package UI import ( "context" "bufio" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "os/exec" "strconv" "strings" gotime "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var TitleBar_BarHeight = 24 type TitleBarIconItem struct { MultiIconItem Parent *TitleBar } func NewTitleBarIconItem() *TitleBarIconItem { m := &TitleBarIconItem{} m.IconIndex = 0 m.IconWidth = 18 m.IconHeight = 18 m.Align = ALIGN["VCenter"] return m } func (self *TitleBarIconItem) Adjust(x, y, w, h, at int) { self.PosX = x self.PosY = y self.Width = w self.Height = h self.AnimationTime = at if self.Label != nil { self.Label.SetCanvasHWND(self.Parent.CanvasHWND) } self.CreateImgSurf() // self.AdjustLinkPage() } func (self *TitleBarIconItem) Draw() { parent_x, parent_y := self.Parent.PosX, self.Parent.PosY if self.Label != nil { // lab_x,lab_y := self.Label.Coord() lab_w, lab_h := self.Label.Size() if self.Align == ALIGN["VCenter"] { self.Label.NewCoord(self.PosX-lab_w/2+parent_x, self.PosY+self.Height/2+6+parent_y) } else if self.Align == ALIGN["HLeft"] { self.Label.NewCoord(self.PosX+self.Width/2+3+parent_x, self.PosY-lab_h/2+parent_y) } self.Label.Draw() } if self.ImgSurf != nil { portion := rect.Rect(0, self.IconIndex*self.IconHeight, self.IconWidth, self.IconHeight) surface.Blit(self.Parent.CanvasHWND, self.ImgSurf, draw.MidRect(self.PosX+parent_x, self.PosY+parent_y, self.Width, self.Height, Width, Height), &portion) } } type TitleBar struct { Widget BarHeight int LOffset int ROffset int Icons map[string]IconItemInterface IconWidth int IconHeight int BorderWidth int CanvasHWND *sdl.Surface HWND *sdl.Surface Title string InLowBackLight int InAirPlaneMode bool WifiStrength int SkinManager *SkinManager //set by MainScreen icon_base_path string /// SkinMap("gameshell/titlebar_icons/") MyTimeLocation *gotime.Location TitleFont *ttf.Font TimeFont *ttf.Font } func NewTitleBar() *TitleBar { t := &TitleBar{} t.BorderWidth = 1 t.BarHeight = TitleBar_BarHeight t.Height = t.BarHeight + t.BorderWidth t.Width = Width t.IconWidth = 18 t.IconHeight = 18 t.LOffset = 3 t.ROffset = 3 t.Icons = make(map[string]IconItemInterface) t.icon_base_path = SkinMap("sysgo/gameshell/titlebar_icons/") t.TitleFont = Fonts["varela16"] t.TimeFont = Fonts["varela12"] t.InLowBackLight = -1 t.WifiStrength = 0 return t } func (self *TitleBar) Redraw() { self.UpdateDownloadStatus() SwapAndShow() } func (self *TitleBar) UpdateDownloadStatus() { rpcc, err := rpc.New(context.Background(), sysgo.Aria2Url, "", gotime.Second, nil) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) return } if resp,err := rpcc.GetGlobalStat();err == nil { num_active,_ := strconv.Atoi(resp.NumActive) if num_active > 0 { self.Icons["dlstatus"].SetIconIndex(1) }else if num_active == 0 { self.Icons["dlstatus"].SetIconIndex(0) } } defer rpcc.Close() } func (self *TitleBar) RoundRobinCheck() { for { if self.InLowBackLight < 0 { self.CheckBatteryStat() self.CheckBluetooth() self.UpdateWifiStrength() self.UpdateDownloadStatus() SwapAndShow() } else if self.InLowBackLight >= 0 { self.InLowBackLight += 1 if self.InLowBackLight > 10 { self.CheckBatteryStat() self.CheckBluetooth() self.UpdateWifiStrength() self.UpdateDownloadStatus() self.InLowBackLight = 0 // reset } } gotime.Sleep(3000 * gotime.Millisecond) } } func (self *TitleBar) IsWifiConnectedNow() bool { cli := fmt.Sprintf("ip -4 addr show %s | grep -oP '(?<=inet\\s)\\d+(\\.\\d+){3}'", sysgo.WifiDev) out := System(cli) if len(out) > 7 { if strings.Contains(out, "not") { return false } else { return true } } return false } func (self *TitleBar) UpdateWifiStrength() { self.GetWifiStrength() self.Draw(self.Title) } func (self *TitleBar) GetWifiStrength() int { qua := 0 cli := fmt.Sprintf("sudo iwgetid %s -r",sysgo.WifiDev) out := System(cli) if len(out) > 2{ out = strings.TrimSuffix(out, "\n") cli = fmt.Sprintf("sudo nmcli -t -f SSID,SIGNAL dev wifi list | grep \"^%s:\" | cut -d : -f 2",out) out = System(cli) out = strings.TrimSuffix(out, "\n") qua,_ = strconv.Atoi(out) } segs := [][]int{[]int{-2, -1}, []int{0, 25}, []int{25, 50}, []int{50, 75}, []int{75, 100}} stren_number := qua ge := 0 if stren_number == 0 { return ge } for i, v := range segs { if stren_number >= v[0] && stren_number <= v[1] { ge = i break } } self.WifiStrength = ge return ge } func (self *TitleBar) SyncSoundVolume() { vol, err := volume.GetVolume() if err != nil { log.Printf("TitleBar SyncSoundVolume get volume failed: %+v\n", err) vol = 0 } fmt.Printf("TitleBar SyncSoundVolume current volume: %d\n", vol) snd_segs := [][]int{[]int{0, 10}, []int{10, 30}, []int{30, 70}, []int{70, 100}} ge := 0 for i, v := range snd_segs { if vol >= v[0] && vol <= v[1] { ge = i break } } self.Icons["soundvolume"].SetIconIndex(ge) self.Icons["sound"] = self.Icons["soundvolume"] // } // for outside widget to update sound icon func (self *TitleBar) SetSoundVolume(vol int) { snd_segs := [][]int{[]int{0, 10}, []int{10, 30}, []int{30, 70}, []int{70, 100}} ge := 0 for i, v := range snd_segs { if vol >= v[0] && vol <= v[1] { ge = i break } } self.Icons["soundvolume"].SetIconIndex(ge) self.Icons["sound"] = self.Icons["soundvolume"] } func (self *TitleBar) CheckBatteryStat() { bat_segs := [][]int{[]int{0, 6}, []int{7, 15}, []int{16, 20}, []int{21, 30}, []int{31, 50}, []int{51, 60}, []int{61, 80}, []int{81, 90}, []int{91, 100}} if FileExists(sysgo.Battery) == false { return } file, err := os.Open(sysgo.Battery) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Could not open file ", sysgo.Battery) return } defer file.Close() bat_uevent := make(map[string]string) scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) scanner.Split(bufio.ScanLines) for scanner.Scan() { line := scanner.Text() line = strings.Trim(line, " ") pis := strings.Split(line, "=") if len(pis) > 1 { bat_uevent[pis[0]] = pis[1] } } cur_cap := 0 if val, ok := bat_uevent["POWER_SUPPLY_CAPACITY"]; ok { cur_cap, _ = strconv.Atoi(val) } else { cur_cap = 0 } cap_ge := 0 for i, v := range bat_segs { if cur_cap >= v[0] && cur_cap <= v[1] { cap_ge = i break } } if val, ok := bat_uevent["POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS"]; ok { if val == "Charging" { self.Icons["battery"].SetIconIndex(1+cap_ge) } else { self.Icons["battery"].SetIconIndex(1+9+cap_ge) } } } func (self *TitleBar) SetBatteryStat(bat int) { } func (self *TitleBar) CheckBluetooth() { out := System("hcitool dev | grep hci0 |cut -f3") if len(out) < 