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Add markdown docs for dexpreopt.

Bug: 219442893
Change-Id: I61b6fbd6d1b9d62f87b98a8eb8cea7fd7ccfa77c
Ulya Trafimovich 2 lat temu
1 zmienionych plików z 258 dodań i 0 usunięć
  1. 258 0

+ 258 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+## Dexpreopt implementation
+### Introduction
+All dexpreopted Java code falls into three categories:
+- bootclasspath
+- system server
+- apps and libraries
+Dexpreopt implementation for bootclasspath libraries (boot images) is located in
+[soong/java] (see e.g. [soong/java/dexpreopt_bootjars.go]), and install rules
+are in [make/core/].
+Dexpreopt implementation for system server, libraries and apps is located in
+[soong/dexpreopt]. For the rest of this section we focus primarily on it (and
+not boot images).
+Dexpeopt implementation is split across the Soong part and the Make part. The
+core logic is in Soong, and Make only generates configs and scripts to pass
+information to Soong.
+### Global and module dexpreopt.config
+The build system generates a global JSON dexpreopt config that is populated from
+product variables. This is static configuration that is passed to both Soong and
+Make. The `$OUT/soong/dexpreopt.config` file is generated in
+[make/core/]. Soong reads it in [soong/dexpreopt/config.go]
+and makes a device-specific copy (this is needed to ensure incremental build
+correctness). The global config contains lists of bootclasspath jars, system
+server jars, dex2oat options, global switches that enable and disable parts of
+dexpreopt and so on.
+The build system also generates a module config for each dexpreopted package. It
+contains package-specific configuration that is derived from the global
+configuration and Android.bp or module for the package.
+Module configs for Make packages are generated in
+[make/core/]; they are materialized as per-package
+JSON dexpreopt.config files.
+Module configs in Soong are not materialized as dexpreopt.config files and exist
+as Go structures in memory, unless it is necessary to materialize them as a file
+for dependent Make packages or for post-dexpreopting. Module configs are defined
+in [soong/dexpreopt/config.go].
+### Dexpreopt in Soong
+The Soong implementation of dexpreopt consists roughly of the following steps:
+- Read global dexpreopt config passed from Make ([soong/dexpreopt/config.go]).
+- Construct a static boot image config ([soong/java/dexpreopt_config.go]).
+- During dependency mutator pass, for each suitable module:
+    - add uses-library dependencies (e.g. for apps: [soong/java/app.go:deps])
+- During rule generation pass, for each suitable module:
+    - compute transitive uses-library dependency closure
+      ([soong/java/java.go:addCLCFromDep])
+    - construct CLC from the dependency closure
+      ([soong/dexpreopt/class_loader_context.go])
+    - construct module config with CLC, boot image locations, etc.
+      ([soong/java/dexpreopt.go])
+    - generate build rules to verify build-time CLC against the manifest (e.g.
+      for apps: [soong/java/app.go:verifyUsesLibraries])
+    - generate dexpreopt build rule ([soong/dexpreopt/dexpreopt.go])
+- At the end of rule generation pass:
+    - generate build rules for boot images ([soong/java/dexpreopt_bootjars.go],
+      [soong/java/bootclasspath_fragment.go] and
+      [soong/java/platform_bootclasspath.go])
+### Dexpreopt in Make - dexpreopt_gen
+In order to reuse the same dexpreopt implementation for both Soong and Make
+packages, part of Soong is compiled into a standalone binary dexpreopt_gen. It
+runs during the Ninja stage of the build and generates shell scripts with
+dexpreopt build rules for Make packages, and then executes them.
+This setup causes many inconveniences. To name a few:
+- Errors in the build rules are only revealed at the late stage of the build.
+- These rules are not tested by the presubmit builds that run `m nothing` on
+  many build targets/products.
+- It is impossible to find dexpreopt build rules in the generated Ninja files.
+However all these issues are a lesser evil compared to having a duplicate
+dexpreopt implementation in Make. Also note that it would be problematic to
+reimplement the logic in Make anyway, because modules are not
+processed in the order of uses-library dependencies and propagating dependency
+information from one module to another would require a similar workaround with
+a script.
+Dexpreopt for Make packages involves a few steps:
+- At Soong phase (during `m nothing`), see dexpreopt_gen:
+    - generate build rules for dexpreopt_gen binary
+- At Make/Kati phase (during `m nothing`), see
+  [make/core/]:
+    - generate build rules for module dexpreopt.config
+    - generate build rules for merging dependency dexpreopt.config files (see
+      [make/core/])
+    - generate build rules for dexpreopt_gen invocation
+    - generate build rules for executing scripts
+- At Ninja phase (during `m`):
+    - generate dexpreopt.config files
+    - execute dexpreopt_gen rules (generate scripts)
+    - execute scripts (this runs the actual dexpreopt)
+The Make/Kati phase adds all the necessary dependencies that trigger
+dexpreopt_gen and rules. The real dexpreopt command (dex2oat
+invocation that will be executed to AOT-compile a package) is in the script, which is generated close to the end of the build.
