Browse Source

Cleanup SBOM test script for later adding tests of generating SBOM of
unbundled APKs/APEXs.

Bug: 266726655
Test: build/soong/tests/
Change-Id: I2bb3e8405dad716837d3004d4c6fd54ae80527c1

Wei Li 11 months ago
1 changed files with 190 additions and 180 deletions
  1. 190 180

+ 190 - 180

@@ -23,194 +23,204 @@ if [ ! -e "build/make/core/Makefile" ]; then
   exit 1
-tmp_dir="$(mktemp -d tmp.XXXXXX)"
+function setup {
+  tmp_dir="$(mktemp -d tmp.XXXXXX)"
+  trap 'cleanup "${tmp_dir}"' EXIT
+  echo "${tmp_dir}"
 function cleanup {
+  tmp_dir="$1"; shift
   rm -rf "${tmp_dir}"
-trap cleanup EXIT
+function run_soong {
+  target_product="$1";shift
+  out_dir="$1"; shift
+  targets="$1"; shift
+  if [ "$#" -ge 1 ]; then
+    apps=$1; shift
+    TARGET_PRODUCT="${target_product}" TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=userdebug OUT_DIR="${out_dir}" TARGET_BUILD_UNBUNDLED=true TARGET_BUILD_APPS=$apps build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode ${targets}
+  else
+    TARGET_PRODUCT="${target_product}" TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=userdebug OUT_DIR="${out_dir}" build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode ${targets}
+  fi
-if [ $debug = "true" ]; then
-  out_dir=out
-  droid_target=
+function diff_files {
+  file_list_file="$1"; shift
+  files_in_spdx_file="$1"; shift
+  partition_name="$1"; shift
+  exclude=
+  if [ -v 'diff_excludes[$partition_name]' ]; then
+   exclude=${diff_excludes[$partition_name]}
+  fi
-function run_soong {
-  TARGET_PRODUCT="aosp_cf_x86_64_phone" TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=userdebug OUT_DIR=$out_dir \
-    build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode "$@"
+  diff "$file_list_file" "$files_in_spdx_file" $exclude
+  if [ $? != "0" ]; then
+   echo Found diffs in $f and SBOM.
+   exit 1
+  else
+   echo No diffs.
+  fi
-# m droid, build sbom later in case additional dependencies might be built and included in partition images.
-run_soong $droid_target dump.erofs lz4
-mkdir $sbom_test
-cp $product_out/*.img $sbom_test
-# m sbom
-run_soong sbom
-# Generate installed file list from .img files in PRODUCT_OUT
-declare -A diff_excludes
-diff_excludes[odm]="-I /odm/lib/modules"
-"-I /vendor/lib64/ \
- -I /vendor/lib/modules \
- -I /vendor/odm"
-"-I /bin \
- -I /bugreports \
- -I /cache \
- -I /d \
- -I /etc \
- -I /init \
- -I /odm/app \
- -I /odm/bin \
- -I /odm_dlkm/etc \
- -I /odm/etc \
- -I /odm/firmware \
- -I /odm/framework \
- -I /odm/lib \
- -I /odm/lib64 \
- -I /odm/overlay \
- -I /odm/priv-app \
- -I /odm/usr \
- -I /sdcard \
- -I /system/lib64/ \
- -I /system/lib64/ \
- -I /system/lib64/ \
- -I /system/lib64/ \
- -I /system/lib64/ \
- -I /system/lib64/ \
- -I /system/lib64/ \
- -I /system/lib64/ \
- -I /system/lib64/ \
- -I /system/lib64/ \
- -I /system/lib64/ \
- -I /system/lib64/ \
- -I /system/lib64/ \
- -I /system/lib64/ \
- -I /system/lib64/ \
- -I /system/lib64/vndk-29 \
- -I /system/lib64/vndk-sp-29 \
- -I /system/lib/vndk-29 \
- -I /system/lib/vndk-sp-29 \
- -I /system/usr/icu \
- -I /vendor_dlkm/etc"
+function test_sbom_aosp_cf_x86_64_phone {
+  # Setup
+  out_dir="$(setup)"
+  # Test
+  # m droid, build sbom later in case additional dependencies might be built and included in partition images.
+  run_soong "aosp_cf_x86_64_phone" "${out_dir}" "droid dump.erofs lz4"
+  product_out=$out_dir/target/product/vsoc_x86_64
+  sbom_test=$product_out/sbom_test
+  mkdir -p $sbom_test
+  cp $product_out/*.img $sbom_test
+  # m sbom
+  run_soong "aosp_cf_x86_64_phone" "${out_dir}" sbom
+  # Generate installed file list from .img files in PRODUCT_OUT
+  dump_erofs=$out_dir/host/linux-x86/bin/dump.erofs
+  lz4=$out_dir/host/linux-x86/bin/lz4
+  declare -A diff_excludes
+  diff_excludes[vendor]="-I /vendor/lib64/"
+  diff_excludes[system]="\
+    -I /bin \
+    -I /bugreports \
+    -I /cache \
+    -I /d \
+    -I /etc \
+    -I /init \
+    -I /odm/app \
+    -I /odm/bin \
+    -I /odm_dlkm/etc \
+    -I /odm/etc \
+    -I /odm/firmware \
+    -I /odm/framework \
+    -I /odm/lib \
+    -I /odm/lib64 \
+    -I /odm/overlay \
+    -I /odm/priv-app \
+    -I /odm/usr \
+    -I /sdcard \
+    -I /system/lib64/ \
+    -I /system/lib64/ \
+    -I /system/lib64/ \
+    -I /system/lib64/ \
+    -I /system/lib64/ \
+    -I /system/lib64/ \
+    -I /system/lib64/ \
+    -I /system/lib64/ \
+    -I /system/lib64/ \
+    -I /system/lib64/ \
+    -I /system/lib64/ \
+    -I /system/lib64/ \
+    -I /system/lib64/ \
+    -I /system/lib64/ \
+    -I /system/lib64/ \
+    -I /system/lib64/vndk-29 \
+    -I /system/lib64/vndk-sp-29 \
+    -I /system/lib/vndk-29 \
+    -I /system/lib/vndk-sp-29 \
+    -I /system/usr/icu \
+    -I /vendor_dlkm/etc"
+  # Example output of dump.erofs is as below, and the data used in the test start
+  # at line 11. Column 1 is inode id, column 2 is inode type and column 3 is name.
+  # Each line is captured in variable "entry", awk is used to get type and name.
+  # Output of dump.erofs:
+  #     File : /
+  #     Size: 160  On-disk size: 160  directory
+  #     NID: 39   Links: 10   Layout: 2   Compression ratio: 100.00%
+  #     Inode size: 64   Extent size: 0   Xattr size: 16
+  #     Uid: 0   Gid: 0  Access: 0755/rwxr-xr-x
+  #     Timestamp: 2023-02-14 01:15:54.000000000
+  #
+  #            NID TYPE  FILENAME
+  #             39    2  .
+  #             39    2  ..
