package UI import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "strings" //"encoding/json" "" "" "path/filepath" gotime "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) //eg: MainScreen type ScreenInterface interface { AppendPage(pg PageInterface) ClearCanvas() CurPage() PageInterface Draw() ExtraName(name string) string FartherPages() Init() IsEmulatorPackage(dirname string) bool IsExecPackage(dirname string) bool IsPluginPackage(dirname string) bool KeyDown(ev *event.Event) OnExitCb() HookExitCb() PushCurPage() PushPage(pg PageInterface) RunEXE(cmdpath string) SetCurPage(pg PageInterface) SwapAndShow() IsWifiConnectedNow() Refresh() } type PluginConfig struct { NAME string `json:"NAME"` // plugin name,default could be the same as Plugin Folder's name SO_FILE string `json:"SO_FILE"` } type MessageBox struct { Label Parent *MainScreen HWND *sdl.Surface } func NewMessageBox() *MessageBox { m := &MessageBox{} m.Color = &color.Color{83, 83, 83, 255} return m } func (self *MessageBox) Init(text string, font_obj *ttf.Font, col *color.Color) { if col != nil { self.Color = col } self.Text = text self.FontObj = font_obj self.Width = 0 self.Height = 0 self.CanvasHWND = surface.Surface(self.Parent.Width, self.Parent.Height) self.HWND = self.Parent.CanvasHWND } func (self *MessageBox) SetText(text string) { self.Text = text } func (self *MessageBox) Draw() { self.Width = 0 self.Height = 0 surface.Fill(self.CanvasHWND, &color.Color{255, 255, 255, 255}) words := strings.Split(self.Text, " ") space, _ := font.Size(self.FontObj, " ") max_width := self.Parent.Width - 40 x := 0 y := 0 row_total_width := 0 lines := 0 for _, word := range words { word_surface := font.Render(self.FontObj, word, true, self.Color, nil) word_width := int(word_surface.W) word_height := int(word_surface.H) row_total_width += word_width if lines == 0 { lines += word_height } if (row_total_width + space) >= max_width { x = 0 y += word_height row_total_width = word_width lines += word_height } dest_rect := rect.Rect(x, y, word_width, word_height) surface.Blit(self.CanvasHWND, word_surface, &dest_rect, nil) word_surface.Free() if len(words) == 1 { x += word_width } else { x += word_width + space } if x > self.Width { self.Width = x } if lines >= self.Parent.Height-40 { break } } self.Height = lines padding := 5 x = (self.Parent.Width - self.Width) / 2 y = (self.Parent.Height - self.Height) / 2 rect_ := rect.Rect(x-padding, y-padding, self.Width+padding*2, self.Height+padding*2) if self.HWND != nil { draw.Rect(self.HWND, &color.Color{255, 255, 255, 255}, &rect_, 0) rect__ := draw.MidRect(self.Parent.Width/2, self.Parent.Height/2, self.Width, self.Height, Width, Height) dest_rect := rect.Rect(0, 0, self.Width, self.Height) surface.Blit(self.HWND, self.CanvasHWND, rect__, &dest_rect) draw.Rect(self.HWND, &color.Color{0, 0, 0, 255}, &rect_, 1) } } type MainScreen struct { Widget Pages []PageInterface Child []PageInterface PageMax int PageIndex int MyPageStack *PageStack CurrentPage PageInterface CanvasHWND *sdl.Surface HWND *sdl.Surface TitleBar *TitleBar FootBar *FootBar MsgBox *MessageBox MsgBoxFont *ttf.Font IconFont *ttf.Font SkinManager *SkinManager CounterScreen *CounterScreen Closed bool UIPluginList []*UIPlugin LastKey string LastKeyDown gotime.Time updateScreen chan bool } func NewMainScreen() *MainScreen { m := &MainScreen{} m.PosY = TitleBar_BarHeight + 1 m.Width = Width m.Height = Height - FootBar_BarHeight - TitleBar_BarHeight - 1 m.MyPageStack = NewPageStack() m.MsgBoxFont = Fonts["veramono20"] m.IconFont = Fonts["varela15"] m.Closed = false m.updateScreen = make(chan bool,1) return m } func (self *MainScreen) Init() { self.CanvasHWND = surface.Surface(self.Width, self.Height) self.MsgBox = NewMessageBox() self.MsgBox.Parent = self self.MsgBox.Init(" ", self.MsgBoxFont, &color.Color{83, 83, 83, 255}) self.SkinManager = NewSkinManager() self.SkinManager.Init() self.CounterScreen = NewCounterScreen() self.CounterScreen.HWND = self.HWND self.CounterScreen.Init() //self.GenList() // load predefined plugin list,ready to be injected ,or ,as a .so for dynamic loading go func() { self.RefreshLoop() }() } func (self *MainScreen) FartherPages() { // right after ReadTheDirIntoPages self.PageMax = len(self.Pages) for i := 0; i < self.PageMax; i++ { self.Pages[i].SetIndex(i) self.Pages[i].SetCanvasHWND(self.CanvasHWND) self.Pages[i].UpdateIconNumbers() // IconNumbers