17 { fmt.Println("Titlebar CheckBluetooth: no bluetooth", out) self.Icons["bluetooth"].SetIconIndex(2) return } else { out = System("sudo rfkill list | grep hci0 -A 2 | grep yes") if len(out) > 10 { self.Icons["bluetooth"].SetIconIndex(1) return } } self.Icons["bluetooth"].SetIconIndex(0) } func (self *TitleBar) Init(main_screen *MainScreen) { start_x := 0 self.CanvasHWND = surface.Surface(self.Width, self.Height) self.HWND = main_screen.HWND self.SkinManager = main_screen.SkinManager icon_wifi_status := NewTitleBarIconItem() icon_wifi_status.MyType = ICON_TYPES["STAT"] icon_wifi_status.ImageName = self.icon_base_path + "wifi.png" icon_wifi_status.Parent = self icon_wifi_status.Adjust(start_x+self.IconWidth+5, self.IconHeight/2+(self.BarHeight-self.IconHeight)/2, self.IconWidth, self.IconHeight, 0) self.Icons["wifistatus"] = icon_wifi_status battery_unknown := NewTitleBarIconItem() battery_unknown.MyType = ICON_TYPES["STAT"] battery_unknown.Parent = self battery_unknown.ImageName = self.icon_base_path + "battery.png" battery_unknown.Adjust(start_x+self.IconWidth+self.IconWidth+8, self.IconHeight/2+(self.BarHeight-self.IconHeight)/2, self.IconWidth, self.IconHeight, 0) self.Icons["battery"] = battery_unknown self.CheckBatteryStat() sound_volume := NewTitleBarIconItem() sound_volume.MyType = ICON_TYPES["STAT"] sound_volume.Parent = self sound_volume.ImageName = self.icon_base_path + "soundvolume.png" sound_volume.Adjust(start_x+self.IconWidth+self.IconWidth+8, self.IconHeight/2+(self.BarHeight-self.IconHeight)/2, self.IconWidth, self.IconHeight, 0) self.Icons["soundvolume"] = sound_volume self.SyncSoundVolume() bluetooth := NewTitleBarIconItem() bluetooth.MyType = ICON_TYPES["STAT"] bluetooth.Parent = self bluetooth.ImageName = self.icon_base_path + "bluetooth.png" bluetooth.Adjust(start_x+self.IconWidth+self.IconWidth+8, self.IconHeight/2+(self.BarHeight-self.IconHeight)/2, self.IconWidth, self.IconHeight, 0) self.Icons["bluetooth"] = bluetooth self.CheckBluetooth() round_corners := NewTitleBarIconItem() round_corners.IconWidth = 10 round_corners.IconHeight = 10 round_corners.MyType = ICON_TYPES["STAT"] round_corners.Parent = self round_corners.ImgSurf = MyIconPool.GetImgSurf("roundcorners") round_corners.Adjust(0, 0, 10, 10, 0) self.Icons["round_corners"] = round_corners dlstatus := NewTitleBarIconItem() dlstatus.MyType = ICON_TYPES["STAT"] dlstatus.Parent = self if FileExists(self.icon_base_path + "dlstatus18.png") { dlstatus.ImageName = self.icon_base_path + "dlstatus18.png" } dlstatus.Adjust(start_x+self.IconWidth+self.IconWidth+8, self.IconHeight/2+(self.BarHeight-self.IconHeight)/2, self.IconWidth, self.IconHeight, 0) self.Icons["dlstatus"] = dlstatus self.UpdateDownloadStatus() if self.IsWifiConnectedNow() { print("wifi is connected") } else { cmd := "sudo rfkill list | grep yes | cut -d \" \" -f3" //make sure sudo rfkill needs no password out, err := exec.Command("bash", "-c", cmd).Output() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Failed to execute command: %s\n", cmd) } else { outs := strings.Split(string(out), "\n") if len(outs) > 0 && outs[0] == "yes" { self.InAirPlaneMode = true } else { self.InAirPlaneMode = false } } } self.UpdateTimeLocation() } func (self *TitleBar) ClearCanvas() { surface.Fill(self.CanvasHWND, self.SkinManager.GiveColor("TitleBg")) self.Icons["round_corners"].NewCoord(5, 5) self.Icons["round_corners"].SetIconIndex(0) self.Icons["round_corners"].Draw() self.Icons["round_corners"].NewCoord(self.Width-5, 5) self.Icons["round_corners"].SetIconIndex(1) self.Icons["round_corners"].Draw() } func (self *TitleBar) UpdateTimeLocation() { d, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/etc/localtime") if err != nil { return } self.MyTimeLocation, err = gotime.LoadLocationFromTZData("local", d) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) self.MyTimeLocation = nil } } func (self *TitleBar) GetLocalTime() gotime.Time { if self.MyTimeLocation == nil { return gotime.Now() } else { return gotime.Now().In(self.MyTimeLocation) } } func (self *TitleBar) Draw(title string) { self.ClearCanvas() self.Title = title cur_time := jodaTime.Format("HH:mm", self.GetLocalTime()) time_text_w, time_text_h := font.Size(self.TimeFont, cur_time) title_text_w, title_text_h := font.Size(self.TitleFont, self.Title) title_text_surf := font.Render(self.TitleFont, self.Title, true, self.SkinManager.GiveColor("Text"), nil) surface.Blit(self.CanvasHWND, title_text_surf, draw.MidRect(title_text_w/2+self.LOffset, title_text_h/2+(self.BarHeight-title_text_h)/2, title_text_w, title_text_h, Width, Height), nil) time_text_surf := font.Render(self.TimeFont, cur_time, true, self.SkinManager.GiveColor("Text"), nil) surface.Blit(self.CanvasHWND, time_text_surf, draw.MidRect(Width-time_text_w/2-self.ROffset, time_text_h/2+(self.BarHeight-time_text_h)/2, time_text_w, time_text_h, Width, Height), nil) start_x := Width - time_text_w - self.ROffset - self.IconWidth*3 // close to the time_text self.Icons["bluetooth"].NewCoord(start_x-self.IconWidth, self.IconHeight/2+(self.BarHeight-self.IconHeight)/2) self.Icons["sound"].NewCoord(start_x, self.IconHeight/2+(self.BarHeight-self.IconHeight)/2) self.Icons["battery"].NewCoord(start_x+self.IconWidth+self.IconWidth+8, self.IconHeight/2+(self.BarHeight-self.IconHeight)/2) if self.IsWifiConnectedNow() == true { ge := self.WifiStrength //fmt.Println("wifi ge: ",ge) if ge > 0 { self.Icons["wifistatus"].SetIconIndex(ge) self.Icons["wifistatus"].NewCoord(start_x+self.IconWidth+5, self.IconHeight/2+(self.BarHeight-self.IconHeight)/2) self.Icons["wifistatus"].Draw() } else { self.Icons["wifistatus"].SetIconIndex(0) self.Icons["wifistatus"].NewCoord(start_x+self.IconWidth+5, self.IconHeight/2+(self.BarHeight-self.IconHeight)/2) self.Icons["wifistatus"].Draw() } } else { self.Icons["wifistatus"].SetIconIndex(0) self.Icons["wifistatus"].NewCoord(start_x+self.IconWidth+5, self.IconHeight/2+(self.BarHeight-self.IconHeight)/2) self.Icons["wifistatus"].Draw() } self.Icons["sound"].Draw() self.Icons["battery"].Draw() self.Icons["bluetooth"].Draw() draw.Line(self.CanvasHWND, self.SkinManager.GiveColor("Line"), 0, self.BarHeight, self.Width, self.BarHeight, self.BorderWidth) if self.HWND != nil { rect_ := rect.Rect(self.PosX, self.PosY, self.Width, self.Height) surface.Blit(self.HWND, self.CanvasHWND, &rect_, nil) } title_text_surf.Free() time_text_surf.Free() }