+  #             47    2  app
+  #        1286748    2  bin
+  #        1286754    2  etc
+  #        5304814    2  lib
+  #        5309056    2  lib64
+  #        5309130    2  media
+  #        5388910    2  overlay
+  #        5479537    2  priv-app
+    $sbom_test/product.img \
+    $sbom_test/system.img \
+    $sbom_test/system_ext.img \
+    $sbom_test/system_dlkm.img \
+    $sbom_test/system_other.img \
+    $sbom_test/odm.img \
+    $sbom_test/odm_dlkm.img \
+    $sbom_test/vendor.img \
+    $sbom_test/vendor_dlkm.img"
+  for f in $EROFS_IMAGES; do
+    partition_name=$(basename $f | cut -d. -f1)
+    file_list_file="${sbom_test}/sbom-${partition_name}-files.txt"
+    files_in_spdx_file="${sbom_test}/sbom-${partition_name}-files-in-spdx.txt"
+    rm "$file_list_file" > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
+    all_dirs="/"
+    while [ ! -z "$all_dirs" ]; do
+      dir=$(echo "$all_dirs" | cut -d ' ' -f1)
+      all_dirs=$(echo "$all_dirs" | cut -d ' ' -f1 --complement -s)
+      entries=$($dump_erofs --ls --path "$dir" $f | tail -n +11)
+      while read -r entry; do
+        inode_type=$(echo $entry | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')
+        name=$(echo $entry | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')
+        case $inode_type in
+          "2")  # directory
+            all_dirs=$(echo "$all_dirs $dir/$name" | sed 's/^\s*//')
+            ;;
+          "1"|"7")  # 1: file, 7: symlink
+            (
+            if [ "$partition_name" != "system" ]; then
+              # system partition is mounted to /, not to prepend partition name.
+              printf %s "/$partition_name"
+            fi
+            echo "$dir/$name" | sed 's#^//#/#'
+            ) >> "$file_list_file"
+            ;;
+        esac
+      done <<< "$entries"
+    done
+    sort -n -o "$file_list_file" "$file_list_file"
+    grep "FileName: /${partition_name}/" $product_out/sbom.spdx | sed 's/^FileName: //' > "$files_in_spdx_file"
+    if [ "$partition_name" = "system" ]; then
+      # system partition is mounted to /, so include FileName starts with /root/ too.
+      grep "FileName: /root/" $product_out/sbom.spdx | sed 's/^FileName: \/root//' >> "$files_in_spdx_file"
+    fi
+    sort -n -o "$files_in_spdx_file" "$files_in_spdx_file"
+    echo ============ Diffing files in $f and SBOM
+    diff_files "$file_list_file" "$files_in_spdx_file" "$partition_name"
+  done
-function diff_files {
-   file_list_file="$1"; shift
-   files_in_spdx_file="$1"; shift
-   partition_name="$1"; shift
-   exclude=
-   if [ -v 'diff_excludes[$partition_name]' ]; then
-     exclude=${diff_excludes[$partition_name]}
-   fi
-   diff "$file_list_file" "$files_in_spdx_file" $exclude
-   if [ $? != "0" ]; then
-     echo Found diffs in $f and SBOM.
-     exit 1
-   else
-     echo No diffs.
-   fi
- }
-# Example output of dump.erofs is as below, and the data used in the test start
-# at line 11. Column 1 is inode id, column 2 is inode type and column 3 is name.
-# Each line is captured in variable "entry", awk is used to get type and name.
-# Output of dump.erofs:
-#     File : /
-#     Size: 160  On-disk size: 160  directory
-#     NID: 39   Links: 10   Layout: 2   Compression ratio: 100.00%
-#     Inode size: 64   Extent size: 0   Xattr size: 16
-#     Uid: 0   Gid: 0  Access: 0755/rwxr-xr-x
-#     Timestamp: 2023-02-14 01:15:54.000000000
-#            NID TYPE  FILENAME
-#             39    2  .
-#             39    2  ..
