr)
+  struct wiringPiNodeStruct *node ;
+  int fd ;
+  if ((fd = wiringPiI2CSetup (i2cAddr)) < 0)
+    return -1 ;
+  node = wiringPiNewNode (pinBase, 8) ;
+  node->fd           = fd ;
+  node->data0        = CONFIG_PGA_4_096V ;	// Gain in data0
+  node->data1        = CONFIG_DR_128SPS ;	// Samples/sec in data1
+  node->analogRead   = myAnalogRead ;
+  node->analogWrite  = myAnalogWrite ;
+  node->digitalWrite = myDigitalWrite ;
+  return 0 ;

+ 55 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * ads1115.c:
+ *	Extend wiringPi with the ADS1115 I2C 16-bit ADC
+ *	Copyright (c) 2016 Gordon Henderson
+ ***********************************************************************
+ * This file is part of wiringPi:
+ *	https://projects.drogon.net/raspberry-pi/wiringpi/
+ *
+ *    wiringPi is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+ *    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ *    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *    wiringPi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ *    License along with wiringPi.
+ *    If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ ***********************************************************************
+ */
+// Constants for some of the internal functions
+//	Gain
+#define	ADS1115_GAIN_6		0
+#define	ADS1115_GAIN_4		1
+#define	ADS1115_GAIN_2		2
+#define	ADS1115_GAIN_1		3
+#define	ADS1115_GAIN_HALF	4
+#define	ADS1115_GAIN_QUARTER	5
+//	Data rate
+#define	ADS1115_DR_8		0
+#define	ADS1115_DR_16		1
+#define	ADS1115_DR_32		2
+#define	ADS1115_DR_64		3
+#define	ADS1115_DR_128		4
+#define	ADS1115_DR_250		5
+#define	ADS1115_DR_475		6
+#define	ADS1115_DR_860		7
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+extern int ads1115Setup (int pinBase, int i2cAddress) ;
+#ifdef __cplusplus

+ 23 - 1

@@ -461,6 +461,7 @@ static uint8_t gpioToShift [] =
+  0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,
 } ;
@@ -1970,6 +1971,16 @@ int wiringPiSetup (void)
   int   fd ;
   int   boardRev ;
   int   model, rev, mem, maker, overVolted ;
+  static int alreadyCalled = FALSE ;
+// This is here to trap the unwary - those who's program appears to work then fails some
+//	time later with a weird error message because you run out of file-handles.
+  if (alreadyCalled)
+    (void)wiringPiFailure (WPI_FATAL, "wiringPiSetup*: You must only call this once per program run. This is a fatal error. Please fix your code.\n") ;
+  alreadyCalled = TRUE ;
   if (getenv (ENV_DEBUG) != NULL)
     wiringPiDebug = TRUE ;
@@ -1994,12 +2005,14 @@ int wiringPiSetup (void)
      pinToGpio =  pinToGpioR1 ;
     physToGpio = physToGpioR1 ;
-  else 				// A, B, Rev 2, B+, CM, Pi2
+  else 				// A, B, Rev 2, B+, CM, Pi2, Zero
      pinToGpio =  pinToGpioR2 ;
     physToGpio = physToGpioR2 ;
+// Note that a Zero is a model 1
   if (piModel2)
     RASPBERRY_PI_PERI_BASE = 0x3F000000 ;
@@ -2153,6 +2166,15 @@ int wiringPiSetupSys (void)
   int boardRev ;
   int pin ;
   char fName [128] ;
+  static int alreadyCalled = FALSE ;
+// This is here to trap the unwary - those who's program appears to work then fails some
+//	time later with a weird error message because you run out of file-handles.
+  if (alreadyCalled)
+    (void)wiringPiFailure (WPI_FATAL, "wiringPiSetupSys: You must only call this once per program run. This is a fatal error. Please fix your code.\n") ;
+  alreadyCalled = TRUE ;
   if (getenv (ENV_DEBUG) != NULL)
     wiringPiDebug = TRUE ;

+ 28 - 0

@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 #include "mcp3422.h"
 #include "max31855.h"
 #include "max5322.h"
+#include "ads1115.h"
 #include "sn3218.h"
 #include "drcSerial.h"
@@ -374,6 +375,32 @@ static int doExtensionPcf8574 (char *progName, int pinBase, char *params)
+ * doExtensionAds1115:
+ *	Analog Input
+ *	ads1115:base:i2cAddr
+ *********************************************************************************
+ */
+static int doExtensionAds1115 (char *progName, int pinBase, char *params)
+  int i2c ;
+  if ((params = extractInt (progName, params, &i2c)) == NULL)
+    return FALSE ;
+  if ((i2c < 0x03) || (i2c > 0x77))
+  {
+    verbError ("%s: i2c address (0x%X) out of range", progName, i2c) ;
+    return FALSE ;
+  }
+  ads1115Setup (pinBase, i2c) ;
+  return TRUE ;
  * doExtensionPcf8591:
  *	Analog IO
@@ -654,6 +681,7 @@ static struct extensionFunctionStruct extensionFunctions [] =
   { "mcp4802",		&doExtensionMcp4802	},
   { "mcp3422",		&doExtensionMcp3422	},
   { "max31855",		&doExtensionMax31855	},
+  { "ads1115",		&doExtensionAds1115	},
   { "max5322",		&doExtensionMax5322	},
   { "sn3218",		&doExtensionSn3218	},
   { "drcs",		&doExtensionDrcS	},