_flash_os_header.s 1.6 KB

  1. | Flash OS Update Header
  2. | The format of this header is documented in TIBFormat.txt of PedroM.
  3. .xdef __flash_os_header
  4. | Fixed TIB header.
  5. .section _stl1, "d"
  6. __tib_header:
  7. .word 0x800f | Flash OS header
  8. .long __ld_program_size+(__tib_header-.) | The encapsulated bytes which follow
  9. .word 0x8011 | First Part of the Product ID
  10. .byte __ld_hardware_id | CALC: $03 for TI-89 / $01 for TI-92+ / $08 for Voyage 200 / $09 for TI-89 Titanium
  11. .word 0x8021 | Third part of Product ID
  12. .byte 0x03 | Default 03. 06 for 2.02 / 1 for 1.01, etc
  13. .word 0x8032 | Fourth part of Product ID
  14. .word 0x384F | 0038 / 004F (???)
  15. .word 0x80A1 | Second part of Product ID
  16. .byte 0x02 | Version identifier (HW1: >=0, HW2:>=1, V200 or HW3:>=2)
  17. .word 0x804D | Product Name
  18. .byte 0x1D | 29: Size of the next field, a non zero terminated string.
  19. .ascii "Advanced Mathematics Software" | This should be user-settable at some point...
  20. .word 0x0326 | Product Code ?
  21. .word 0x0904 | Date Stamp.
  22. .long __ld_link_time_timestamp
  23. .word 0x020D | Signature follows
  24. .byte 0x40 | Encrypted TI Date Stamp Signature
  25. .space 64 | Dummy signature for First Encryption - 64 NULL Chars
  26. .word 0x807F | Actual Flash OS code
  27. .long __ld_program_size+(__tib_header-.) | Size
  28. .long 0xCCCCCCCC | Start of OS code (End of Header)
  29. .even
  30. __tib_header_end: