2.1 KB


OS images

A04 (32bit)
md5sum acec1d02a3

md5sum 26f52bfde5

CM3 (32bit)
md5sum bef6c11186


md5sum 49aa472a6e

After downloading the files, you need to uncompress them. Please note that MacOS requires version 11.6 or higher to uncompress 7z files.

For flashing the OS image, you can use the following tools:

  • Windows and macOS users can use Etcher to flash the image.
  • Linux users can use the «dd» command to flash the image.

DevTerm keyboard firmware flash program available. You can download it from this link: DevTerm Keyboard Firmware Flash Program.

Here’s how you can flash the firmware on DevTerm(A06 or CM4) or a PC running Ubuntu 22.04:

  1. Download the devterm_keyboard_flash.tar.gz file.
  2. Extract the contents of the archive: tar zxvf devterm_keyboard_flash.tar.gz.
  3. Install the required package using the following command: sudo apt install -y dfu-util.
  4. Navigate to the extracted directory: cd devterm_keyboard_flash.
  5. Execute the flash script with root privileges: sudo ./
  6. If everything goes well, you will see a progress bar indicating the flashing process.
  7. If any issues occur or the keyboard loses control (which is unlikely), simply reboot DevTerm to resolve it.
  8. Rest assured that this flash program will not brick your keyboard.