-#             47    2  app
-#        1286748    2  bin
-#        1286754    2  etc
-#        5304814    2  lib
-#        5309056    2  lib64
-#        5309130    2  media
-#        5388910    2  overlay
-#        5479537    2  priv-app
-  $sbom_test/product.img \
-  $sbom_test/system.img \
-  $sbom_test/system_ext.img \
-  $sbom_test/system_dlkm.img \
-  $sbom_test/system_other.img \
-  $sbom_test/odm.img \
-  $sbom_test/odm_dlkm.img \
-  $sbom_test/vendor.img \
-  $sbom_test/vendor_dlkm.img"
-for f in $EROFS_IMAGES; do
-  partition_name=$(basename $f | cut -d. -f1)
-  file_list_file="${sbom_test}/sbom-${partition_name}-files.txt"
-  files_in_spdx_file="${sbom_test}/sbom-${partition_name}-files-in-spdx.txt"
-  rm "$file_list_file" > /dev/null 2>&1
-  all_dirs="/"
-  while [ ! -z "$all_dirs" ]; do
-    dir=$(echo "$all_dirs" | cut -d ' ' -f1)
-    all_dirs=$(echo "$all_dirs" | cut -d ' ' -f1 --complement -s)
-    entries=$($dump_erofs --ls --path "$dir" $f | tail -n +11)
-    while read -r entry; do
-      inode_type=$(echo $entry | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')
-      name=$(echo $entry | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')
-      case $inode_type in
-        "2")  # directory
-          all_dirs=$(echo "$all_dirs $dir/$name" | sed 's/^\s*//')
-          ;;
-        "1"|"7")  # 1: file, 7: symlink
-          (
-          if [ "$partition_name" != "system" ]; then
-            # system partition is mounted to /, not to prepend partition name.
-            printf %s "/$partition_name"
-          fi
-          echo "$dir/$name" | sed 's#^//#/#'
-          ) >> "$file_list_file"
-          ;;
-      esac
-    done <<< "$entries"
+  RAMDISK_IMAGES="$product_out/ramdisk.img"
+  for f in $RAMDISK_IMAGES; do
+    partition_name=$(basename $f | cut -d. -f1)
+    file_list_file="${sbom_test}/sbom-${partition_name}-files.txt"
+    files_in_spdx_file="${sbom_test}/sbom-${partition_name}-files-in-spdx.txt"
+    # lz4 decompress $f to stdout
+    # cpio list all entries like ls -l
+    # grep filter normal files and symlinks
+    # awk get entry names
+    # sed remove partition name from entry names
+    $lz4 -c -d $f | cpio -tv 2>/dev/null | grep '^[-l]' | awk -F ' ' '{print $9}' | sed "s:^:/$partition_name/:" | sort -n > "$file_list_file"
+    grep "FileName: /${partition_name}/" $product_out/sbom.spdx | sed 's/^FileName: //' | sort -n > "$files_in_spdx_file"
+    echo ============ Diffing files in $f and SBOM
+    diff_files "$file_list_file" "$files_in_spdx_file" "$partition_name"
-  sort -n -o "$file_list_file" "$file_list_file"
-  grep "FileName: /${partition_name}/" $product_out/sbom.spdx | sed 's/^FileName: //' > "$files_in_spdx_file"
-  if [ "$partition_name" = "system" ]; then
-    # system partition is mounted to /, so include FileName starts with /root/ too.
-    grep "FileName: /root/" $product_out/sbom.spdx | sed 's/^FileName: \/root//' >> "$files_in_spdx_file"
-  fi
-  sort -n -o "$files_in_spdx_file" "$files_in_spdx_file"
-  echo ============ Diffing files in $f and SBOM
-  diff_files "$file_list_file" "$files_in_spdx_file" "$partition_name"
-for f in $RAMDISK_IMAGES; do
-  partition_name=$(basename $f | cut -d. -f1)
-  file_list_file="${sbom_test}/sbom-${partition_name}-files.txt"
-  files_in_spdx_file="${sbom_test}/sbom-${partition_name}-files-in-spdx.txt"
-  # lz4 decompress $f to stdout
-  # cpio list all entries like ls -l
-  # grep filter normal files and symlinks
-  # awk get entry names
-  # sed remove partition name from entry names
-  $lz4 -c -d $f | cpio -tv 2>/dev/null | grep '^[-l]' | awk -F ' ' '{print $9}' | sed "s:^:/$partition_name/:" | sort -n > "$file_list_file"
-  grep "FileName: /${partition_name}/" $product_out/sbom.spdx | sed 's/^FileName: //' | sort -n > "$files_in_spdx_file"
-  echo ============ Diffing files in $f and SBOM
-  diff_files "$file_list_file" "$files_in_spdx_file" "$partition_name"
+  # Teardown
+  cleanup "${out_dir}"