always == len(Pages[i].Icons) self.Pages[i].SetScreen(self) self.Pages[i].Adjust() if self.Pages[i].GetIconNumbers() > 1 { self.Pages[i].SetPsIndex(1) self.Pages[i].SetIconIndex(1) } } self.CurrentPage = self.Pages[self.PageIndex] self.CurrentPage.SetOnShow(true) } func (self *MainScreen) CurPage() PageInterface { return self.CurrentPage } func (self *MainScreen) PushCurPage() { self.MyPageStack.Push(self.CurrentPage) } func (self *MainScreen) SetCurPage(pg PageInterface) { self.CurrentPage = pg pg.OnLoadCb() } func (self *MainScreen) PushPage(pg PageInterface) { self.PushCurPage() self.SetCurPage(pg) } func (self *MainScreen) AppendPage(pg PageInterface) { self.Pages = append(self.Pages, pg) } func (self *MainScreen) ClearCanvas() { surface.Fill(self.CanvasHWND, &color.Color{255, 255, 255, 255}) } func (self *MainScreen) SwapAndShow() { if self.HWND != nil { rect_ := rect.Rect(self.PosX, self.PosY, self.Width, self.Height) surface.Blit(self.HWND, self.CanvasHWND, &rect_, nil) } display.Flip() } func (self *MainScreen) ExtraName(name string) string { parts := strings.Split(name, "_") if len(parts) > 1 { return parts[1] } else if len(parts) == 1 { return parts[0] } else { return name } } //ExecPackage is all-in-one folder ,,Name.png,etc func (self *MainScreen) IsExecPackage(dirname string) bool { files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dirname) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return false } bname := filepath.Base(dirname) bname = self.ExtraName(bname) for _, v := range files { if v.Name() == bname+".sh" { return true } } return false } func (self *MainScreen) IsPluginPackage(dirname string) bool { ret := false files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dirname) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return false } for _, f := range files { if f.IsDir() { //pass } else { if strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), Plugin_flag) == true { ret = true break } } } return ret } func (self *MainScreen) IsEmulatorPackage(dirname string) bool { ret := false files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dirname) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return false } for _, f := range files { if f.IsDir() { //pass } else { if strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), Emulator_flag) == true { ret = true break } } } return ret } func (self *MainScreen) IsWifiConnectedNow() bool { cli := fmt.Sprintf("ip -4 addr show %s | grep -oP '(?<=inet\\s)\\d+(\\.\\d+){3}'", sysgo.WifiDev) out := System(cli) if len(out) < 6 { return false } return true } func (self *MainScreen) GetWirelessIP() string { cli := fmt.Sprintf("ip -4 addr show %s | grep -oP '(?<=inet\\s)\\d+(\\.\\d+){3}'", sysgo.WifiDev) out := SystemTrim(cli) return out } func (self *MainScreen) RunEXE(cmdpath string) { self.DrawRun() self.SwapAndShow() time.BlockDelay(1000) cmdpath = strings.Trim(cmdpath, " ") cmdpath = CmdClean(cmdpath) event.Post(RUNEVT, cmdpath) } func (self *MainScreen) HookExitCb( page PageInterface) { self.Child = append(self.Child,page) } func (self *MainScreen) OnExitCb() { PageLen := len(self.Child) for i := 0; i < PageLen; i++ { self.Child[i].OnExitCb() } } func (self *MainScreen) KeyDown(ev *event.Event) { if ev.Data["Key"] == "T" { self.DrawRun() self.SwapAndShow() return } if ev.Data["Key"] == "Space" { self.Draw() self.SwapAndShow() } self.CurrentPage.KeyDown(ev) self.LastKey = ev.Data["Key"] } func (self *MainScreen) ShowMsg(content string, blocktime int) { self.MsgBox.SetText(content) self.MsgBox.Draw() self.SwapAndShow() if blocktime > 0 { time.BlockDelay(blocktime) self.CurrentPage.Draw() self.SwapAndShow() } } func (self *MainScreen) DrawRun() { self.MsgBox.SetText("Launching....") self.MsgBox.Draw() } func (self *MainScreen) Draw() { if self.CurrentPage != nil { self.CurrentPage.Draw() } if self.TitleBar != nil { //every plugin_init should not do any Draw actions since CurrentPage might be nil at that time self.TitleBar.Draw(self.CurrentPage.GetName()) } if self.FootBar != nil { self.FootBar.SetLabelTexts(self.CurrentPage.GetFootMsg()) self.FootBar.Draw() } } func (self *MainScreen) Refresh() { self.updateScreen <- true } func (self *MainScreen) RefreshLoop() { L: for { select { case v:= <- self.updateScreen: if v == true { self.Draw() self.SwapAndShow() } if v== false { break L } } } }