+### Indirect build rules
+The process described above for Make packages involves "indirect build rules",
+i.e. build rules that are generated not at the time when the build system is
+created (which is a small step at the very beginning of the build triggered with
+`m nothing`), but at the time when the actual build is done (`m` phase).
+Some build systems, such as Make, allow modifications of the build graph during
+the build. Other build systems, such as Soong, have a clear separation into the
+first "generation phase" (this is when build rules are created) and the second
+"build phase" (this is when the build rules are executed), and they do not allow
+modifications of the dependency graph during the second phase. The Soong
+approach is better from performance standpoint, because with the Make approach
+there are no guarantees regarding the time of the build --- recursive build
+graph modfications continue until fixpoint. However the Soong approach is also
+more restictive, as it can only generate build rules from the information that
+is passed to the build system via global configuration, Android.bp files or
+encoded in the Go code. Any other information (such as the contents of the Java
+manifest files) are not accessible and cannot be used to generate build rules.
+Hence the need for the "indirect build rules": during the generation phase only
+stubs of the build rules are generated, and the real rules are generated by the
+stub rules during the build phase (and executed immediately). Note that the
+build system still has to add all the necessary dependencies during the
+generation phase, because it will not be possible to change build order during
+the build phase.
+Indirect buils rules are used in a couple of places in dexpreopt:
+- [soong/scripts/]: first to extract targetSdkVersion from the
+  manifest, and later to extract `<uses-library/>` tags from the manifest and
+  compare them to the uses-library list known to the build system
+- [soong/scripts/]: to trim compatibility libraries in CLC
+- [make/core/]: to merge information from
+  dexpreopt.config files for uses-library dependencies into the dependent's
+  dexpreopt.config file (mostly the CLC)
+- autogenerated scripts: to call dexpreopt_gen
+### Consistency check -
+Because the information from the manifests has to be duplicated in the
+Android.bp/ files, there is a danger that it may get out of sync. To
+guard against that, the build system generates a rule that verifies
+uses-libraries: checks the metadata in the build files against the contents of a
+manifest. The manifest can be available as a source file, or as part of a
+prebuilt APK.
+The check is implemented in [soong/scripts/].
+It is possible to turn off the check globally for a product by setting
+`PRODUCT_BROKEN_VERIFY_USES_LIBRARIES := true` in a product makefile, or for a
+particular build by setting `RELAX_USES_LIBRARY_CHECK=true`.
+### Compatibility libraries -
+Compatibility libraries are libraries that didn’t exist prior to a certain SDK
+version (say, `N`), but classes in them were in the bootclasspath jars, etc.,
+and in version `N` they have been separated into a standalone uses-library.
+Compatibility libraries should only be in the CLC of an app if its
+`targetSdkVersion` in the manifest is less than `N`.
+Currently compatibility libraries only affect apps (but not other libraries).
+The build system cannot see `targetSdkVersion` of an app at the time it
+generates dexpreopt build rules, so it doesn't know whether to add compatibility
+libaries to CLC or not. As a workaround, the build system includes all
+compatibility libraries regardless of the app version, and appends some extra
+logic to the dexpreopt rule that will extract `targetSdkVersion` from the
+manifest and filter CLC based on that version during Ninja stage of the build,
+immediately before executing the dexpreopt command (see the
+soong/scripts/ script).
+As of the time of writing (January 2022), there are the following compatibility
+- org.apache.http.legacy (SDK 28)
+- android.hidl.base-V1.0-java (SDK 29)
+- android.hidl.manager-V1.0-java (SDK 29)
+- android.test.base (SDK 30)
+- android.test.mock (SDK 30)
+### Manifest fixer
+Sometimes uses-library tags are missing from the source manifest of a
+library/app. This may happen for example if one of the transitive dependencies
+of the library/app starts using another uses-library, and the library/app's
+manifest isn't updated to include it.
+Soong can compute some of the missing uses-library tags for a given library/app
+automatically as SDK libraries in the transitive dependency closure of the
+library/app. The closure is needed because a library/app may depend on a static
+library that may in turn depend on an SDK library (possibly transitively via
+another library).
+Not all uses-library tags can be computed in this way, because some of the
+uses-library dependencies are not SDK libraries, or they are not reachable via
+transitive dependency closure. But when possible, allowing Soong to calculate
+the manifest entries is less prone to errors and simplifies maintenance. For
+example, consider a situation when many apps use some static library that adds a
+new uses-library dependency -- all the apps will have to be updated. That is
+difficult to maintain.
+There is also a manifest merger, because sometimes the final manifest of an app
+is merged from a few dependency manifests, so the final manifest installed on
+devices contains a superset of uses-library tags of the source manifest of the